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      • The Bible says that after he killed his brother Abel, Cain married a wife. And Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and born Enoch. And he built a city, and called the name of the city after the name of his son - Enoch (Genesis 4:17).
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  2. Feb 24, 2024 · The Bible gives limited details on the name and character of Cain’s wife. The only mention of Cain’s wife is in Genesis 4:17, where Cain and his wife had a son. They soon named a city after their son. The Bible does say that Adam and Eve had other children besides Cain and Abel (Genesis 5:4).

    • Is She The Most-Talked-About Wife in History?
    • Why Is It Important?
    • The First Man
    • The Last Adam
    • All Related
    • The First Woman
    • Who Was Cain?
    • Cain’s Brothers and Sisters
    • The Wife
    • Cain and The Land of Nod

    We don’t even know her name, yet she was discussed at the Scopes Trial,mentioned in the movies Inherit the Wind1 and Contact,2and talked about in countries all over the world for hundreds of years. Skeptics of the Bible have used Cain’s wife time and again to try to discreditthe book of Genesis as a true historical record. Sadly, most Christians ha...

    Many skeptics have claimed that for Cain to find a wife, there must havebeen other “races” of people on the earth who were not descendants of Adamand Eve. To many people, this question is a stumbling block to accepting thecreation account of Genesis and its record of only one man and woman at thebeginning of history. Defenders of the gospel must be...

    We read in 1 Corinthians 15:45 that Adam was “the first man.” Goddid not start by making a race of men. The Bible makes it clear that only the descendants of Adam can be saved. Romans 5 teaches that we sin because Adam sinned. The death penalty, whichAdam received as judgment for his sinof rebellion, has also been passed onto all his descendants. S...

    God provided the solution—a way to deliver manfrom his wretched state.Paul explains in 1 Corinthians 15 that God providedanother Adam. The Son ofGod became a man—a perfectMan—yet still our relation.He is called “the last Adam” (1 Corinthians 15:45) because he took the place of the first Adam. He became the new head and, because He was sinless, was ...

    Since the Bible describes allhuman beings as sinners, and weare all related (“And He has madefrom one blood every nation ofmen to dwell on all the face ofthe earth,” Acts 17:26), the gospelmakes sense only on the basisthat all humans alive and all thathave ever lived (except for the firstwoman6 ) are descendants of thefirst man Adam. If this were n...

    In Genesis 3:20 we read, “And Adam called his wife’s name Eve, becauseshe was the mother of all living.”In other words, all people other than Adam are descendants of Eve—she wasthe first woman. Eve was made from Adam’sside (Genesis 2:21–24)—thiswas a unique event. In the NewTestament, Jesus (Matthew 19:4-6) and Paul (Ephesians 5:31) use this histor...

    Cain was the first child of Adam and Eve recorded in Scripture (Genesis 4:1). He and his brothers, Abel (Genesis 4:2) and Seth (Genesis 4:25), were part of the first generation of children ever born on this earth. Eventhough these three males are specifically mentioned, Adam and Evehadother children.

    In Genesis 5:4 we read a statement that sums up the life of Adam andEve: “After he begot Seth, the days of Adam were eight hundred years; and hehad sons and daughters.” During their lives, Adam and Eve had a number of male and femalechildren. In fact, the Jewish historian Josephus wrote, “The number of Adam’s children, as says the old tradition,was...

    If we now work totally from Scripture, without any personal prejudices orother extrabiblical ideas, then back at the beginning, when there was only thefirst generation, brothers would have had to marry sisters or there wouldn’thave been any more generations! We’re not told when Cain married or many of the details of other marriagesand children, but...

    Some claim that the passage in Genesis 4:16–17means that Cain went tothe land of Nod and found a wife. Thus, they conclude there must have beenanother race of people on the earth who were not descendants of Adam, whoproduced Cain’s wife. From what has been stated above, it is clear that allhumans, Cain’s wifeincluded, are descendants of Adam. Howev...

  3. The book of Genesis tells us that Adam and Eve had two sons, Cain and Abel. After Cain kills Abel and settles in the land of Nod, we read that “Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch” (Gen 4:17). But where did Cain’s wife come from?

  4. Jan 27, 2023 · Cain’s wife (Genesis 4:17) was a daughter or granddaughter of Adam and Eve. Since Adam and Eve were the first (and only) human beings, their children would have no other choice than to intermarry.

  5. Apr 7, 2022 · Adam and Eve had a second son, Abel. Later, after Cain murdered his brother Abel, they had a third son, whom they named Seth. After Seth was born, we are told in Scripture that Adam “had other sons and daughters” (Genesis 5:4) during the remaining eight hundred years of his life.

  6. May 9, 2022 · The Bible names only three offspring of Adam and Eve: Cain, Abel, and Seth (Gen. 4:1–2, 25). However, Genesis 5:4 says that Adam “had other sons and daughters.”. Since all mankind came from one man (Acts 17:26), then Cain’s wife was either a sister or a woman from the line of Seth.

  7. By Mary Joan Winn Leith. Who was Cain’s wife? The Bible reports only that after killing Abel, “Cain went away from the presence of the Lord, and settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden. Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch” (Genesis 4:16–17).

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