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Their mother is supportive and loving, filling their minds with stories of adventure and mystery which she recites by the fireplace at night. She becomes ill, however, and one day upon returning home from school, Tolkien finds her slumped in her chair, dead.
- The Son
- Rez Ball
- Fireworks
- Memories of A Teenager
- A Sun
- Silent Night
- Nora’s Will
- Blonde
- Boy Erased
- A Man called Otto
Starring Hugh Jackman, Zen McGrath, Laura Dern, and Vanessa Kirby, ‘The Son’ revolves around Peter and his 17-year-old son Nicholas from his first marriage. After Kate, Peter’s first wife, informs him of Nicholas’ depressed state and how he tried to harm himself, Peter takes his son in, intending to help him. However, being a father is new to Peter...
‘Rez Ball’ is a sports drama set in New Mexico, and the plot centers on the Native American community. It follows the Chuska Warriors, a Native American high school basketball team that loses its best player to suicide. As devastated as they are, they honor him with the oath to win the state championship title. They are an underdog team but their c...
This thought-provoking Indonesian film, aka ‘Kembang Api,’ is based on a Japanese ‘3ft Ball And Soul.’ Directed by Herwin Novianto, it follows four people of different age groups who meet in a small house after contacting each other via a group chat. Their intentions are the same, i.e., suicide. They intend to blow themselves up using a firework ba...
Directed by Lucas Santa Ana, ‘Memories of a Teenager’ doesn’t directly address suicide but the repercussions of it on a person close to the victim, which is also painful. Directed by Lucas Santa Ana, the Argentine drama focuses on 16-year-old Zabo (Renato Quattordio), who has recently lost his gay best friend Paul, who died by suicide. With both a ...
‘A Sun’ is a Taiwanese drama film directed by Chung Mong-hong. Set in Taipei, the movie revolves around a troubled teenager, Chen Jian Ho, who faces the challenges of juvenile delinquency. His brother Hao, overwhelmed by the familial pressures and constant attention, tragically died by suicide. The film takes us on an emotional journey as it delves...
A Doomsday suicidal black comedy, this film offers a humorous take on the end of days. Set in a Christmas setting, it follows a group of people who have gathered for the special occasion for the last time. As an apocalyptic poisonous gas, which has taken over the planet, approaches them, they have the option to die a painless death by taking a suic...
Romance, atheism, and religion collide in Mariana Chenillo’s Mexican drama ‘Nora’s Will.’ It follows José Kurtz (Fernando Luján), who has to take care of his ex-wife Nora’s (Silvia Mariscal) funeral after she dies by suicide. It seems that she deliberately took her own life during the Passover so that she could bring her loved ones together. As one...
Helmed by Andrew Dominik, ‘Blonde‘ is a biographical drama film that presents a reimagined account of the life of the iconic Marilyn Monroe. Painted against the backdrop of Hollywood’s Golden Age, the narrative intertwines the actress’s rise to stardom with her personal struggles. As she becomes a global sensation, Monroe’s private life is marred b...
‘Boy Erased’ is a biographical drama film directed by Joel Edgerton. Based on Garrard Conley’s memoir, the movie revolves around Jared Eamons, portrayed by Lucas Hedges, a young man forced into a gay conversion therapy program by his Baptist parents (Nicole Kidman and Russell Crowe). As Jared confronts the oppressive practices within the program, h...
‘A Man Called Otto’ is a comedy-drama film helmed by Marc Forster. A remake of the Swedish film ‘A Man Called Ove,’ the film showcases Tom Hanks as Otto Anderson, a widower in suburban Pittsburgh struggling with the loss of his wife and facing his own emotional demons. Throughout the film, Otto contemplates suicide, continuously haunted by his past...
Jul 28, 2023 · The spirit that was her mother was actually some malignant force that just wanted to cause pain and preyed on Mia's grief. By dying, she saved them all. "Talk to Me" is in theaters now.
- Victoria Edel
Tolkien (2019) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.
Mother and daughter Thelma and Jessie Cates spend a night together after Jessie reveals that she will kill herself by the end of it in this cinema adaptation of Marsha Norman's Pulitzer prize-winning Broadway play.
User Reviews. Alex (Jason Ritter) attempts to kill himself in his family home. His college friends gather to visit him. Ben (Nate Parker) and Siri (Maggie Grace) are married and facing difficult issues. Josh (Max Greenfield) is the malcontent who wants to confront Alex about his suicide attempt.
His love of myths is passed on to him from his mother Mabel (Laura Donnelly), who regales her two sons with stories of dragons and knights and gold. When Mabel dies, Ronald and his brother are orphaned, and become wards of Father Francis Morgan (Colm Meaney), who places them in a boarding house for children in similar circumstances. After a ...