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Eldar are a finesse army
- At their heart, the Eldar are a finesse army – relying on the combination of speed and diverse units and abilities to bring devastating amounts of damage to an opponent at the right time in the right place. Edition Competitive Faction Focus: Aeldari - Goonhammer
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I expect the army to still be a finesse army, where you have to play carefully and intelligently to win, but with multiple viable builds. In summary, go with heart. Metas change but love lasts like a soul forever captured in a spirit stone.
Eldar are a finesse army, and you'll notice that a lot of meta-chasers will only really look at the stand-alone tough units like wraiths becuase that's "efficient", but it's not flexible, it's a hammer, and their mindset is limited to how to pound in nails.
Previously I defined what I consider a Finesse Army: one that "pays points" for having more speed and maneuverability at the expense of firepower and/or resilience. Dark Eldar are the prime example; Eldar can easily fit this mold.
Hi all, I’m normally a Blood Angels player but recently took my first steps into Eldar. I’ve got Jain Zar, a finecast spiritseer, and Amalyn Shadowguide from BF. I’ve heard mixed things about the start collecting box. I also plan on getting the Chaos v Eldar box that was just revealed.
Feb 12, 2018 · In spite of being a finesse army to some extent, Eldar players can usually do well as long as they make sure their specialist units are able to do their one job well. Put Dark Reapers in cover with a good field of fire and they will do well.
New 10th Edition 40k Aeldari are here – from Stratagems, Datasheets, and army rules; here is our review guide on how to play them.