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  1. Ystoria Mongalorum is a report, compiled by Giovanni da Pian del Carpine, of his trip to the Mongol Empire. Written in the 1240s, it is the oldest European account of the Mongols. Giovanni was the first European to try to chronicle Mongol history.

  2. The Ystoria survives today in thirteen manuscripts, nine of which contain the first edition and four of which contain the second, revised edition. Richard Hakluyt composed the first English translation of the Ystoria Mongalorum in 1598.

  3. Written in the 1240s, it is the oldest European account of the Mongols. Carpine was the first European to try to chronicle Mongol history. Two versions of the Ystoria Mongalorum are known to exist: Carpine's own and another, usually referred to as the Tartar Relation. Erik Hildinger translated Giovanni's book into English. [8]

  4. Jul 28, 2024 · Immediately after his return, Giovanni recorded his observations in a large work variously styled in the manuscripts extant as Historia Mongalorum quos nos Tartaros appellamus (“History of the Mongols Whom We Call the Tartars”) and Liber Tartarorum (“Book of the Tartars”), or Tatarorum.

  5. The Tartar Relation (Latin: Hystoria Tartarorum, "History of the Tartars") is an ethnographic report on the Mongol Empire composed by a certain C. de Bridia in Latin in 1247. It is one of the most detailed accounts of the history and customs of the Mongols to appear in Europe around that time.

  6. Thanks to all this information, he wrote his Ystoria Mongalorum (History of the Mongols), a very extensive account about his travels and all he discovered during that very long journey. This very interesting book provides us with a cross-section of the Mongols of that period.

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  8. Ystoria Mongalorum is a report, compiled by Giovanni da Pian del Carpine, of his trip to the Mongol Empire. Written in the 1240s, it is the oldest European account of the Mongols. Giovanni was the first European to try to chronicle Mongol history.

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