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  1. Jul 26, 2020 · The unclean spirit is a demon looking for a place (human soul) to live/rest (dwell/reside). Finding that a person is seeking the truth moves on (seeking rest - a place to take up residence). Waterless places alude to "religion/good works which cannot save (redeem) - provide salvation.

  2. Oct 26, 2020 · (As Peter characterized him in 1 Peter 5:8, he roams about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.) (Also, in the book of Job, when God Himself asked Satan where he had been, Satan responded that he had come from roaming throughout the earth and going back and forth on it (Job 1:7).)

  3. Satan has no objection to holy places as the scene of his assaults. Let us not, in any place, be off our watch. The holy city is the place, where he does, with the greatest advantage, tempt men to pride and presumption.

  4. Sep 5, 2018 · The idea that Satan is the ruler of Hell does not come from the Bible. Revelation 20:10 clearly describes Satan as being himself tormented in the lake of fire, and not as the tormentor. The idea may come from Dante Alighiere’s epic poem The Divine Comedy written between 1308 and 1321.

  5. Oct 25, 2021 · In the New Testament, the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke begin to equate demons with evil spirits. They also unify the figures of Satan, the devil, and Beelzebul. Luke refers to Satan “falling from heaven,” while Matthew mentions “the devil and his angels.”

  6. Why Satan’s throne and dwelling-place is localised at Pergamum is uncertain; two explanations have been given: that it was a seat of the worship of Asclepius or Aesculapius, whose traditional image held a serpent, and who in some of his shrines (but apparently not at Pergamum) was actually worshipped under the form of a serpent: and since ...

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  8. Oct 30, 2018 · In the Middle Ages European artists and theologians shaped a new terrifying vision of Satan and the punishments awaiting sinners in his realm.

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