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  1. The March 2024 edition of POR has been updated to reflect some important changes. The changes in this March 2024 (June update) edition of POR apply to all members of Scouting and are 'live' from the date of publication of this updated webpage. The changes in this update are: The list of amendments in the March 2024 edition of POR can be seen in ...

    • Introduction

      The main purpose of Policy, Organisation and Rules (POR) is...

    • Definitions

      Policy, Organisation and Rules. Definitions Chapter. These...

    • 7 Emergency Procedures All accidents to individuals or involving damage to...

    • 1 Our Fundamentals

      1.2 As Scouts, we’re guided by these values: Integrity: We...

  2. Policy, Organisation and Rules. Definitions Chapter. These definitions explain terms that are used in POR. Must, should, and may. POR uses key words to indicate obligations for rules. ‘Must’ means that adherence to the rule is mandatory. ‘Should’ means that the rule is strongly recommended, with an expectation of adherence.

  3. The main purpose of Policy, Organisation and Rules (POR) is to describe how the Scouts is structured, organised, managed and governed. It is impossible to set out in detail rules to cover every eventuality, which means that much depends upon the judgement of responsible people at every level of the movement. Everyone concerned should strive to ...

    • POR Amendments February 2021
    • The Beaver Scout Law
    • The Scout Promise
    • The Scout Promise for members who are Atheist or of no faith background
    • The Scout Promise for members who are Buddhist
    • The Scout Promise for members who are Christian
    • The Scout Promise for members who are Hindu
    • The Scout Promise for members who are Humanist
    • Page 3 of 6 The Scout Promise for members who are Muslim
    • The Scout Promise for members who are Sikh
    • The Cub Scout Promise for members who are Atheist or of no faith background
    • The Cub Scout Promise for members who are Buddhist
    • The Cub Scout Promise for members who are Christian
    • The Cub Scout Promise for members who are Hindu
    • Page 4 of 6 The Cub Scout Promise for members who are Jewish
    • The Cub Scout Promise for members who are Muslim
    • The Cub Scout Promise for members who are Sikh
    • The Beaver Scout Promise for members who are Atheist or of no faith background
    • The Beaver Scout Promise for members who are Buddhist
    • The Beaver Scout Promise for members who are Christian
    • The Beaver Scout Promise for members who are Hindu
    • The Beaver Scout Promise for members who are Humanist
    • Page 5 of 6 The Beaver Scout Promise for members who are Muslim
    • Equal Opportunities Policy
    • Privacy and Data Protection Policy
    • Youth Member Anti-Bullying Policy
    • Development Policy
    • Young People
    • Leaders and other volunteers
    • Rule 2.1 Responsibilities within the Equal Opportunities Policy
    • Privacy and Data Protection Policy
    • Rule 2.2 Responsibilities within the Privacy and Data Protection Policy
    • Religious Policy
    • Attendance at services
    • Chaplains
    • Rule 2.3 Responsibilities within the Religious Policy
    • Safeguarding Policy
    • Rule 2.4 Safeguarding of young people and adults at risk
    • Safety Policy
    • Rule 2.5 Responsibilities within the Safety Policy
    • The Vetting Policy
    • Youth Member Anti-Bullying Policy
    • Rule 2.6 Responsibility within the Youth Member Anti-Bullying Policy
    • Rule 3.32
    • Rule 3.1 Membership of the Scout Group
    • Members
    • Rule 3.2 Admission to membership
    • Rule 3.4 Transfer of membership
    • Rule 3.5 Annual Census
    • Rule 3.6 Mixed Membership
    • Size of Troop
    • b. Flexibility for Individual Members
    • Types of Scout Group
    • Rule 3.13 The Open Scout Group
    • Rule 3.14 The Sponsored Scout Group
    • Rule 3.16 Partnerships with Explorer Scout Units
    • Rule 3.17 The Formation and Registration of Scout Groups
    • e. This rule is intentionally left blank
    • Rule 3.19 Changes in Registration
    • Rule 3.20 Suspension of Registration
    • Rule 3.21 Cancellation of Registration and the Closure of Sections within a Group
    • Rule 3.23 The Constitution of the Scout Group
    • The Group Scout Council
    • Ex Officio Members
    • Nominated Members
    • The Group Executive Committee
    • Elected Members
    • Nominated Members
    • Co-opted Members
    • c. The Group Leaders’ Meeting
    • d. Conduct of Meetings
    • Rule 3.24 Administrators and Advisers
    • Rule 3.41 Limitation on the number of Appointments held
    • b. The Deputy Group Scout Leader
    • c. Acting Group Scout Leader
    • d. The Section Leader
    • e. Assistant Section Leader
    • e. This rule is intentionally left blank
    • Rule 3.44 Adult Responsibility for the Programme
    • Rule 3.45 Young People’s Responsibility for the Programme
    • Rule 3.48 Finance and the Scout Group
    • Rule 3.50 Bank Accounts
    • Rule 3.51 Disposal of Group Assets at Amalgamation
    • Rule 3.53 Preservation of Books of Account
    • Rule 3.54 Payment of the Membership Subscription
    • Rule 3.56 Joint Fundraising Projects
    • Rule 3.57 Fundraising and the Law
    • Rule 3.59 Appeals for Funds
    • Rule 3.60 Professional Fundraisers
    • Rule 4.1 Membership of the Scout District
    • Members
    • Rule 4.2 Admission to membership
    • Rule 4.3 Forfeit of membership
    • Rule 4.6 Mixed Membership
    • Rule 4.8 Explorer Scout Unit Partnerships with Groups
    • Rule 4.13 The Formation and Registration of Scout Districts
    • Rule 4.14 The Formation and Closure of Explorer Scout Units
    • Rule 4.15 The Formation and Closure of District Scout Networks
    • Rule 4.17 Changes in District Registration
    • Rule 4.18 Suspension of District Registration
    • Rule 4.19 Suspension of Explorer Scout Units
    • Rule 4.21 Cancellation of Registration of the Scout District
    • Rule 4.23 Management of the Explorer Scout Unit
    • Rule 4.24 Management of the District Scout Network SV
    • viii. Group Active Support Manager
    • Nominated Members
    • The District Executive Committee SV
    • Elected members
    • Nominated members
    • Co-opted members
    • Right of Attendance
    • h. The District Team Meeting
    • Conduct of Meetings in the Scout District SV
    • Rule 4.43 Limitation of holding more than one Appointment
    • b. The Deputy District Commissioner
    • c. District Explorer Scout Commissioner
    • e. Assistant District Commissioners
    • Rule 4.46 Responsibility for Specialist Subjects
    • Rule 4.47 Responsibility for General Duties
    • Rule 4.48 District Leaders
    • Rule 4.49 Explorer Scout Leaders
    • Rule 4.51 Adult Responsibility for the Programme
    • Rule 4.52 Young People’s Responsibility for the Programme
    • Awards and Badges
    • Rule 4.54 The Scouts of the World Award
    • Accounting and Audit Requirements for Group, Districts, Counties/Areas and Scottish Regions
    • Rule 4.62 Disposal of District Assets at Amalgamation
    • Rule 4.63 Disposal of District Assets at Splitting
    • Rule 4.65 Preservation of Books of Account
    • Rule 4.66 Payment of the Membership Subscription
    • Rule 4.68 Joint Fundraising Projects
    • Rule 4.69 Fundraising and the Law
    • Rule 4.71 Appeals for Funds
    • Rule 4.72 Professional Fundraisers
    • Chapter Contents
    • Rule 5.1 Membership of the Scout County
    • Members
    • Rule 5.2 Admission to membership SV
    • Rule 5.3 Forfeit of membership
    • Rule 5.4 Transfer of membership SV
    • Rule 5.6 Mixed Membership SV
    • Rule 5.10 The Formation and Registration of Scout Counties
    • Rule 5.11 Suspension of County Registration
    • Rule 5.12 Suspension of Scout Networks SV
    • Rule 5.13 Cancellation of Registration of the Scout County
    • Rule 5.14 Management of the Scout County
    • Nominated Members
    • Co-opted Members
    • The County Executive Committee SV
    • h. Conduct of Meetings in the Scout County SV
    • Rule 5.17 Administrators and Advisers
    • Rule 5.34 Limitation of holding more than one Appointment
    • The County Commissioner SV
    • b. The Deputy County Commissioner SV
    • d. County Training Manager SV
    • e. Local Training Managers SV
    • f. Assistant County Commissioners SV
    • g. County Leaders
    • i. Port Commissioners
    • Rule 5.36 Responsibility for Sectional Matters SV
    • Rule 5.37 Responsibility for Specialist Subjects
    • Rule 5.38 Responsibility for General Duties SV
    • Rule 5.39 County Leaders
    • Rule 5.40 The Training of Adults in the Scout County
    • Rule 5.41 Minimum Training Standards
    • Local Education Authority Training
    • Rule 5.42 Adult Responsibility for the Scout Network Programme SV
    • Rule 5.44 The Duke of Edinburgh's Award
    • Rule 5.46 Members with Special Needs
    • Rule 5.47 Finance and the Scout County SV
    • Accounting and Audit Requirements for Group, Districts, Counties/Areas and Scottish Regions
    • Rule 5.49 Bank Accounts
    • Rule 5.50 Disposal of County Assets at Amalgamation
    • Rule 5.51 Disposal of County Assets at Splitting
    • Rule 5.52 Disposal of County Assets at Closure
    • Rule 5.53 Preservation of Books of Account
    • Rule 5.54 Payment of the Membership Subscription
    • Rule 5.55 Fundraising
    • Rule 5.56 Joint Fundraising Projects
    • Rule 5.57 Fundraising and the Law
    • Rule 5.58 Lotteries and Gaming
    • Rule 5.59 Appeals for Funds
    • Rule 5.60 Professional Fundraisers
    • Rule 5.61 Grant Aid and Loans
    • Ex-officio members
    • Elected Members
    • The Board of Trustees of The Scout Association
    • Ex-officio members
    • Elected members
    • Elected Youth Members
    • Appointed Members
    • Right of Attendance
    • Sub-Committees of the Board of Trustees
    • Other National Groups
    • Chief Scout
    • UK Chief Commissioner
    • Chief Commissioners
    • Regional Commissioners (England or Wales) SV
    • Headquarters
    • Chief Executive
    • Board Secretary
    • The Country Scout Councils of Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales
    • British Scouting Overseas
    • Companies and Trusts Associated with The Scout Association
    • Girlguiding
    • Rule 6.1 National Scout Active Support Units
    • Rule 7.3 Overriding Controls
    • Chapter Contents
    • Personal Accident and Medical Expenses Policy
    • Personal Accident and Medical Expenses Supplementary Insurance
    • The Scout Association Legal Liability Policy
    • Rule 8.1 Insurance Cover
    • Rule 8.2 Indemnities
    • Rule 8.3 Compliance with Rules
    • Rule 8.4 Effecting Insurance and Reporting Claims
    • Rule 9.33
    • A list of available guidance on activities is contained in the a-z directory of activities available at
    • Rule 9.1 Activity Rules – Application
    • Rule 9.6 Large Scale Events
    • Rule 9.9 Use of External Centres and Instructors
    • Rule 9.14 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Drones
    • Rule 9.20 Hang Gliding, Paragliding and Parascending
    • Rule 9.35 Caving and Mine Exploration
    • Rule 9.40 Laser Games
    • d. This rule is intentionally left blank
    • Rule 9.47 Charter Vessels
    • Rule 9.48 Activities near the water
    • Rule 9.49 Paddling
    • Rule 9.51 Swimming Activities – Class C waters (including swimming pools)
    • 9.57 Nights Away Permits
    • Rule 9.64 Visits Abroad
    • Rule 9.65 Visits to the United Kingdom
    • Rule 9.69 Martial Arts
    • Rule 9.77 Other Activities
    • Rule 10.33
    • Rule 10.2 Entitlement to Wear Uniform
    • Rule 10.3 Safety Considerations
    • Rule 10.4 Cultural Requirements and Religious Needs
    • Rule 10.6 Cub Scout Uniform
    • Rule 10.7 Scout Uniform
    • Rule 10.9 Air Scout Uniform
    • Rule 10.11 Explorer Scout Uniform
    • Rule 10.12 Explorer Sea Scout Uniform
    • Rule 10.14 Scout Network / Adult Member’s Uniform
    • Rule 10.16 Air Scout Network / Adult Member’s Uniform
    • Rule 10.17 Marching Bands SV
    • Rule 10.18 The Kilt & Pleated Tartan Skirts
    • Rule 10.19 Position of Badges on Uniform
    • Rule 10.20 Awards and Decorations - Method of Wear
    • g. This rule is intentionally left blank
    • k. This rule is intentionally left blank
    • n. This rule is intentionally left blank
    • Rule 10.22 Badges and Awards - Supply
    • Rule 10.23 The World Membership Badge
    • Rule 10.28 Identification Badges
    • Rule 10.32 The Duke of Edinburgh's Award Badges
    • Rule 10.33 Occasional Badges Worn with Uniform
    • Rule 10.34 The Union Flag Badge
    • Rule 10.37 The Scout Active Support Badge
    • Scout uniform (sea)
    • Rule 11.1 Award Nominations and Recognition of Service
    • Rule 11.4 Awards for Meritorious Conduct
    • Rule 11.6 Chief Scout’s Personal Award
    • Rule 11.7 Commissioner’s Commendation Award
    • Rule 11.9 Emblems and Certificates of Awards
    • Rule 11.10 Thanks Badge
    • Rule 12.1 Permitted Flags SV
    • Rule 12.2 Pennants
    • Rule 12.4 Ceremonial
    • Rule 12.6 The Scout Salute
    • Rule 13.1 Persons not allowed to act as Trustees
    • Rule 13.2 Property and Equipment SV
    • Rule 13.4 Land
    • Rule 13.5 Property - Sponsored Groups
    • Rule 13.8 Joint Occupation of Premises by Scout and Guide Units
    • Rule 13.10 Motor Vehicles, Vessels and Aircraft
    • Rule 13.11 Equipment
    • Rule 14.1 Political Activities
    • Rule 14.2 Citizenship and Participation
    • Rule 14.3 Expressions of Opinions of the Association's Policy
    • Rule 14.4 Associate Organisations
    • Rule 14.5 Student Scout and Guide Clubs
    • Rule 14.6 Student Scout and Guide Organisation
    • Rule 14.7 Protected Scout logos, names, badges and awards
    • Usage
    • The World Scout Membership Badge and Logo
    • Contact
    • Devolved Nation logos
    • Rule 14.8 Trade Marks
    • Rule 14.9 Copyright
    • Rule 14.10 Transport
    • Regional Commissioners
    • UK Chief Commissioner
    • Rule 15.3 Safeguarding Stay Away
    • Rule 15.4 Suspension of Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts or Explorer Scouts
    • Rule 15.9 Dismissal of Scout Network Members SV
    • Rule 15.10 Dismissal of Explorer Scouts
    • Important note
    • 2. The Appointment Process Overview
    • 3.3 Duties of the Appointments Advisory Committeesv
    • 3.4 The Appointment Panel Meeting
    • 4.6 Pre-Provisional and Provisional Appointments
    • 5. Reviewing Appointments
    • 6. Ceasing to hold an Appointment
    • 3. Other offences perpetrated by an adult against a child where the child suffered significant harm
    • 5. Conviction for serious offences against the person (adult)
    • 6. Applicant under 18 at time of an offence that would otherwise attract national action
    • 7. Offence which causes serious doubt about suitability
    • 8. Offence which causes doubt about the individual’s compatibility with Scouting values
    • 9. Non-conviction information provided by other sources/held on TSA confidential records
    • 10. Barred from Trusteeship
    • 11. Minor and unrelated (to scouting) offences #SkillsForLife #SkillsForLife

    The Founder of Scouting had a vision from which a Movement has grown, so that Scouting is found today in every corner of the land. Scouting happens principally in Scout Groups, Explorer Scout Units and Scout Networks, wherever boys and girls meet to enjoy the Scout programme. The function of all the other units in the Movement is to enhance the qu...

    Rule 1.1 Variations to the working of the Promises The Purpose of Scouting Scouting exists to actively engage and support young people in their personal development, empowering them to make a positive contribution to society. The Values of Scouting As Scouts we are guided by these values: Integrity - We act with integrity; we are honest, trustw...

    (for Scouts, Explorer Scouts, the Scout Network and adults)

    On my honour, I promise that I will do my best to uphold our Scout values, to do my duty to The Queen, to help other people and to keep the Scout Law.

    On my honour, I promise that I will do my best to seek refuge in the Triple Gem, to do my duty to the Queen, to act with compassion towards all life and to keep the Scout Law.

    On my honour, I promise that I will do my best to do my duty to God and to the Queen, to help other people and to keep the Scout Law.

    On my honour, I promise that I will do my best to follow my dharma and do my duty to the Queen, to act with compassion towards all life and to keep the Scout Law.

    On my honour, I promise that I will do my best to uphold our Scout values, to do my duty to the Queen to help other people and to keep the Scout Law.

    In the name of Allah, the most beneficent and the most merciful, I promise that I will do my best to do my duty to Allah and then to the Queen, to help other people and to keep the Scout Law.

    On my honour, I promise that I will do my best to do my duty to Waheguru and to The Queen, to help other people and to keep the Scout Law. The Cub Scout Promise

    I promise that I will do my best to uphold our Scout values, to do my duty to The Queen, to help other people and to keep the Cub Scout Law.

    I promise that I will do my best to seek refuge in the Triple Gem, to do my duty to the Queen, to act with compassion towards all life and to keep the Cub Scout Law.

    I promise that I will do my best to do my duty to God and to the Queen, to help other people and to keep the Cub Scout Law.

    I promise that I will do my best to follow my dharma and do my duty to the Queen, to act with compassion towards all life and to keep the Cub Scout Law.

    I promise that I will do my best to do my duty to God and to the Queen, to help other people and to keep the Cub Scout Law.

    I promise that I will do my best to do my duty to Allah and then to the Queen, to help other people and to keep the Cub Scout Law.

    I promise that I will do my best to do my duty to Waheguru and to the Queen, to help other people and to keep the Cub Scout Law. The Beaver Scout Promise

    I promise to do my best to be kind and helpful and to love our world.

    I promise to do my best to be kind and helpful and to act with love towards everyone.

    I promise to do my best and to be kind and helpful and to love God

    I promise to do my best and to be kind and helpful and to love the world.

    I promise to do my best and to be kind and helpful and to love our world.

    I promise to do my best and to be kind and helpful and to love Allah

    Responsibilities within the Equal Opportunities Policy

    Responsibilities within the Privacy and Data Protection Policy

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

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    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

    For example: minor motoring offences, minor thefts, criminal damage. Three or fewer offences committed more than ten years ago

  4. A complete guide to the word "OVERSEE": definitions, pronunciations, synonyms, grammar insights, collocations, examples, and translations.

  5. Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) The ASA is a self-regulatory body set up by the advertising industry. It covers press releases, broadcast, film, and internet advertising as well as posters and leaflets. There are various codes for different media, produced by the Committee for Adverting Practice.

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  7. Aug 8, 2020 · 4) Avoid filler sounds. This is basic public speaking stuff, but Uhhhhs and Ummms aren’t any less annoying in shoutcasting. Remember that silence is the best buffer sound; just use that second to figure out the word you’re looking for and don’t succumb to your instinct to fill the void with a noise. 5) If you plan on handling other ...

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