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      • God created Adam from the dust of the ground by breathing life into him. So he literally carried the “breath of God” inside of him. We were given physical bodies, but the Lord also gave us spirits, the way He exists. We share this trait so that we can connect intimately with Him, and so that we can reflect some of His likeness to the world.
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  2. Aug 9, 2024 · God created the world at a relatively lower level of order (Gen 1:1) and then brought it to a relatively higher level of order. Even so, parts of the created world were not yet as God intended them to be. Rather than arranging those parts Himself, God made humans responsible to bring increased order into the created world.

  3. Genesis 2:7. The Lord God formed man — Man being the chief of God’s works in this lower world, and being intended to be the lord of all other creatures, we have here a more full account of his creation.

  4. Jan 4, 2022 · God could have chosen to create humans in any way He desired. However, Scripture records the particular way He did create—using both natural material (dust) and supernatural power to give humans a unique place in the cosmos.

  5. God formed the woman from the man, and caused the whole race of mankind to descend from one original pair, that all the families and nations of men, being made of one blood, and proceeding from one common stock, might know themselves to be brethren, and might love and assist one another to the uttermost of their power: but, alas! what a sad reve...

    • God Created People to Reflect His Image.
    • God Created People to Rule Over Creation.
    • God Created People to Reproduce Godly offspring.
    • Conclusion
    • Discussion Questions

    The first thing that strikes us is the repetition of the plural pronouns in reference to God: “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness” (1:26). Jewish scholars usually explain this as God talking to the angels. But Scripture is clear that God did not take counsel with the angels when He created man (Isa. 40:12-26; 44:24), and beside...

    “Let them rule” (1:26) is the consequence of “Let Us make man in Our image.” God gave the right of dominion over all living things to man. The command to subdue it (1:28) implies that there was work involved, even in the perfect setting of the Garden, to bring the creation under man’s rightful dominion. This dominion involves a stewardship of the e...

    “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it” (1:28). This is both God’s pronouncement of blessing as well as His delegation of responsibility. The blessing of sharing in God’s creative process by producing offspring was given to other living things besides man (1:22, 24-25). But man alone was commanded not only to fill the earth, b...

    A man died and they put on his tombstone: “He came, stayed a while, and left.” Sad epitaph! But what if it had said, “He came, stayed a while, got married, worked at his job, raised a family, and left”? Throw in, “He became a success in his career and made a pile of money.” It’s still missing the purpose for which God created us. God made us indivi...

    Does our being created in the image of God provide a biblical basis for “self-esteem”? Why/why not?
    If someone argued that seriously deformed babies are not made in God’s image, how would you answer? What Scriptures apply?
    To what extent are spiritual forces behind everyday events? Should we attribute problems to demonic influence?
    Some Christians think that all artificial means of birth control are wrong. Agree/disagree? Support your position biblically.
  6. Apr 28, 2021 · God created Adam from the dust of the ground by breathing life into him. So he literally carried the “breath of God” inside of him. We were given physical bodies, but the Lord also gave us spirits, the way He exists.

  7. According to the Bible, one of the main purposes of humans is to be creative, as can be seen in Genesis 1:28. The belief is that God created humans to be fruitful and multiply and to...

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