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- In Lough Neagh, multiple factors led to blooms of blue-green algae at levels not seen for half a century. The algae are in fact bacteria, which can cause skin irritation and sickness in people who come into contact with it, but the biggest risk is to pets, livestock and wildlife. For them it is extremely toxic. Neagh: The year the UK's largest lake turned green - BBC
People also ask
Why is Lough Neagh so toxic?
Is Lough Neagh a dangerous lake?
Why is Lough Neagh important to Northern Ireland?
Does Lough Neagh have algae?
Why is Lough Neagh a bad place to live?
Is Lough Neagh a healthy lake?
Sep 16, 2023 · Lough Neagh, the largest freshwater lake in the UK and Ireland, is being poisoned by a toxic blue-green algae on an apocalyptic scale. It is killing fish, birds and dogs and there are serious concerns about public health because the lough provides 40% of Northern Ireland 's drinking water.
- 3 min
Lough Neagh: The year the UK's largest lake turned green. BBC. Blue-green algae is toxic to animals and can cause illness in humans. In the world of agriculture and...
Oct 4, 2023 · A blue-green algal bloom over the summer has caused havoc, not just in Lough Neagh but right up to Northern Ireland's north coast. But how did this happen?
Oct 4, 2023 · Lough Neagh, the largest freshwater lake in the UK, has been becoming increasingly green and toxic.
Sep 23, 2023 · The entire lough has been contaminated by the blooms of poisonous blue-green algae. It is dangerous to anyone or anything that enters the water – pet dogs and wild birds have died, and it...
Oct 24, 2023 · Last month, hundreds of people attended a ‘wake’ for Lough Neagh, Britain and Ireland’s largest freshwater lake. This marked a devastating cyanobacterial bloom of alarming magnitude, caused ...
Sep 21, 2023 · The danger is from a form of blue-green algae, cyanobacteria, which produces toxins powerful enough to kill cows. Swans, dogs and foxes have died. Populations of migratory birds that stop...