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  1. The Bible indicates that Adam and Eve had everything they could ever want. Genesis Chapter Two tells us that God placed them into a beautiful garden with rivers and “trees that were pleasing to...

    • What Is Periodic table?
    • Grouping Method
    • Group 2 of The Periodic Table
    • Alkaline Metals
    • Beryllium
    • Magnesium
    • Calcium
    • Strontium
    • Barium
    • Radium

    It is a tabular display of chemical elements, arranged in order of atomic number in rows so that elements with similar atomic structure and recurring chemical properties appear in vertical columns. The seven rows of the table are called a periodic table. In the periodic table, chemical elements are present in rowshorizontally in order of increasing...

    In the periodic table of chemical elements, there is a group (also known as a family) is a column of elements. There are multiple ways of grouping the elements but they are commonly divided into metals, non-metals, metalloids. There are also more specific groups like alkali metals, transition metals, rare metals, alkaline earth, halogens, and noble...

    Group 2 elements are:

    1. Beryllium 2. Magnesium 3. Calcium 4. Strontium 5. Barium 6. Radium Group 2 elements are called alkaline metalsbecause they formalkaline solutions, hydroxides, when reacting with water and their oxides arefound in the earth’s crust.

    Theyhave low electron affinity.
    Group1 metals are less reactive than group 2 metals.
    Itsvalence shell contains 2 electrons
    Theyhave low electronegativity


    It is a rare element in-universe. Beryllium was discovered in1798 by French chemist Nicolas-Louis Vauquelin. The name wasderived from the Greek name beryl,‘beryllo’. Friedrich Wohler at berlin in 1828 isolated the beryllium metal.Beryllium generally occurs in the earth’s crust to the extent of 0.0002percent. Beryllium is a steel-gray metal. It is quite brittle. Its chemicalproperties resemble aluminum. Emerald is known to be a variety of beryl.

    Physical properties

    It has a close-packed hexagonal crystal has avery high melting point which makes beryllium metal the best heat dissipationcharacteristics per unit has a low coefficient of linear thermalexpansion. These characteristics make unique stability under thermal loading.In the air, beryllium resists oxidation and is extracted by themineral beryl.

    Chemical properties

    While bonding with the other atoms, it has a very high ionizationpotential and strong polarization. Beryllium has a +2 oxidation allowsforming many covalent dissolves in non- oxidizing acids. Binary compoundsare formed by the combination of beryllium with non-metals such as Berylliumoxide (BeO). It is white solid and has a very high melting point. Emerald andaquamarine contain Beryllium.


    It was first isolated in 1808by SirHumphrey Davyby the process of mercury evaporation from the magnesiumamalgam which is made by the electrolyzing a mixture of moist magnesia andmercuric oxide. By heating, mercury was removed from the amalgam and leave themercury metal. He isolated many other alkalies and alkali earth metals. In June 1808 he described how he obtained magnesium byremoving mercury. He observed that in the air the metal turned into whitepowder and gains weight, reacts with oxyge...

    Production of magnesium

    The double carbonate of calcium and magnesium, dolomite isfar more widely distributed and seawater provides an inexhaustible source ofthe chloride in the dilute form, while certain concentrated solutions ofmagnesium salts are present in the Dead sea. There are two methods for the production of magnesium 1. Electrolysis ( Dow process ) 2. Thermalreduction (Pidgeon process ) 3. Refining


    It consists of two steps 1. Thepreparation of raw material contains magnesium chloride 2. Bythe separation of magnesium chloride into magnesium metal and chlorine gas inelectrolytic cells MgCl2 Mg + Cl2 Magnesium produced on the power consumption of 12 – 18kilowatt-hour per the dehydration process, chlorine can also bereused.


    For centuries calcium oxide is used to make plaster andmortar, obtained by heating 1808 Humphrey Davy tried to reducemoist lime by electrolysis but he was not successful. Then he tried the mixtureof mercury oxide and lime, this produced an amalgam of calcium and mercury.Then Davy tried using more lime in the mixture and produced more of the amalgamfrom which he distilled off the mercury and leaving just calcium. The wordcalcium derives from the Latin word for lime ‘calx’.

    Production of calcium

    1. Thereaction of calcium chloride with sodium lead alloy 2. Bythe electrolysis of molten salt of calcium chloride 3. Reductionof calcium compounds by use of Si, Al, Ti, Be

    Facts about the calcium

    1. Calcium is not found free. It the 5thmost abundant element in the earth’s crust. Calcium is also abundant on the Moon. 2. Calcium is the most important nutrition for plants and animals. It also exists in the human body, found mainly in bones and teeth. 3. Snails and shellfish use calcium in the form of calcium carbonate to build their shells. 4. Dairy products and grains are the primary sources of dietary calcium. 5. Later the Egypt’s pyramid blocks were built using limestone. The blocks w...


    It was discovered by the Irish chemist Adair Crawford in 1790.It is found from the lead mine near village Strontian in Scotland. Strontium isthe 15thmost abundant element on the earth’s crust. In 1808 HumphreyDavy isolated the strontium metal, who electrolyzed a mixture of the moisthydroxide or chloride with mercuric oxide, using a cathode oxide and thenevaporated the mercury from the resultant amalgam. Davy built a very largebattery consists of 600 plates from which he passes the electricity...


    Strontium isotopes are considered non-toxic. Strontium is amixture of 4 stable isotopes. It a silvery metal with a pale yellow tint. It isharder than barium and softer than calcium. When strontium reacts with water itproduces strontium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. It occurs naturally in compoundsand other elements that’s why it has extreme reactivity with oxygen and air.


    1. Strontiumis used in the manufacture of color television picture tubes. 2. Itis used in the fireworks and signal flares. 3. Itscarbonates are used to make a certain type of glass. 4. Itplays a great role in biology. Strontium deposited in human bones and attacheson the surface of the bones, it can replace the calcium and lead to the growingproblems. 5. Usedin toothpaste to reduce sensitivity 6. Itcan increase the risk of cardiovascular problems 7. Itis used in refining zinc and also used to...


    In 1774, a Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele discovered a new base (BaO).In pyrolusite, BaO considered a minor component and he prepared the crystals of barium sulfate from that base. Then he sent the crystals of barium sulfate to John Gottlieb Gahn. After a month, he founded that mineral barite is composed of barium sulfate BaSO4. In the early 17th century, the crystalline form of barite found near Italy. After heating with charcoal it became an impure barium sulfide. It is an unusual dis...


    Barium is a very reactive metallic element. It resemblescalcium. It is a silvery-white metal. When it cuts, it quickly turns into ablack color due to the formation of barium oxide. Barium is commonly found asbarite and witherite. It has a good is a mixture of 6 stableisotopes. Barium compounds that are soluble having a very poisonous property.


    1. Bariumis used in the manufacturing of rubber, vacuum tubes, and pyrotechnics. 2. Itis used as a weighting compound in the manufacturing of glass, paints, andpigments. 3. Itis used as a deoxidizer in copper refining. 4. InX-rays, it is used as an opaque medium to examine the gastrointestinal tract. 5. Itis used in capacitors 6. Usedin non-linear optical applications


    In 1898, radium was discovered by Pierre Curie, Marie Curie,and an assistant G. Belmont. Radium compound extracted from the uraninite, hepublished the discovery at the French Academy of Sciences. By electrolysis ofradium chloride, radium was isolated in its metallic state by Marie Curie in1910. Isotopes of radium have half-lives much shorter than the age of theearth. According to the geological survey, radium would have disappeared a longtime ago. Thus it is found in unrefined uranium.


    Radium is silvery-white metal. When exposed to air itblackens itself. It is volatile than barium. It has very high emits alpha, beta and gamma rays. It is a member of uranium decayseries.


    1. Alphaparticles that are emitted by radium were used to initiate nuclear reactions. 2. Ithas a major role in medicines, particularly in the treatment of cancer by theradiation of gamma rays 3. Radiumwas used for the production of luminous paints but now it is not safe to usethese paints because of its hazard property. 4. Incommercially, it is used for the production of toothpaste, hair creams 5. Itis also used in the production of food items due to its curing power.

  2. Revise Group 2 reactions for your A Level chemistry course. Describe their reactions with water, oxygen and dilute acids, including equations. Learn more.

  3. This page explores the trends in some atomic and physical properties of the Group 2 elements - beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium and barium. You will find separate sections below covering the trends in atomic radius, first ionisation energy, electronegativity and physical properties.

  4. Understanding Chemistry. PERIODIC TABLE GROUP 2 MENU. Atomic and physical properties . . . Discusses trends in atomic radius, ionisation energy, electronegativity and melting point of the Group 2 elements. Reactions with water . . . Looks at the trends in the reactions between the Group 2 elements and water. Reactions with oxygen . . .

  5. Aug 29, 2024 · Why was Adar recast in season 2? In a statement on Twitter, Mawle said he wanted to “explore new characters and worlds” beyond The Rings Of Power.

  6. Aug 31, 2010 · Original Sin as you (hopefully) know is that first sin committed by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden when they ate the forbidden fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (Gen 3:1-7). It is clearly a sin that involved both of them.

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