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  1. Discover Škofja Loka, a mystical town of great drama. Explore Gorenja vas –Poljane and the Poljane Valley, a land of great love beneath the peak of Blegoš. Visit Železniki, a town of iron-forging and lace making in the Selca valley.

  2. The castles and mansions were built in carefully chosen locations, which visitors from far and wide still find breathtaking today. Some also contain museums that invite visitors to acquaint themselves with the history and way of life in the Škofja Loka area in past centuries.

  3. The rich and unique historic, ethnologic, cultural and artistic heritage of the Škofja Loka area ensures that a visit to the area's museums and galleries is an interesting experience.

  4. Škofja Loka is the birthplace of Slovene Impressionism and a place of creative experiences. Come and experience for yourself! Experience our cultural and natural sights of interest, sleep and eat well and have an active break at the same time.

  5. Škofja Loka. In beautiful, mystical, medieval Škofja Loka, inspiration from the past can be used to create new memories for the future. The town is home to the Škofja Loka Passion Play, the oldest Slovenian drama. Every six years you too can become a part of its staging!

  6. Today the castle is home to one of the best-arranged museums in Slovenia, with archeological, historical, cultural, artistic, natural science and ethnological collections. Visitors can also see the excellently-preserved 16th century farmhouse, Škopar's House (Š koparjeva hiša ) in the castle garden.

  7. Those who like to be in the countryside can choose a relaxing break at a tourist farm. If you prefer home comforts, then opt for an apartment. Check the wide range of accommodation available in the Škofja Loka area, where there is something to suit every budget and taste.

  8. Loka Castle - Turizem Škofja Loka. The Loka Museum, housed in the mighty Loka Castle, is among the most visited of Slovenia's museums. The museum preserves the rich natural and cultural heritage of the Škofja Loka area.

  9. Oct 1, 2024 · Sredi Slovenije, kjer se Alpe že nagibajo proti morju, raziskuj tisočletne slike kulture, umetnosti, narave. Prepleti stoletja in skuj doživetja. Škofja Loka je mistično srednjeveško mesto UNESCOve žive dediščine. Železniki so središče čipkarstva in kovaštva v Selški dolini. V Žireh obuj čevlje za nova odkritja.

  10. The library's most important exhibit is a manuscript of the Škofja Loka Passion from 1721, which is the oldest completely preserved Slovenian dramatic text, complete with director's footnotes. Kapucinski trg 1, 4220, Škofja Loka +386 (0)4 506 3005

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