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    • Mark likely wrote his gospel based on Peter’s account of Jesus’ ministry. Most scholars today understand Mark’s gospel to be the first written among the four accounts.
    • Peter was the first among Jesus’ disciples to identify Him as the Messiah (Matt. 16:16; Mark 8:29; Luke 9:20). This is the occasion where Jesus designates Simon as “the rock” (Peter).
    • Peter was also among the first two Apostles to witness the empty tomb (Luke 24:1–12; John 20:1–10). Like Peter’s recognition of Jesus as Messiah, this event also demonstrates the inability to grasp the full significance of Christ’s death and resurrection apart from Jesus’ own teaching and the work of the Holy Spirit.
    • Peter is the first among the Twelve to witness and confirm the conversion of the gentiles in Luke’s second volume, the Acts of the Apostles. This happens in an ironic fashion that seems to echo Peter’s initial resistance to Jesus’ death and resurrection message, as well as his behavior at Christ’s crucifixion.
    • Who Was Peter?
    • Was Peter The First Pope?
    • Peter in The Bible
    • Did Peter Write Part of The Bible?
    • Apocryphal Books About Peter
    • Is Saint Peter Waiting at The Pearly Gates?
    • Peter: Apostle, Leader, Martyr, Model

    Peter is known by several other names in the Bible. It’s common for Bible characters to go by two names, use a nickname, or like the Apostle Paul, to have one name in Hebrew and another in Greek. Peter’s original name was Simon, but Jesus called him Cephas (John 1:42), which is an Aramaic word that translates to Peter (Petros in Greek). As a result...

    The Catholic church regards Peter as the first pope, and argues that the Bible supports this position as well as early church writings. One of the primary arguments for this position come from Jesus’ own words in the Gospel of Matthew. After Peter identifies Jesus as the Messiah, Jesus says: For Catholics, the “rock” Jesus intended to build his chu...

    Peter is one of the most prominent figures in the gospels and Acts, and Paul refers to him throughout his letters. Peter is often the first one to state the obvious and say what everyone else is thinking (or at least what he’sthinking), and he takes center stage in numerous biblical accounts. Here are some of the highlights of Peter’s unique role i...

    Two epistles in the Bible bear Peter’s name. Both of them claim to have been written by him (1 Peter 1:1, 2 Peter 1:1). Tradition has held that Peter is the author of these books. But before he met Jesus, Peter was just a fisherman, presumably with no formal education. So did he write these letters?

    Numerous ancient books were written about Peter’s life, and some of them were falsely attributed to him.

    Peter is often portrayed in art and literature as the gatekeeper of heaven, deciding who does and doesn’t get in. This trope comes from Matthew 16:19, when Jesus says “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven,” but beyond that, this picture of Peter is only looselybased on Scripture. Peter typically holds a book which contains the names of...

    Peter’s writings may or may not have made it into our Bibles. But his teachings and influence on the early Christian church are impossible to miss. In the gospels, Peter’s brazenness shows that God uses even the most unwieldy people to advance his kingdom. He was one of Jesus’ most trusted companions, and as a result of what he witnessed, Peter, an...

  1. May 8, 2024 · Peter, also known as Simon Peter, is one of the most prominent figures in the Bible's New Testament. He was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ and is often considered the first leader...

    • Peter’s Life Before Christ. The Apostle Peter may have been the most outspoken of the twelve apostles in Jesus’ ministry on earth. He certainly became one of the boldest witnesses for the faith.
    • Peter’s Life with Christ. As mentioned earlier, Peter was among the first disciples called by Jesus and he was frequently their spokesman – for good or bad.
    • Peter the Disciple to the Apostle Peter. A disciple means a “follower of” and that is what most Christians actually are today. An apostle is “one sent forth” in the sense of sent forth by God to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.
    • The Gospel of Mark or of Peter? There is extremely reliable evidence through church tradition and early church historians that the Gospel of Mark is actually the gospel of Peter.
  2. In lists of the apostles, Peter’s name is invariably first. In art, he stands beside Paul—the two founders of the church. How did this flawed disciple emerge as Jesus’ successor on earth? Did the historical Peter really fulfill this role? Was he successful? Can we ever know? New Testament scholar John P. Meier has suggested that we […]

  3. Feb 21, 2024 · Who Was the Apostle Peter? In the order of the New Testament books as they appear in the Bible, we first meet Peter in Matthew’s Gospel. From the Gospel accounts, Peter and his brother Andrew were the first disciples Jesus called to follow Him.

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  5. Apr 29, 2021 · Peter in the Gospel of Matthew. Peter first shows up in Matthew 4:18-20, when Jesus calls him to be one of His first disciples. Jesus visits Peter’s home and heals his mother-in-law in Matthew 8:14-15. Peter officially becomes one of the 12 apostles in Matthew 10:1-2.

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