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  1. Po waited patiently until Tai Lung crashed back down into the ground. Tai Lung submitting to Po 's use of the Wuxi Finger Hold. Now very exhausted and beaten, but unrelenting, Tai Lung crawled out of the hole in the ground and staggered towards Po, in complete denial of the panda's superiority.

  2. If the Wuxi finger hold didn't work, Po definitely wouldn't have gotten down on the ground and beaten Tai Lung to death manually because that would mean killing Tai Lung real in a way that Po definitely wasn't capable of.

  3. As far as Po knows, he sent him directly to the Spirit world without actually killing him. This is pretty much confirmed when he uses the hold on himself to transport both himself and Kai into the spirit world, and is pretty easily able to come back after beating Kai there.

  4. Reading through director interviews and what the hell were they thinking on having the lighthearted ending of Po doing the move while Tai Lung was BEGGING to not be killed.

  5. Jun 7, 2023 · How did Po defeat Tai Lung? There are many reasons that could potentially explain why Po was able to defeat Tai Lung, Shifu’s former protégé. Po’s unique physique, lively personality, and humbleness played a key role in defeating the powerful snow leopard, Tai Lung.

  6. Jul 8, 2013 · the wuxi finger hold destroyed Tai lung, in an episode of kung fu panda Po meets Tai Lung's nephew. Po tells him he skadooshed his uncle(TL), which tells that Tai Lung exploded in the end. If he was brought to prison or somewhere else in China, Po would have interpeted it different to TL's nephew.

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  8. Jan 11, 2017 · Oogway chose Po because he saw the future of kung fu in him. In the past he saw the panda who could unite them both, that's why he chose him: because Po is the yin and yang. You can tell because he is black and white.

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