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  1. Nov 24, 2020 · Salutation and Collect – The salutation and collect are sung or spoken as normal. The collect is that of the previous Sunday. Readings – Ferial masses largely have only two readings, generally an Epistle and Gospel, though the ferial masses of Lent have an Epistle from the Old Testament (Yes, yes, confusing, I know.

  2. Mar 31, 2018 · Lazarus Saturday is a unique day: on a Saturday a Matins and Divine Liturgy bearing the basic marks of festal, resurrectional services, normally proper to Sundays, are celebrated. Even the baptismal hymn is sung at the Liturgy instead of Holy God: “As many as have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ.”

  3. Mar 16, 2018 · In the Byzantine Rite, the connection is made even more explicit; the Gospel of the Raising of Lazarus is read on the day before Palm Sunday, which is therefore called Lazarus Saturday. Bright vestments are used at the Divine Liturgy, instead of the dark vestments used at most services of Lent and Holy Week.

  4. Where there is only one reading before the Gospel (for example as on a ferial weekday) the Alleluia or the verse before the Gospel may be omitted if it is not sung.

  5. December 23 - John of Kanty. December 25 - Nativity of Our Lord. December 26 - Stephen. December 27 - John. December 28 - Holy Innocents. December 29 - Thomas Becket. 1st Sunday of Christmas - Holy Family. December 31 - Sylvester I. The English translation of Psalm Responses, Alleluia Verses, Gospel Verses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981 ...

  6. FERIAL. In the revised liturgical calendar, a weekday on which no special feast or vigil is celebrated in the Mass or the Liturgy of the Hours. On ferial days the Mass may be that of the...

  7. On a ferial day, a priest may choose from any of the prayers in the Roman Missal. This means he can use any opening collect, any preface for the Eucharistic Prayer, and any post-communion collect.

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