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  1. Theon Greyjoy is a fictional character in the A Song of Ice and Fire series of fantasy novels by American author George R. R. Martin, and its television adaptation Game of Thrones. Theon is the youngest son and heir of Balon Greyjoy , taken as a ward by Lord Eddard Stark following Balon's failed rebellion.

  2. › name › nm0654295Alfie Allen - IMDb

    Alfie Allen. Alfie Evan Allen (born 12 September 1986) is an English actor. He is best known for playing Theon Greyjoy in the HBO series Game of Thrones (2011-2019). Allen was born in Hammersmith, London, the son of film producer Alison Owen and Welsh-born actor Keith Allen. His older sister is singer Lily Allen; her song "Alfie" is about him.

    • January 1, 1
    • 1.75 m
    • Hammersmith, London, England, UK
  3. › wiki › Alfie_AllenAlfie Allen - Wikipedia

    Alfie Allen. Alfie Evan Allen (born 12 September 1986 [1]) is an English actor. He portrayed Theon Greyjoy on all eight seasons of the HBO fantasy series Game of Thrones (2011–2019), for which he received a nomination for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series in 2019.

  4. Information, interviews, photos and more for Theon Greyjoy played by Alfie Allen on the HBO original program Game of Thrones - Official Website for the HBO Series

    • Overview
    • Biography
    • Personality
    • Quotes
    • Behind the scenes
    • In the books

    "I always wanted to do the right thing. Be the right kind of person. But I never knew what that meant. It always seemed that there was an impossible choice I had to make. Stark or Greyjoy."

    ―Theon Greyjoy to Jon Snow

    Theon Greyjoy was the youngest son of King Balon Greyjoy of the Iron Islands and the younger brother of Rodrik, Maron, and Yara Greyjoy.

    Following his father's failed rebellion against the Iron Throne, Theon is taken as a ward (initially hostage) to Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell. After Eddard's execution in King's Landing, Theon pledges his loyalty to Eddard's eldest son, King Robb Stark, in the subsequent War of the Five Kings, but ultimately betrays Robb and sides with his father in invading the North. Theon takes Winterfell from Robb's brother, Bran, but eventually is betrayed by his own men, which leads to his capture by House Bolton. He is tortured and forced into servitude by Ramsay Snow, who turns him into a broken pet named Reek. Theon, however, redeems himself by helping Ramsay's wife (and Robb's sister), Sansa Stark, escape from Winterfell and find refuge with her "half-brother" Jon Snow. The two later retake Winterfell, defeating Ramsay and House Bolton.


    Theon was the youngest son of Lord Balon and Lady Alannys Greyjoy. Balon is the head of House Greyjoy and Lord of the Iron Islands. The Iron Islands are one of the constituent regions of the Seven Kingdoms and House Greyjoy is one of the Great Houses of the realm. House Greyjoy rule the region from their seat at Pyke and Balon also holds the title Lord Reaper of Pyke. Theon was born at Pyke. He is Balon and Alannys's fourth child after Rodrik, Maron, and Yara. Eight years before the start of the series Balon rose in rebellion against the Iron Throne. The Ironborn were crushed in a war led by King Robert Baratheon and Lord Eddard Stark. Theon's brothers were both killed in the fighting. Balon surrendered and was allowed to remain Lord of the Iron Islands on the condition that Theon remains a hostage and ward of Eddard Stark. Theon's sister Yara remained on the Iron Islands. Despite his status as a hostage at Winterfell, Theon was treated well by the Starks, and he came to see Eddard as a surrogate father while becoming best friends with Robb Stark and forming a friendly rivalry with Jon Snow. Theon is a skilled archer. His cocky arrogance and cavalier actions contrast with the staid ways of the North.

    Game of Thrones: Season 1

    Theon is present during the execution of Will, a deserter from the Night's Watch. He holds the scabbard of Ice, the greatsword of House Stark, as Lord Eddard Stark draws it to behead the condemned man. On the way back to Winterfell, the party finds a disemboweled stag dead in the road. Looking for the killer, they find a dead female direwolf and five pups huddled by the corpse for warmth. A broken piece of the dead stag's antler is embedded in the direwolf's neck. Eddard initially insists the pups be given a quick death, which Theon cavalierly moves to carry out himself, upsetting Bran and angering Robb. However, Jon Snow tells his father that this is an omen as there are five pups and five trueborn Stark children. Eddard consents to allowing his children to adopt the pups. Just as the party leaves, Jon finds a sixth pup, an albino. Theon mockingly declares him the runt of the litter and that he belongs to Jon. Later, Robb, Jon, and Theon get shaves and haircuts, as they ponder the impending arrival of the royal party, notably the reputation of Queen Cersei Lannister as a great beauty and the poor reputation of Prince Joffrey Baratheon. After the royal party's departure, an assassin attempts to kill Bran, who had fallen during one of his climbs and remained comatose. Theon learns that Catelyn has found evidence implicating the Lannisters in Bran's 'accident' and the failed assassination. Theon and Robb suggest taking revenge through military action, but Maester Luwin counsels patience. Catelyn and Ser Rodrik Cassel depart for King's Landing, leaving Robb in command of the castle. Theon is present when Robb frostily receives Tyrion Lannister on his way back from the Wall. Afterwards, as Tyrion is leaving to stay in a brothel, Theon condescendingly tells him to ask for Ros. Tyrion ridicules Theon for his family's failed uprising, calling it "a stupid rebellion", and ponders how Balon Greyjoy would feel about his last living son being the Starks' "lackey." While boasting about his family's exploits and heritage, he is put down by Maester Luwin. He reacts angrily to a further insult from his favorite prostitute, Ros, after sneaking her into the castle to engage her services. Theon and Robb exchange views over the matter of Jory Cassel's death and the growing Stark-Lannister animosity in King's Landing. Robb brusquely reminds Theon that he is not a Stark. Bran is taken prisoner by wildlings in the forest near Winterfell and Theon saves him by shooting Stiv, the wildling leader, in the back with an arrow. Robb is angry at him, as Bran could have been hurt. Theon counters that he just saved Bran's life, and Robb was too hesitant to kill. Taking pride in his action, Theon says that you're "only considered a real man in the Iron Islands once you've killed your first enemy." With the departure of Ros for King's Landing, Theon is left at the castle and is bored. He accosts the surviving wildling prisoner, the spearwife Osha, as she is now a servant at Winterfell. Theon throws his weight around, insisting that she call him "my lord", even though his father still holds the title. He is warned off by Maester Luwin who reminds Theon that he of all people should know that being a guest and a prisoner are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Robb summons his banners to war when word comes of Lord Eddard's arrest. Theon tells Robb that it is good that he is afraid because it shows he is not stupid. As Theon dines with Robb and his bannermen later after they arrive at Winterfell, he witnesses Greatjon Umber threatening to withdraw his men from the host when Robb refuses to let him lead the vanguard. Robb counters the Greatjon by saying he is welcome to do so but as soon as he is finished with the Lannisters, he will march back North to route the Greatjon from his keep and hang him for an oathbreaker. As the Greatjon moves to draw a weapon, Theon rises from his chair to defend Robb but Grey Wind darts down the table and bites off two of the Greatjon's fingers. When Robb mercifully offers the Greatjon drew his weapon to cut his meat for him, the Greatjon calls his meat "bloody tough", which draws laughter from the rest of the men including Theon. As the northern army marches south, Theon advises Robb at strategy meetings and greets Catelyn when the army meets her on the road. When a Lannister scout is captured, Theon obscures their maps and battle plans, to Greatjon Umber's amusement. Reaching the Twins, Theon shoots down several ravens leaving the castle bearing messages from Lord Walder Frey, allowing Catelyn to negotiate an alliance. He is present when Catelyn returns to inform her son of the terms set by Lord Walder, one of which is that Robb must marry one of his many female progeny. Theon chuckles when Robb asks his mother if she got a look at them, and her tone suggests they are not very attractive. Theon later fights alongside Robb at the Battle of Whispering Wood, where Jaime Lannister is taken prisoner. Theon suggests that they kill Jaime and send his head to his father Tywin, but Robb refuses, fearing that Sansa and Arya will be harmed in retaliation. When Robb laments the loss of 2,000 of his men in the feint at the battle on the Green Fork, Theon assures him that songs will be sung of their bravery. Robb responds that they will not hear them. After news arrives of Eddard's execution, Robb Stark is proclaimed the King in the North by his lords bannermen. Theon asks first if they are brothers, now and always. When Robb's answer is yes, Theon swears his sword and fealty to Robb's service, proclaiming Robb as his King.

    Game of Thrones: Season 2

    Theon appeals to Robb to seek an alliance with his father, Balon Greyjoy, reasoning that Robb needs a fleet to attack King's Landing, and confident that Balon will listen to him. Despite Catelyn's reservations that Balon Greyjoy cannot be trusted, Robb sends Theon home to Pyke as his envoy. Theon seduces the daughter of the ship's captain and tells her about how he will be welcomed home. He is deflated at the lack of a reception for his return, resorting to bribing, despite his status. His sister, Yara, poses as a stranger and offers to give him a ride to the castle. She wants to see what Theon has grown up to be. He flirts with her relentlessly, even touching her almost intimately and brags about his own importance. Balon greets Theon coolly, believing that he has forgotten his roots and become loyal to the Starks in his time away. He insults Theon's fine clothes given to him by the Starks, and is furious when Theon tells him that Robb thinks of him as a brother. Yara reveals her deception and Balon compares Theon to his sister unfavorably. Balon rejects the alliance Theon suggests and is insulted that Theon thought he would accept being given a crown. He reminds Theon that they pay the iron price and take what they want. Balon reveals that he plans to attack the North while it is poorly defended. Balon gives Yara a fleet of thirty ships to take Deepwood Motte and insults Theon by giving him a lesser mission to raid fishing villages on the Stony Shore, with only a single ship. Theon considers informing Robb of the plot but decides that his loyalty lies with his family. Having decided to betray House Stark he is baptized in the name of the Drowned God as Balon and Yara watch. He takes command of the Sea Bitch but finds his crew unruly. His first mate Dagmer tells him that he must prove himself to the men and that Ironborn do not follow orders. Theon senses the opportunity to attack Torrhen's Square to lure the Stark garrison away from Winterfell. His plan is successful and Theon has his men seize the poorly defended Winterfell. He forces Bran Stark to yield to him by threatening his people. His men capture Ser Rodrik Cassel coming back from Torrhen's Square, and Rodrik is openly defiant, calling Theon a traitor. Ser Rodrik regrets that he gave him weapon training and even spits in Theon's face. Dagmer insists that Rodrik must be killed to maintain the respect of the men. Rodrik baits Theon into performing the execution himself. Theon botches the beheading, taking three swings and a vicious kick to accomplish it, to the horror of Bran and the watching crowd. Theon is seduced by Osha, who Theon grants her freedom to in return for her sexual service. She then frees Bran and Rickon, fleeing with them while Theon sleeps. When Theon wakes the next day, he is told that Bran and Rickon have escaped. He is angry at his men for allowing the children and the simpleminded Hodor to escape. Black Lorren implies that Theon is actually to blame for their escape by allowing himself to be seduced by Osha. Theon, in turn, responds to this insolence by publicly beating Lorren. Despite his attempts, Theon is unable to find the escapees. Unwilling to appear weak, he has Dagmer murder two boys, Jack and Billy, from a farm and burn their bodies. Unknown to Theon, Osha led Bran and Rickon into the Winterfell crypts after realizing that Theon would never give up the chase. Theon displays the corpses of Jack and Billy at Winterfell and claims they were Bran and Rickon. Theon sends word to Yara to bring him 500 men as reinforcements. She arrives with just twenty men and warns him that everyone in the North wants him dead because of his killing of the Stark boys, and he is too far from the sea to supply or reinforce his position. Yara tells him about how she remembers him as a child, demanding but sweet. She urges him to abandon Winterfell, return to the Iron Islands, and not to die so far from his home, but he refuses to give up his prize. Feeling some guilt over the deaths of the two farms boys, his asks Dagmer to pay the farmer for his grief. Dagmer tells Theon that after killing the orphans, he also murdered the farmer and his wife. Winterfell is later surrounded by Northmen under the command of Ramsay Snow, who infuriates Theon by blowing a horn all through the night. Besieged with no hope for relief, Theon tearfully vents his frustration to Maester Luwin at being constantly reminded by everyone, including Luwin himself, how fortunate he was to be a prisoner of the Starks. Assuming a more sympathetic tone, Luwin advises Theon to flee to the Wall and join the Night's Watch so that he might save his life and attempt to redeem himself, adding he knows Theon is not the ruthless man he is pretending to be. Theon owes to Luwin that he has done terrible things in his futile attempts to gain power and respect but he refuses to deviate from the course he has set, saying he has gone too far to ever pretend to be anyone else, and also adds that Jon Snow will likely kill him in revenge for allegedly killing Bran and Rickon. He readies his men for a glorious death in battle, giving a rousing speech, but is betrayed and knocked out by Dagmer, who plans to turn him over to the northern forces so the rest of them can go home. Luwin attempts to aid Theon but is stabbed in the abdomen by Dagmer, who then has Theon dragged away with his head covered by a cloth bag.

    "I'm a Greyjoy. We've been Lords of the Iron Islands for hundreds of years. There's not a family in Westeros that can look down on us. Not even the Lannisters."

    ―Theon displaying his family pride to Ros

    Before his capture by Ramsay Snow, Theon is shown to be arrogant, narcissistic and vain, but fundamentally not malicious. For example, when he returned to the Iron Islands, he expected to receive a hero's welcome for being the only living heir of Balon Greyjoy. He was both baffled and offended that he did not receive such a welcome when he landed in Pyke. Also, in order to appear like a strong, accomplished young man, he would gloat over things in an almost ridiculous way - he gloated to Osha that he was the man who captured her, even though Robb Stark fought and captured her.

    Beneath his confident exterior, however, Theon is insecure, weak, and unsure of himself. This stems particularly from his conflicted family allegiances. After his father's failed rebellion against Robert Baratheon, he was taken from Pyke when he was nine years old to be raised at Winterfell by the Stark family as their ward/hostage. Even though he grew up alongside the Stark children - Robb Stark and Theon considered each other best friends - Theon never forgot that he was an outsider since he was not of their blood, and would be executed if his father tried to rebel again. This outsider status weighed heavily on Theon, demonstrated when Ros and Tyrion Lannister mention it.

    This insecurity eventually leads him to question which is his true family: the Starks or the Greyjoys. When Robb sends Theon to Pyke to convince his father Balon and sister Yara to help the Starks fight against the Lannisters, Balon and Yara are initially successful in using their family bond to sway Theon to their side to instead fight the Starks and not aid them against the Lannisters. Even though Theon agrees to go along with his father's plan, this still causes a great deal of conflict in Theon and he almost warns Robb of Balon's plan before deciding against it. Theon tries to become a ruthless Ironborn raider to gain his biological father's approval and find a true home but the conscience that he developed living with the Starks makes it difficult for him to live up to these expectations. When he seizes Winterfell, he promises Bran that no one will be harmed if Bran surrenders - which is something an honorable northerner would promise but no true Ironborn would ever do - but minutes later, Theon shatters his promise by beheading Ser Rodrik Cassel when Cassel spits in his face, an unforgivable act among the Ironborn. In his time "ruling" Winterfell Theon mostly acts reckless and impulsive, attempting to keep order with iron hand desperate to not look as a fool at the eyes of his family and his own men.

    The seizure of Winterfell shows that Theon has tactical skills, but also that, like his father, he is a total ignorant in strategy. He fails to consider what Yara explains him very bluntly: that Winterfell is surrounded by hostile forces and too far from the sea, thus the Ironborn garrison cannot be reinforced and eventually will be destroyed. Yara urges Theon to leave Winterfell, but he foolishly insists to keep his "prize", refusing to understand how poor his position is.

    Spoken by Theon

    "I'm a Greyjoy. We've been Lords of the Iron Islands for hundreds of years. There's not a family in Westeros that can look down on us. Not even the Lannisters." ―Theon Greyjoy to Ros. Theon Greyjoy: "Are you afraid?" Robb Stark: "I must be." Theon Greyjoy: "Good." Robb Stark: "Why is that good?" Theon Greyjoy: "It means you're not stupid." — Theon to Robb Stark before their first battle. "You act as if I volunteered to go. You gave me away if you remember. The day you bent the knee to Robert Baratheon. After he crushed you! Did you take what was yours then?" [Balon slaps Theon and strides away.] You gave me away! Your boy! Your last boy! You gave me away like I was some dog you didn't want anymore! And now you curse me because I've come home!?" ―Theon confronts his father Balon Greyjoy. Theon Greyjoy: "Ser Rodrik, it grieves me that we meet as foes." Rodrik Cassel: "It grieves me you've less honor than a back-alley whore!" — Ser Rodrik Cassel reprimands Theon for his betrayal. Rodrik Cassel: "King Robb thought of you as a brother!" Theon Greyjoy: "My brothers are dead! They died fighting Stark men! Men like you!" Rodrik Cassel: "Aye, they died fighting a war your father started! Lord Stark raised you among his own sons!" Theon Greyjoy: "Among them, but not one of them! I was his hostage! Taken from my home!" — Ser Rodrik and Theon continue to spar over his capture of Winterfell. Theon Greyjoy: "Any last words, old man?" Rodrik Cassel: "Gods help you Theon Greyjoy. Now you are truly lost." — Ser Rodrik's last words to Theon before his execution. "I'm looking at spending the rest of life being treated like a fool and a eunuch by my own people!" ―Theon to Luwin. Theon Greyjoy: "The first time I saw Winterfell, it looked like something that had been here for thousands of years, and would be here for thousands of years after I was dead. I saw it and I thought, 'Of course Ned Stark crushed our rebellion and killed my brothers.' We never stood a chance against a man who lives here." Maester Luwin: "Lord Stark went out of his way to make it your home." Theon Greyjoy: "Yes I know my captors were so very kind to me, you love reminding me of that! Everybody in this frozen pile of shit has loved reminding me of that. You know what it's like to be told how lucky you are to be someone's prisoner? To be told how much you owe them? And then to go back home to your real father..." — Theon reflects on his time with the Starks. Maester Luwin: "The Night's Watch is an ancient, honorable order. You'll have opportunities there." Theon Greyjoy: "The opportunity for Jon Snow to cut my throat in my sleep?!" Maester Luwin: "The opportunity to make amends for what you've done." Theon Greyjoy: "I've done a lot, haven't I? Things I never imagined myself doing." — Theon owes to Luwin that he's done terrible things. Maester Luwin: "I've known you for many years, Theon Greyjoy. You're not the man you are pretending to be. Not yet." Theon Greyjoy: "You may be right. I've gone too far to pretend to be anything else." — Valar Morghulis Theon Greyjoy: "You hear that? That's the mating call of the Northmen. They want to fuck us! Well, I haven't had a good fuck in weeks, I'm ready for one! They say every Ironborn man is worth a dozen from the mainland. You think they're right?!" Black Lorren: "Aye." Theon Greyjoy: "We die today, brothers. We die bleeding from a hundred wounds, with arrows in our necks and spears in our guts...but our war cries will echo through eternity! They will sing about the Battle of Winterfell until the Iron Islands have slipped beneath the waves! Every man, woman and child will know who we were and how long we stood! Aggar and Gelmarr, Wex and Urzen, Stygg and Black Lorren! Ironborn warriors will cry out our names as they leap onto the shores of Seagard and Faircastle." — Theon rallies his men for a fight to the death. Theon Greyjoy: "Why would you risk your life for me?" Ramsay Snow: "I grew up on Saltcliffe, my lord. I was only a boy when they took you away. My father brought me and my brothers up to the bluff so we could watch the ship that carried you off. I remember the look on my father's face when he told us, "That's Balon Greyjoy's last living son", and those are the words I heard over and over again when I saw what they were doing to you." — Theon Greyjoy and Ramsay Snow. Theon Greyjoy: "I was just thinking how jealous I was when my father told Yara to take this place." Ramsay Snow: "What did he tell you to do?" Theon Greyjoy: "Raid fishing villages. He didn't trust me. Thought I was a Stark. Hah! I could never be a Stark. Robb Stark always reminded me of that." Ramsay Snow: "He lorded it over you?" Theon Greyjoy: "Didn't have to. All he had to do Be who he was born to be. His life fit him better than his clothes. How could someone like that ever be a brother to me?" — Theon Greyjoy and Ramsay Snow. Theon Greyjoy: "I could never be a Stark. But Ironborn, that's what I was born to be. I paid the iron price for Winterfell. I murdered those boys." Ramsay Snow: "The Stark boys?" Theon Greyjoy: "Never found them. Just some poor orphans living with a farmer. I let Dagmer slit their throats and I let him burn the bodies... so I could keep Winterfell... and make my father proud." Ramsay Snow: "Maybe it's not too late." Theon Greyjoy: "It is. My real father lost his head in King's Landing. I made a choice, and I chose wrong." — Theon to Ramsay Snow. Ramsay Snow: "WHAT IS YOUR NAME!?" Theon Greyjoy: "Reek... My Reek." — Ramsay to Theon. "I'm Reek... Always... Forever." ―Theon affirms his new name. "You shouldn't be here." ―Theon to Sansa Stark. Theon Greyjoy: "Sansa of the House Stark comes here to be wed. A woman grown, trueborn and noble. She comes to beg the blessings of the Gods. Who comes to claim her?" Ramsay Bolton: "Ramsay of House Bolton, heir to the Dreadfort and Winterfell. Who gives her?" Theon Greyjoy: "Theon of House Greyjoy who was...who was her father's ward." — Theon briefly resumes his original identity. Theon Greyjoy: "Do what he says! Do what he says or he'll hurt you!" Sansa Stark: "He already hurts me every night! All day I'm locked in this room and every night he comes! It can't be any worse!" Theon Greyjoy: "It can. It can always be worse." — Theon and Sansa talk about Ramsay. "I was helping you. You wanted to escape. There is no escape. Not ever. Theon Greyjoy tried to escape. The master knew. He knows everything. He hunted him. He caught him, strapped him to a cross, cut away piece after piece until there was no Theon left." ―Theon tells Sansa there is no escaping Ramsay. "I deserved everything. I deserve to be Reek. I did terrible things. Turned on Robb...captured Winterfell...killed those boys." ―Theon admits he deserved being tortured by Ramsay. Sansa Stark: "Tell me why Bran and Rickon should be gone while you still breath the air! [Grabs Theon by the face and shakes his head.] TELL ME TO MY FACE, THEON! TELL ME THEY WEREN'T YOUR BROTHERS!" Theon Greyjoy/Reek: "THEY WEREN'T BRAN AND RICKON! I couldn't find was two farm boys....I killed them and burned them so no one would know." — Sansa forces Theon to confess that he did not in fact kill her brothers. Sansa Stark: "You didn't? [Theon shakes his head.] Do you know where they went? Bran and Rickon?" Theon/Reek: "I can't talk to you anymore." Sansa Stark: "Theon, you have to tell me. Do you have any idea where..." Theon/Reek: "NOT THEON! REEK!" — Theon regresses to being Reek. Theon Greyjoy: "We have to cross here." Sansa Stark: "(Briefly steps into the cold water but immediately gets her foot out) I can't!" Theon Greyjoy: "It's the only way to throw off the hounds!" Sansa Stark: "It's too cold, I can't. I won't make it, I'll die." Theon Greyjoy: "I've seen what his hounds do to a person! This way is better!" — Theon and Sansa while running from Winterfell. Theon Greyjoy: "Stay here. I'll lure them away." Sansa Stark: "No! I won't leave without you!" Theon Greyjoy: "Yes, you will. Go North, only North. Jon is Lord Commander at Castle Black. He'll help you." — Theon protects Sansa. Theon Greyjoy: "Jon will have me killed the moment I step through the gate." Sansa Stark: "I won't let him. I'll tell him the truth about Bran and Rickon." Theon Greyjoy: "And the truth about the farm boys I killed in their place? And the truth about Ser Rodrik, who I beheaded? And the truth about Robb, who I betrayed?" Sansa Stark: "When you take the black, all your crimes are forgiven." Theon Greyjoy: "I don't want to be forgiven. I can never make amends to your family for the things I've done." — Theon on his crimes. "I would have taken you all the way to the Wall. I would have died to get you there." ―Theon parts ways with Sansa. Theon Greyjoy: "I should’ve listened to you. You’re the only one --" Yara Greyjoy: "That doesn’t matter anymore. Stop crying. Look at me. Tell me what you want." Theon Greyjoy: "You should rule the Iron Islands. Let me help you." — Theon pledges his support to Yara. "I am Theon Greyjoy, last living son of Balon Greyjoy. And she is your rightful ruler. Those of you that have sailed under her, and there are many of you here, you know what she is." ―Theon supporting Yara's bid to rule the Iron Islands. Euron Greyjoy: "I did. I killed him. Threw him right over rope bridge and watched him fall. He was leading us nowhere, and we would still be heading there if it weren't for me. No one loved him. No one wanted to follow him. He led us into two wars we couldn't win. I apologize to you all for not killing him years ago." Theon Greyjoy: "That would have been hard to do. You weren't here. Last I heard, you were gallivanting around the world, having a grand old time." Euron Greyjoy: "Gallivanting! That the sort of thing you start to say when your dick gets chopped off? Did the great lords of Westeros teach you words like that?" Theon Greyjoy: "You were gone! Yara was here, being Ironborn, leading Ironborn, getting ready to bring us back to glory!" — Theon stands up to his uncle Euron. Daenerys Targaryen: "You've brought us a hundred ships from the Iron Fleet, with men to sail them. In return, I expect you want me to support your claim to the throne of the Iron Islands?" Theon Greyjoy: "Not my claim. Hers." Daenerys Targaryen: "And what's wrong with you?" Theon Greyjoy: "I'm not fit to rule." — Theon and Daenerys. Ellaria Sand: "And what will you be, handsome?" Theon Greyjoy: "Whatever my Queen commands." — Theon reaffirms his loyalty to Yara. Theon Greyjoy: "Sansa? Is she alright?" Jon Snow: "What you did for her is the only reason I'm not killing you!" — Theon and Jon Snow at Dragonstone. "Not for me... For Yara!" ―Upon overpowering Harrag and earning the respect of his sister's remaining loyalists, Theon rallies them in the hope of freeing her from Euron.

    Spoken about Theon

    Jaime Lannister: "I saw the youngest of the Greyjoy lads at Winterfell. It was like seeing a shark on a mountaintop." Jory Cassel: "Theon? He's a good lad." Jaime Lannister: "I doubt it." — Jaime Lannister and Jory Cassel about Theon. Roose Bolton: "Theon holds the castle with a skeleton crew. Let me send word to my bastard at the Dreadfort. He can raise a few hundred men and retake Winterfell before the new moon. We have the Lannisters on the run. If you march all the way back north now, you'll lose what you gained. My boy would be honored to bring you Prince Theon's head." Robb Stark: "Tell your son Bran and Rickon's safety is paramount. And Theon, I want him brought to me alive. I want to look him in the eye and ask him why. And then I'll take his head myself." — Roose Bolton and Robb Stark discuss Theon. Black Lorren: "Thought he'd never shut up." Dagmer Cleftjaw: "It was a good speech. Didn't want to interrupt." — Theon is betrayed by his fellow Ironborn. "You don't look like a Theon Greyjoy anymore. That's a name for a lord, but you're not a lord, are you? You're just... meat; stinking meat. You reek! Reek! That's a good name for you." ―Ramsay to Theon Yara Greyjoy: "He's your son!" Balon Greyjoy: "Son? (Points at the box containing Theon's penis) He's not a man anymore." Yara Greyjoy: "He's your son. He's my brother. He's a Greyjoy" Balon Greyjoy: "Watch yourself. I've made my decision." Yara Greyjoy: "And I've made mine. I'm going to pick the fastest ship in our fleet. I'm going to choose the fifty best killers on the Iron Islands. I'm going to sail up the Narrow Sea all the way to the Weeping Water. I'm going to march on the Dreadfort. I'm going to find my little brother, and I'm going to bring him home" — Yara Greyjoy and Balon Greyjoy Roose Bolton: "Where is your prize?" Ramsay Snow: "With the hounds." — Ramsay tells his father where Theon is kept. Roose Bolton: "What did you do to him?" Ramsay Snow: "I trained him. He was a slow learner, but he learned." Roose Bolton: "You flayed him." Ramsay Snow: "Peeled a few bits. Removed a few others." — Ramsay introduces Theon, now Reek, to his father. Roose Bolton: "I had to smuggle myself into my own lands thanks to the Greyjoys. I needed Theon. I needed him whole." Ramsay Snow: "Theon was our enemy. But Reek? Reek will never betray us." — Ramsay tells his father just how deeply he broke Theon. "If it weren't for you, I'd still have a family. If I could do to you what Ramsay did right here, right now, I would." ―Sansa reprimands Theon for everything he has done. "Reek! Stop! STOP!" ―Myranda's final words as Theon throws her to her death to save Sansa. "Niece...Nephew...little Theon. Heard you managed to fuck things right into the ground. Captured a castle you couldn't keep. Got yourself taken prisoner. Even heard you have no cock. Explains why you think a woman can be king." ―Euron Greyjoy, antagonizing Theon and Yara. "Theon, you're a good man. Thank you." ―Bran's words before Theon's death against the Night King.

    •Alfie Allen, who portrays Theon, is one of several actors who originally auditioned to play Jon Snow, along with Iwan Rheon and Joe Dempsie. He lost to Kit Harington.

    •Florian Robin was a stunt double for Alfie Allen in the role of Theon Greyjoy.

    In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, Theon was a young boy when his father's rebellion was crushed and his two brothers were killed. He has one surviving sibling, his sister Asha (called Yara in the TV series). Theon has been raised at Winterfell since the age of ten; of all the Starks, he has become close friends with Robb Stark. He considers Robb as a younger brother, more a brother to him than his brothers Rodrik and Maron; that does not stop him from betraying Robb, though.

    In the beginning of the first novel, Theon is nineteen years old, five years older than Robb and Jon.

    Theon is cordial but distant with the rest of the family, and has a bitter rivalry with Ned Stark's illegitimate son Jon Snow; both Theon and Jon are close with Robb, but Theon resents Jon because he is accepted and treated as a son by Ned despite being a bastard, while Jon dislikes Theon for his arrogance, highborn status and Robb's regard for him. In the show, Theon appears to be friends with both Robb and Jon.

    Theon is known for his arrogance, as he is the heir to House Greyjoy, one of the Great Houses of Westeros, despite not having seen home in a long time. He is said to smirk a lot as if everything in the world amuses him.

    During the first novel A Game of Thrones, Theon announces that "Lord Eddard is a second father to me," but that statement is far from the truth. His true feelings toward Eddard Stark are revealed in his first POV chapter in the second novel, A Clash of Kings: he muses that Eddard had tried to play the father from time to time, but to Theon, Eddard had always remained the man who'd brought blood and fire to Pyke and taken him from his home. As a boy, Theon had lived in fear of Eddard's stern face and great dark sword. In A Dance with Dragons, Theon recalls that as a boy, he once hoped that he would be betrothed to Sansa so Ned could claim him as a legal son, but that was just a child's fancy.

    At one point, Theon notices a statue of a past Stark king from centuries ago in the crypts of Winterfell named Theon Stark, and remarks that he was his namesake - though it isn't clear if this was specifically true or if Theon was just speaking generally ("Theon" is not an uncommon name in history).

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