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  1. The Bible is a collection of 66 books that tells one unified story. Over time, people recognized that these books together tell one story. Each book is unique from others and an essential portion of God’s revelation. We call this closed collection of books that are God's Word, "the Canon." God has said all that we need to know him and to live ...

    • Job 1

      1 There was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job, and...

    • Habakkuk 1

      Habakkuk was an Old Testament prophet in the 7th century BC....

    • Isaiah 30

      30 “Ah, stubborn children,” declares the LORD, “who carry...

    • Grief

      Grief is the natural human emotion to losing something we...

    • Fear

      Natural fear is not wrong; in fact it is inherently human....

    • Healing

      What the Scriptures Say About Healing -

    • Anxiety

      who made heaven and earth. He will not let your foot be...

    • Archaeology

      As he went along, people spread their cloaks on the road....

    • Tobit, written 225-175 BCE. This book tells the story of two Israelite people, a blind man named Tobit living in Nineveh and a woman named Sarah, living in a city called Ecbatana.
    • Judith, written about 100 BCE. Judith, a Jewish widow, attracts and seduces an Assyrian general besieging her city. Having ingratiated herself with him, she waits until he is drunk and then decapitates him, saving the capital Jerusalem from total destruction.
    • Esther, written around 115 BCE. Although the Hebrew version of Esther is canonical, the Greek translation adds six sections to it. Esther is the story of an Israelite woman who saves her people from an anti-Israelite Persian plot.
    • Wisdom of Solomon, written around 50 BCE. This book centers on the importance of Wisdom as related to humans and to God. It may have influenced the famous prologue of the Gospel of John, with wisdom replaced by the “Word.”
  2. Canon of the Old Testament. CANON OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. The acceptance and collection of the inspired books of the OT canon includes the history of the acceptance of the OT books, the reasons why they were accepted and collected, and the divisions of the books, and also why other books called Apoc. were not accepted into the canon. Outline.

  3. May 11, 2015 · The term “canon” is used to describe the list of books approved for inclusion in the Bible. It stems from a Greek word meaning “rod,” as in a straight stick that serves as a standard for measuring. Hence, to speak of the biblical canon is to speak of authoritative books, given by God, the teachings of which define correct belief and ...

  4. Sep 11, 2023 · Dates of Canonization. Lee Martin McDonald and James Sanders note that scholars believe that the current twenty-four books were canonized in three stages: The Torah around 400 BCE, the Prophets around 200 BCE, and the Writings around 90-100 CE. These dates are far from certain but give us a basis for discussion.

  5. The New Testament recognized by most Christians today comprises 27 books accepted as authoritative, or canon. But what made some writings canonical and others not? It took time, centuries in fact, for the early church to determine which texts should be added to the Jewish Tanakh to form the Christian Bible … and which texts should be excluded.

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  7. Apr 4, 2023 · Article. 4th April 2023. Tony Watkins explores how the 66 books of the Bible were put together, why they were included and not others, and how we can be confident that the Bible we have today is the 'word of God'. Christians believe the Bible to be the ‘word of God’. It’s vital, then, that we can be confident that it contains the right books.

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