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  1. Mar 3, 2018 · The primary guideline for this test’s preparation comes from Qur’an, the divine revelation and Hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. This book; “Real Life Lessons from the Holy Quran” aims at helping fellow Muslims to understand Islamic way of living in 21st century and become better human beings.

  2. Read, search, and explore the books of the Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, and other Islamic authors.

  3. Welcome to the official website of Masjid Zeenatul Islam, Coventry. Our masjid provides a number of services for the community alongside 5 daily congregational prayers. Please see below for more information on these services and check out our news page for latest updates and events.

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  4. › pdf › Introduction-Study-HolyIntroduction to the

    The Message of Islam 112˜ Emigration to Abyssinia ˜114 ‘Umar Accepts Islam ˜115 Persecution Intensifies ˜116 The Prophet Goes to Ta’if ˜118 Islam Spreads to Medina ˜120 First Pledge of ‘Aqabah ˜123 The Hijrah ˜124 Suraqah Pursues the Prophet ˜125 The Prophet Arrives at Medina ˜126 Abu Ayyub Ansari as Prophet’s Host ˜127

  5. provides an introduction to Islam which is derived directly from the original revealed source. The name of this book is taken from a verse of the Qur’an, the full text of which is: Be they men or women those, who believe and do what is right We shall surely endow with a good life: We shall reward them according to their noblest actions (16:97).

  6. Hilyat al-'auliya' wa tabaqat al-asfiya' Abu Na'im Al-Asfahani,2009 Hilyat al-awliyya wa tabaqat al-asfiya' ,1978 The Hundred Letters Sharaf al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn Yaḥyá Manīrī,1980 Maneri c 1263 1381 born in India was one of the most famous Islamic

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  8. Islam is based on five pillars. ‘Pillars’ essentially means that they are the fundamental actions that all Muslims must perform. They are obligatory and not optional. It is the bare minimum Muslims must do. 1. The Shahaadah 2. Salah (prayer) 3. Alms (Zakat) 4. Fasting (Sawm) 5. Hajj (Pilgrimage) We can therefore imagine Islam to be like a ...

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