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  1. Jan 1, 1998 · Religion may be interpreted as a socio-cultural organization underpinned by collective practices of worship, faith, sacred ceremonies, and a belief in a supreme, supernatural being (Idinopulos...

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    • Contents
    • Contributors
    • Preface
    • MH
    • VC M ́elanges de l’ ́Ecole franc ̧aise de Rome Museum Helveticum
    • ZAC Wort und Dienst
    • Ass. Mos.
    • Primary sources
    • Ephrem, Comm. Gen.
    • Eusebius, Eccl. theol.
    • Leo I, Ep. Flav.
    • Palladius, Hist. Laus.
    • Philo, Qu. Gen.
    • Philo, V. Mos.
    • Sent.
    • T. Simeon

    List of figures page ix List of contributors x Preface xii Abbreviations xvi Abbreviations of books of the Bible xxiv Table of Psalm numbering xxvii part i

    Dale C. Allison Jr Pittsburgh Theological Seminary John Barton University of Oxford Pierre-Maurice Bogaert Universit ́e catholique de Louvain Jonathan G. Campbell University of Bristol James Carleton Paget University of Cambridge J. F. Coakley Faculty of Divinity and University Library, University of Cambridge John J. Collins Yale University Kristi...

    More than forty years after the publication of The Cambridge History of the Bible (CHB) the time has come to revisit the entire field of biblical studies, and provide the contemporary reader with new guidance to the ‘state of the art’ in the study of the Old and New Testaments and the history of their reception from Antiquity to the present day. Th...


    Mitteilungen des Septuaginta-Unternehmens Max Weber Gesamtausgabe Nag Hammadi Library

    Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament

    Asterius of Amaseia, Hom. Athanasius, Decr. Athanasius, Ep. Athanasius, Ep. Serap. Athanasius, Synod. Athanasius, Vita Ant. Augustine, Adim. Augustine, Agon. Augustine, Cat. rud. Augustine, Civ. Dei Augustine, Conf. Augustine, Cons. ev. Augustine, Cresc. Augustine, De anim. Augustine, Div. qu. Augustine, Doct. Chr. Augustine, En. Ps. Augustine, Ep....

    Demonstrations De anima Assumption of Moses Homiliae De decretis Nicaenae synodis Epistula festivalis Epistulae ad Serapionem De synodis Vita Antonii Contra Adimantum De agone Christiano De catechizandis rudibus De civitate Dei Confessions De consensu evangelistarum Contra Cresconium De anima et ejus origine De diversis quaestionibus De doctrina Ch...

    Ephrem, H. Nat. Ephrem, H. Par. Epiphanius, De mensuris Eusebius, Comm. Isa.

    Eusebius, Hist. eccl. Eusebius, P. E. Eusebius, Quest. Mar. Eusebius, Quest. Steph. Eusebius, Vita Const. De Trinitate De utilitate credendi Hexaemeron Homilia Homiliae super Psalmos Sermon on Psalm 1 De spiritu sancto Expositio in Lucam Institutiones Damascus Document Epistulae ad Atticum Brutus De oratore Orator Excerpts from Theodotus Paidagogos...

    Leontius of Constantinople, Hom. Macarius, Apocr. Martial, Epigr. Minucius Felix, Oct. Nestorius, Ep. Cyr. NHC Nilus of Ancyra, Ep. Origen, Comm. 2 Rom. Origen, Comm. Joh. Origen, Comm. Matt. Origen, Comm. Song Origen, Hom. Exod. Origen, Hom. Gen. Origen, Hom. Jer. Origen, Hom. Lev. Origen, Hom. Luke Origen, Hom. Num.

    Paulinus of Nola, Ep. Philo, Abr. Philo, Agr. Philo, Conf. Philo, Cong. Philo, Dec. Philo, Hyp. Philo, Leg. ad Gaium Philo, Leg. all. Philo, Migr. Philo, Mut. Philo, Op. m.

    Philo, Somn. Philo, Spec. leg. Philo, V. contempl.

    Philo, Virt. PJ Plato, Crit. Dialogue with Trypho the Jew Liber antiquitatum biblicarum Institutiones De mortibus persecutorum Epistle to Flavianus Homily Apocriticus Epigrams Octavius Epistle to Cyril Nag Hammadi Codex Epistulae Commentary on Romans, Book 2 Commentary on John Commentary on Matthew Commentary on the Song of Songs Homilies on Exodus...

    Sextus Empiricus, Adv. math. Socrates, Hist. eccl. Suetonius, Nero Synesius of Cyrene, Hom. T. Asher T. Issachar T. Joseph T. Judah T. Levi T. Reuben

    Tertullian, Ad nat. Tertullian, Adv. Marcionem Tertullian, De ieiunio Tertullian, De test. an. Tertullian, Praescriptio Theodore of Mopsuestia, Iul. Theodoret, Comm. Ezek. Theodoret, Comm. Isa. Theophilus of Antioch, Ad Autolycum TJ TN TO Virgil, Aen. Leges Phaedrus Republic Symposium Epistulae Consolatio ad Apollonium Epistle to the Philippians De...

  2. identifying their biblical basis and the highlights of their historical development before giving a systematic evaluation of each theme. The third part provides an overview of Christian theology from the early church to the present. richard j. plantinga is Professor of Religion at Calvin College.

  3. Jul 21, 2021 · This entry aims to orient readers in the ongoing multidisciplinary debate by providing a brief historical account of the origin of the term “religion” and a general taxonomy of the various kinds of definitions (including monothetic, polythetic, substantive, functional, mixed, and family resemblance), along with some brief commentary and ...

  4. This paper will examine some of the theories on the origins of religion in humankind. This will be done to analyze a wide range of ideas from sociologists, anthropologists, psychologists and others at different times of history and using different.

    • Rob Stone
  5. critical study of the 19th century subjected the Scriptures to the same foundational prin ciples which had given rise to theological liberalism. Rationalism could not remain satisfied until the supernatural elements in the history and religion had been reduced to the level of the natural world. Ingenious explanations of the Biblical miracles we...

  6. I. The origin of the Bible: A. The Bible is God-breathed2 Tim. 3:16: 1. This tells us that the Scripture did not come out of man’s thought, man’s mind, but rather, it is God’s breathing His thought and His word through His Spirit into and out of the writers; hence, the Bible contains God’s elements and carries His flavor. 2.

  1. Non-religious explanations and history. Stories. Dimension of Life explained. Good read. An explanation of what it was about, how it came together, what ancient mystery is about.

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