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  1. The book of 2 Timothy is a letter written in prose discourse to a young pastor in Ephesus. Key Themes. Jesus’ grace as a source of power. Faithfulness to Jesus. The comfort of Jesus amidst suffering. Structure. 2 Timothy can be divided into three parts. Chapters 1-2a encourage Timothy to accept leadership.

  2. Apr 29, 2024 · Brief Summary: Paul encourages Timothy to remain passionate for Christ and to remain firm in sound doctrine (2 Timothy 1:1-2, 13-14). Paul reminds Timothy to avoid ungodly beliefs and practices and to flee from anything immoral (2 Timothy 2:14-26).

    • About This Letter
    • Chapter 1
    • Chapter 2
    • Chapter 3
    • Chapter 4
    • Word List
    • Book List

    The writer and to whom he wrote

    At the end of the book of Acts, the *apostle Paul was still inprison in *Rome. When he came out of prison, he went to *Macedonia (1 Timothy1:3). After that, he travelled to other places. While on these journeys, hewrote the first letter to Timothy. Timothy was then in the city of Ephesus.Timothy was the leader of the church there. Later Paul was again in prison in*Rome. It was from there that he wrote this second letter to Timothy. Timothywas still in Ephesus. Timothy was the son of a *Gentil...

    When and where he wrote

    The first time that Paul was in prison in *Rome was about AD 60.He was there for two years. Then he travelled again and he went to *Macedonia.He may have travelled as far as Spain before he went back to *Rome. He was inprison again and soon after that the *Emperor Nero had him killed. Paul wrote this second letter to Timothy from prison just beforehe died. Paul knew that the time of his death had come (2 Timothy 4:6-8). The *Emperor Nero killed himself in the month of June AD 68. Paulasked Ti...

    Why he wrote

    Paul wanted to see Timothy again. He thinks about him as his ownson (2 Timothy 1:4). Paul is lonely and the prison is cold. He urges Timothy totry to come before the winter (2 Timothy 4:21). He asks Timothy to bring thewarm coat that he had left in the town of Troas. He also wants Timothy to bringhis books and *papers (2 Timothy 4:13). In the court for the first time, he had been successful. But allhis friends except Luke had left him (2 Timothy 4:11, 16). Although he hadsucceeded that time,...

    Greetings and prayer for Timothy

    Verse 1 Paul is an *apostle of Christ Jesus. The *Lord sent himto be his agent. He gave to Paul the authority to speak for him. Paul became an*apostle because God chose him for the task. That task was to tell people thatthey could have a new life. God has promised to give that life to all whobelieve in Christ Jesus. Those who trust in Christ will live with him. And thatlife will never end. Verse 2 Timothy probably first believed in Christ because of whatPaul taught. Timothy travelled with Pau...

    Paul thanks God

    Verse 3 When Paul writes a letter, he usually starts by givingthanks to God. Here he expresses his thanks as he thinks of Timothy. Perhaps heis remembering how Timothy had first come to believe in Jesus Christ. He isgrateful to God for all that Timothy has meant to him from that time until now. Paul served and *worshipped God. In this, he followed what his*ancestors had done. As *Jews, they had *worshipped and served the one trueGod. He does not regard the *worship of God by the *Jews as bad....

    Words to encourage Timothy

    Verse 6 Paul knows that Timothy has a sincere *faith. So Paulreminds him to use the gift that God gave him. He thinks about this gift as afire inside Timothy. He wants Timothy to fan that fire into a flame. Timothy hadnot used that gift enough. Paul is urging him to be more eager to use it. God had given Timothy this special gift. It was a gift from theHoly Spirit for the work of God. The gift was like a powerful tool for Timothyto use in the task that God had given him. We do not know when G...

    Appeal to be strong and to suffer

    Verse 1 Paul tells Timothy to be strong but not with just naturalstrength. This is the power to live the Christian life. Timothy can only getthis power by the grace that is in Christ Jesus. This grace is the kindness ofChrist. He gives strength to those who ask him for it. With the help of Christ,Timothy will be strong. Verse 2 Paul had taught Timothy the truth about God. He had shownhim what Christians should believe. He had taught him how Christians shouldlive. There were many other Christi...

    How to deal with what is false

    Verse 14 Timothy must remind the Christians about the true wordsthat Paul has just written. These are what the *gospel of Christ teaches. Theseare what the Christians should believe and teach. There were some in that church who argued about words. This was awaste of time and effort. To fight about words can have no value for any one.It is of no use and it does no good. It could so easily be the cause of a splitin the church. It could upset and damage the *faith of some of the Christians. This...

    Evil persons in the last days

    Verse 1 The *Lord Jesus will return one day. The period before hecomes will be the last days. They will be terrible times and life will be hard.The next few verses list the bad attitudes and the evils that are to come. Wecan see them all already in the world. But they will spread wider and get farworse in the last days. Paul writes this not to frighten us but to warn us. He wants toprepare us for what is to come. Verses 2-4 Paul lists the kind of attitudes that people willhave. And he lists w...

    Continue in what you have learned

    Verse 10 In contrast to the false teachers, Paul had taught thetruth. The false teachers had not believed it. Instead, they had changed it tofit with their own ideas. But Timothy had accepted it as true. He knew allabout what Paul taught. He had travelled and worked with Paul. He had seen howPaul lived out what he believed. Paul gave to Timothy a good pattern to follow. Paul’s aim in life was to please the *Lord. His main purpose inlife was to *preach the *gospel of Christ to all people. He b...

    *Preach the *gospel and teach the truth

    Verse 1 Paul calls on God and the *Lord Jesus to be witnesses. Heis telling Timothy what he must do. The task that Timothy has to do is aserious one. He will have to account to the *Lord for how he does it. When the *Lord Jesus appears again he will be the judge. Allthose who have died will have to stand before him. And so will all those whoare then alive. He will examine all that they have done. Then he will decidewhat to do with them. Knowing this should make us all more careful to do whatt...

    Paul is ready to die

    Verse 6 Timothy must continue to do the work. Paul can do no morebecause he is going to die. The priests of the *Jews had to make *sacrifices to God. They hadto burn animals. But, before they burned them, they had to pour some drink overthem. This drink was part of the *sacrifice (Numbers 28:24). The priest pouredit out. Paul says that his life is like that drink. He is offering his life toGod. He is in prison in *Rome. He knows that he will never be freeagain. He says that the time has come...

    Personal words to Timothy

    Verse 9 Paul had just said that he was going to die. By this, hemeant that his death would happen soon. But he could not know how long he wouldhave to remain in prison before that event. In the short while that he hadleft, he really wanted to see Timothy. So, he urges Timothy to come as quicklyas he can. Verse 10 It seems that Paul was almost alone. Those who had beenclose to him had left him for one reason or another. Demas was one of these. Demas had been a friend whom Paul trusted. The fir...

    amen ~ a word from the *Hebrew language that means weagree, or it is true, or let it be so. ancestors ~ any persons from whom the families of yourfather or mother come. angel ~ a servant of God. He brings messages from God topeople on earth. anoint ~ to put oil put on someone’s head. This shows thatGod has chosen the person for a special task. apos...

    George W. Knight ~ The Pastoral Epistles ~ The New InternationalGreek Testament Commentary J. N. D. Kelly ~ The Pastoral Epistles ~ Black’s New TestamentCommentaries A. M. Stibbs ~ The New Bible Commentary ~ Inter-varsityFellowship Donald Guthrie ~ The Pastoral Epistles ~ The Tyndale NewTestament Commentaries Ralph Earle ~ in The Expositor’s Bible ...

  3. Jun 28, 2004 · His purpose in writing is really twofold: (1) he is lonely and he wants Timothy to come to Rome (1:4; 4:9, 21), since only Luke is with him (4:11) and no one else could minister to his needs as well as could Timothy (cf. Phil 2:20); (2) since he is about to die, he must encourage Timothy to continue in the work of the ministry (see “theme”).

  4. Explore Bible chapter summaries for every Book of the Bible. Journey from the creation story in Genesis to the apocalyptic visions of Revelation, gaining key insights into each Book's central themes and messages.

  5. Jun 6, 2014 · In the second book of the Psalter we see a number of texts that relate to the fears that beset people and the paths to which they turn for help. We thus learn about the true and the false grounds for hope in a world of uncertainty.

  6. How does the city that was filled with people sit solitary! she is become as a widow: she that was magnified among the nations, and princess among the provinces, has become tributary. Contemporary English Version. Jerusalem, once so crowded, lies deserted and lonely.

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