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  1. Jul 2, 2021 · Canon Compliant. Original Character (s) This fic starts at the end of the Battle of Hogwarts, at the exact moment when Harry defeats Voldemort. Death is pleased with his actions and chooses to reward him by resuscitating the people he saw when he used the Resurrection Stone: his parents, Sirius and Remus.

  2. The Other Chosen One. Summary: What if there was someone else to share the duties of being "The Chosen One"? Someone much younger and much less prepared to face the Dark Lord? Set during PoA, AU- Lily/James alive, Sirius innocent. Triggers: Mentions of child abuse.

  3. Unforgivable Curses (Harry Potter) Upon the untimely death of James and Lily Potter, Sirius Black and his fiancée, Nicasia Lestrange, are left grief-stricken. They can only think of one solution where the war still ends while James and Lily live. They chose to sacrifice themselves for their friends.

  4. James stepped forward and placed his hand upon Lily's shoulder "They are as One," the Mother/Father said together. Briefly the girl, her two friends, and the rest of the children looked at the two.

  5. Harry Potter: Chosen One by Ravenclaw-Girl28. Harry and Hayden are twins. Hayden is presumed to be the BWL while Harry is forgotten. Harry lives with the Dursleys, Hayden lives with his parents. Separated for 6 years, the Potter twins reunite at Hogwarts...

  6. My take on the classic "But I AM the Chosen One" scene from the Half-Blood Prince. "He's at perfect liberty to kiss whoever he likes." Hermione stated heatedly. "Sure he is..." James Potter replied to no one in particular as he pretended to read his newspaper. "Be nice, James."

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  8. James was the one who gave Voldemort Neville's location and in backlash the wizarding world kills Lily and James is sent to azkabad. Harry joins Voldemort and also he gets the philosophers stone, and helps with the chamber of secrets and is also the the Triwizard tournament.

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