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  1. What does Acts chapter 5 mean? The book of Acts is the story of submission, by Jesus' witnesses, to the Holy Spirit and the work He accomplishes as a result. In very short order, the Holy Spirit used two apostles to join well over five thousand people into the church (Acts 4:4).

    • 16 Mean

      Now, all twelve apostles are healing and preaching in Jesus'...

  2. Acts 5 is a testament to the raw and unfiltered early days of the Church. The severity of Ananias and Sapphira's punishment underscores the sacred nature of truth within the Christian community, while the apostles' miraculous escape from prison highlights God's divine intervention.

  3. Acts 5. In this chapter we have, I. The sin and punishment of Ananias and Sapphira, who, for lying to the Holy Ghost, were struck dead at the word of Peter, ver 1-11. II. The flourishing state of the church, in the power that went along with the preaching of the gospel, ver 12-16. III.

  4. Feb 2, 2019 · Acts 5:11 (ESV) says, “And great fear came upon the whole church and upon all who heard of these things.” Not only were Ananias and Sapphira rightfully punished for their sin, but they were also serving as an example to the rest of the church to discourage others from making the same mistake.

    • Lesson 1: The Danger of Being Privy to Evil
    • Lesson 2: The Consequences of Partial Obedience
    • Lesson 3: The Importance of Giving The Devil No Chance
    • Lesson 4: The Danger of Harbouring Sin
    • Lesson 5: The Seriousness of Lying to God
    • Lesson 6: The Danger of Ignorance
    • Lesson 7: The True Gain of Profitable Sin
    • Lesson 8: God Is Still Adding
    • Lesson 9: God’s Wonders Through The Insignificant
    • Lesson 10: Everyone Can Be Healed

    Acts 5:2 and Acts 5:8-9 tell us that both Ananias and Sapphira were involved in their sin. The scriptures says, “his wife also being privy to it…”. This is a clear example of being privy to evil, which Romans 1:32warns us against. It’s not just the person who commits a sin who is guilty, but also those who approve and support it. This lesson is a p...

    Ananias’s action in Acts 5:2provides a stark example of partial obedience. He and his wife sold their property and gave part of the money to the apostles, but they kept some for themselves. While it might seem like they were still being generous, their action was actually a form of disobedience because they lied about the amount they received from ...

    Acts 5:3 provides a sobering example of what can happen when we allow the devil to influence our actions. In this verse, Peter tells Ananias that Satan has filled his heart, leading him to lie to the Holy Spirit. This incident echoes a similar situation in John 13:2, where it is mentioned that the devil had already prompted Judas Iscariot to betray...

    Acts 5:4provides a clear warning about the danger of harbouring sin in our lives. Peter asked Ananias, “why has though conceived this thing in thine heart?” In our daily lives, we might be tempted to harbour small sins, thinking they are harmless. But this story reminds us that even small sins can have big consequences. Harbouring sin can lead us d...

    In Acts 5:4, Ananias and Sapphira lied not just to the apostles, but to God Himself. This act of deceit resulted in severe consequences, demonstrating the seriousness of lying to the Holy spirit. It might seem impossible to lie to an all-knowing God, but when we are dishonest in our actions or fail to live up to our commitments, we are essentially ...

    Acts 5:7presents a poignant lesson about Sapphira, who, due to her ignorance of her husband’s death, ended up sharing in his grim fate. If Sapphira had been aware of the truth, she might have chosen a different path. This lesson is a call to be aware of the teachings and lessons from the Bible. The Bible is rich with stories of people’s experiences...

    Ananias and Sapphira thought they could get away with keeping some of the money for themselves. They believed they could profit from their sin. But they were wrong. Their lie led to their deaths, a harsh reminder of the wages of sin. This story echoes the downfalls of Adam in the Garden of Eden and Achan in the land. They, too, thought they could p...

    In Acts 5:14, wesee a powerful truth – despite all the challenges, the Lord was adding to the church every day. People were coming to know Jesus, and the community of believers was growing. This happened even though the apostles were facing threats and persecution. This lesson is a source of great encouragement for us. It reminds us that God is sti...

    In verse 15 of Acts 5, weread about something amazing. People were bringing the sick into the streets, hoping that Peter’s shadow might fall on them and they would be healed. Peter’s shadow – something so ordinary and insignificant – was used by God to perform miracles. This lesson shows us that God can use anything, even the things we consider ins...

    Acts 5:16brings us a message of hope. It tells us that everyone brought to the apostles was healed. Everyone. This means that no matter the sickness, no matter the condition, healing was possible. This wasn’t just physical healing, but spiritual healing as well. The apostles were able to drive out evil spirits, bringing peace and wholeness to those...

  5. Acts Chapter 5 - In-depth, verse-by-verse Bible study and commentary of Acts chapter 5 in plain English. 1 But a certain man named Ananias, with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession.

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  7. What does Acts 5:10 mean? Sapphira didn't have to die. Although she conspired with her husband to secretly keep back some of the money they promised (Acts 5:1–2), she didn't have to maintain that lie.

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