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      • The more complete answer is, the man and woman were to reflect God’s image to the angelic hosts, both good and evil. God put man here to have dominion in place of Satan. The earth is the theater for God’s ultimate victory over Satan and the fallen angels. Satan wants to defy God by ruling the earth.
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  2. So God created man in his own image — In his natural, but especially in his moral image, with an habitual conformity of all his powers to the will of God, his understanding clearly discerning, his judgment entirely approving, his will readily choosing, and his affections cordially embracing his chief good; without error in his knowledge ...

    • 26 Commentaries

      But although such passages as 1 Kings 22:19., Psalm 89:8,...

    • Genesis 2

      The Creation of Man and Woman 1 Thus the heavens and the...

    • Hastings

      And God created man in his own image, in the image of God...

    • Haydock

      (ver. 21, 27.) (Calmet) --- The first cause of all things...

    • Parker

      Here, then, we stand. We accept the idea—GOD. We did not...

    • Barnes

      Then called God to the expanse, heaven. - This expanse is,...

  3. Jan 18, 2024 · In any case, God did not need to create Adam's mate (still unnamed at this point) from the dust because "Adam" referred to a primordial human who was neither male nor female (or was both). Of course, for many readers, this story is mythological and need not be taken literally.

  4. Sep 23, 2021 · Thus, it is possible that some of these humanlike bones may actually be those of human beings who lived prior to the worldwide flood described in Genesis 6 to 9—making them only 4,500 to 6,000 years old. Scripture reveals that people then lived for hundreds of years, which could account for the fossils' thick skulls and bone structure.

  5. Aug 9, 2024 · Not only do humans have dominion over the whole world, but the world is also made for the benefit of humans. God created the heavenly bodies for signs, seasons, days, and years (Gen 1:14), but only humans tell time. God made trees that were pleasant to look at and good for food (Gen 2:8).

    • God Created People to Reflect His Image.
    • God Created People to Rule Over Creation.
    • God Created People to Reproduce Godly offspring.
    • Conclusion
    • Discussion Questions

    The first thing that strikes us is the repetition of the plural pronouns in reference to God: “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness” (1:26). Jewish scholars usually explain this as God talking to the angels. But Scripture is clear that God did not take counsel with the angels when He created man (Isa. 40:12-26; 44:24), and beside...

    “Let them rule” (1:26) is the consequence of “Let Us make man in Our image.” God gave the right of dominion over all living things to man. The command to subdue it (1:28) implies that there was work involved, even in the perfect setting of the Garden, to bring the creation under man’s rightful dominion. This dominion involves a stewardship of the e...

    “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it” (1:28). This is both God’s pronouncement of blessing as well as His delegation of responsibility. The blessing of sharing in God’s creative process by producing offspring was given to other living things besides man (1:22, 24-25). But man alone was commanded not only to fill the earth, b...

    A man died and they put on his tombstone: “He came, stayed a while, and left.” Sad epitaph! But what if it had said, “He came, stayed a while, got married, worked at his job, raised a family, and left”? Throw in, “He became a success in his career and made a pile of money.” It’s still missing the purpose for which God created us. God made us indivi...

    Does our being created in the image of God provide a biblical basis for “self-esteem”? Why/why not?
    If someone argued that seriously deformed babies are not made in God’s image, how would you answer? What Scriptures apply?
    To what extent are spiritual forces behind everyday events? Should we attribute problems to demonic influence?
    Some Christians think that all artificial means of birth control are wrong. Agree/disagree? Support your position biblically.
  6. Mar 31, 2014 · The Bible says that God put Adam into a deep sleep, took one of Adam’s ribs, and made a woman (Genesis 2:21-22). Adam named her Eve and proclaimed that she was “bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh” (Genesis 2:23-24).

  7. Jun 11, 2013 · Human imagination and skill can work with the resources of God’s creation in ways inimical to God’s intents, purposes, and commands. If we want to work with God, rather than against him, we must choose to observe the limits God sets, rather than realizing everything possible in creation.

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