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  1. As the final incarnation of the Doctor's original regenerative cycle, the Eleventh Doctor found that his reputation had grown so immense that he attracted new strains of conflict from the fear the peoples of the universe had for him and his destiny on Trenzalore, and became a secretive and guileful individual for the sake of himself and those he held close, while also acting as an outlandish ...

  2. The Eleventh Doctor is an incarnation of the Doctor, the protagonist of the British science fiction television series Doctor Who. He is played by Matt Smith in three series as well as five specials. As with previous incarnations of the Doctor, the character has also appeared in other Doctor Who spin-offs.

  3. Eleventh Doctor. Explosive, exuberant, emotionally unpredictable and adventurous, the Eleventh Doctor was the last incarnation of the Doctor’s first regenerative cycle. By this point in his life, the Doctor’s reputation had grown immense, attracting a new strain of conflicts. Wishing to withdraw from the dangers it created, he became a ...

    • A day to come
    • Post-regeneration
    • The first adventures
    • The crash of the Byzantium
    • Joined by Rory
    • After Rory's death
    • Creating the Child of Time
    • Further adventures with Amy
    • Rebooting the universe

    The First Doctor would occasionally have premonitions of his future incarnations, the Eleventh Doctor included. (PROSE: A Big Hand for the Doctor)

    While dining at Rosa's, the First Doctor overheard a message from a future incarnation addressed to Susan Foreman and Cedric Chivers. (AUDIO: Hunters of Earth)

    The First Doctor was shown footage of the Eleventh Doctor, as well as his ten other successors, by the Testimony when he expressed doubt over the Twelfth Doctor's identity. (TV: Twice Upon a Time)

    While evading the Quiet Ones on a planet orbiting a pulsar in 2724, the Second Doctor found a psychic paper with a message on it from his eleventh incarnation, and also received a psychic image of what his eleventh incarnation would look like, including his bowtie. (AUDIO: Shadow of Death)

    While combating the Armidians, the Third Doctor received a phone recorded message from a future incarnation, telling him to save some therocite and send it to Professor Reynart. (AUDIO: Vengeance of the Stones [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.)

    During a visit to the Heligan Structure, the Fourth Doctor saw a statue of his eleventh incarnation, and expressed surprise at his future self's choice of clothing. He also learnt of his future self's actions on the Heligan Structure from Director Sprawn. (PROSE: The Roots of Evil)

    After absorbing a vast amount of radiation from the Immortality Gate in order to save Wilfred Mott, the Tenth Doctor rewarded himself by visiting old friends for a final time. After being assured by Ood Sigma that "the story never ends", the Doctor regenerated in his TARDIS, with the energy released causing great damage to the vessel. Focused initially on his new form, the Eleventh Doctor did not immediately realise the TARDIS was on fire and about to crash. (TV: The End of Time [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who Christmas Special 2009 and New Year Special 2010 (BBC One, 2009-2010).) As the TARDIS spiralled out of control above London, the Doctor was nearly thrown through the doors of his damaged ship, but he clawed his way back into the TARDIS after nearly crashing into Big Ben, (TV: The Eleventh Hour [+]Steven Moffat, Doctor Who series 5 (BBC One, 2010).) while making a mental note to apologise to all the friends the he had visited for having overstated the seriousness of his illness. (PROSE: The Day of the Doctor [+]Steven Moffat, adapted from The Day of the Doctor (Steven Moffat), Target novelisations (Target Books, 2018).)

    Crashing in 1996 Leadworth, the Doctor met Amelia Pond, a lonely little Scottish girl with a mysterious crack in her bedroom wall, who fed him food as he tested his new taste buds. While dining over a bowl of fish fingers and custard, the Doctor noticed that his mysterious appearance and disturbing idiosyncrasies hadn't bothered Amelia, and decided to investigate the the crack that was frightening her. He found that, on the other side of the crack, an alien convict called Prisoner Zero had escaped from the Atraxi into Amelia's house. Before the Doctor could investigate further, the Cloister Bell brought him back to the TARDIS, as the engines were in danger of phasing out of existence. Needing to travel in order to cool them down, the Doctor promised Amelia he would return in five minutes.

    Unfortunately, he accidentally arrived twelve years later, where he was knocked unconscious by the adult Amelia, who now worked as a kissogram and calling herself "Amy". She had spent her childhood waiting for him to return. Finding Prisoner Zero was still hiding in Amelia's house, the Doctor persuaded Amy and her boyfriend, Rory Williams, to help him capture Prisoner Zero before the Atraxi incinerated the Earth. Trying to use the alien technology of his sonic screwdriver to draw the Atraxi's attention, the screwdriver accidentally overloaded and exploded. The Doctor instead used the laptop of Jeff Angelo to speak to several distinguished intellectuals on Earth. With their help, he coordinated every clock in the world to revert to zero by distributing a computer virus he created on Rory's phone. This summoned the Atraxi to the Royal Leadworth Hospital, where the Atraxi found and recaptured Prisoner Zero.

    Agitated by the Atraxi's negligent actions toward Earth, the Doctor stole replacement clothes from the hospital locker, summoned the Atraxi back to Leadworth, and scolded them for holding billions of innocent lives to ransom. As he donned his new outfit, he reminded them of the many other species who had posed a threat to humanity and how he had thwarted them in his past incarnations. Fearing retribution from the Doctor, the Atraxi fled the Earth.

    After dealing with Amy's numerous questions, (HOMEVID: Meanwhile in the TARDIS) the Doctor took her to the Starship UK in the 33rd century, where he made an ally of Liz 10, who was also investigating the mysterious affairs on the ship, such as how there were no engines. Further investigating, the Doctor, Liz and Amy learned the last of the star whales was being tortured into transporting the ship, and that Liz herself had allowed the star whale to be tortured, erasing it from her mind every ten years because she couldn't bear to think of its suffering. The situation angered the Doctor and, faced with the choice of saving millions of humans or freeing the innocent star whale, he planned to "fry" the star whale's brain so it wouldn't be in any further pain. However, finding the ancient and lonely creature to be reminiscent of the Doctor himself, Amy realised the star whale had originally come to Earth to save the children of humanity. She released the whale from its torment, and it chose to continue piloting Starship UK.

    Preparing to leave, the Doctor got a phone call from Winston Churchill, asking for assistance. (TV: The Beast Below) The Doctor and Amy arrived in 1941 a month after Churchill's summoning to discover that the Daleks were aiding Britain against the Nazis in the Second World War, and had also convinced Professor Edwin Bracewell that he had created them when, in reality, they had created him. Trying to force the Daleks into revealing their true nature, the Doctor fell victim to their trap, providing a testimony that allowed the Daleks to use a Progenitor device to rebuild their empire. Forced to choose between saving Earth from being destroyed by an Oblivion Continuum planted inside Bracewell or finishing off the Daleks before they could rebuild, the Doctor chose Earth and let the Daleks escape through a time corridor, which deeply distressed him. When his attempts to deactivate the bomb by forcing Bracewell to focus on his pain failed, Amy succeeded by making Bracewell think of Dorabella, a girl he was in love with. Leaving Winston to "win the war", the Doctor was perplexed by Amy not recognising the Daleks despite living through the 21st century Dalek invasion. (TV: Victory of the Daleks)

    The Doctor took Amy to Primrose Hill to get a view of London, but accidentally materialised the TARDIS around a young boy called Stephen and discovered giant Space Leeches had swarmed the city. Realising Stephen was unaffected because of his cold, the Doctor used his virus to weaken the Space Leeches and drew them into the TARDIS to deposit them on another planet. (COMIC: Attack of the Space Leeches!) Afterwards, the Doctor battled alien joyriders in 1959, (COMIC: Madness on the M1!) and took Amy to see Queen Elizabeth II's coronation. (COMIC: Where's the Doctor?)

    After an encounter with Skeleton People, the Doctor and Amy returned to 2010 for a visit, only to find that Earth was under the ownership of the Kin, and that humanity was extinct. They travelled back to 1984, where the divergence point was, to investigate. Amy was captured by the Kin, who wanted to trap the Doctor in a house for the rest of his life. The Doctor escaped the prison and reunited with Amy in the TARDIS, who wanted to travel back to the dawn of time. The Doctor complied, but knew Amy was just a disguised Kin. When the Kin exited the TARDIS, it ended up being trapped before time and thus its actions were undone. Reuniting with Amy in the corrected timeline, the Doctor suggested they get some gazpacho. (PROSE: Nothing O'Clock)

    Their next trip saw them preventing the Cei from terraforming 1864 Earth into an aquatic world to use as an outpost during their war with another planet. (AUDIO: The Runaway Train)

    The Doctor and Amy went to the Moon to investigate an astronaut in a shopping centre and, with Professor Charles Jackson's help, the Doctor was able to prevent the jelly-like Talerians from taking over the bodies of the humans on the base. After he revived Jackson from being brainwashed and controlled, Jackson smashed the large windows of his office, killing the Talerians with the low atmosphere, and, to the Doctor's dismay, simultaneously sacrificing himself. (PROSE: Apollo 23)

    Discovering a Home Box containing River Song's calling card in a 171st century museum, the Doctor was led into a hunt with River and the Church for a Weeping Angel at Alfava Metraxis in the 51st century. Neither of them realised that they were surrounded by an entire army of Angels, who had been waiting for them in a mortarium on Alfava Metraxis. As the Angels were gradually being revived by the leaking radiation from the crashed ship's engine, the Doctor shot a light bearing gravity globe (TV: The Time of Angels) and led his allies into the remains of the Byzantium.

    Inside, they discovered a crack in time similar to the one in Leadworth. The Doctor began to realise that it had been erasing certain events from history, including the 21st century Dalek invasion. A scan showed it had been caused by an explosion cracking all of time and space, which occurred on 26 June 2010. Needing a complicated space-time event that could shut the crack, the Doctor knew it would take him or the entire army of Angels, so he waited for them to drain the Byzantium's power until the artificial gravity shut off and they fell into the crack. (TV: Flesh and Stone)

    After learning Amy was getting married and fighting off her sexual advances, (TV: Flesh and Stone) as well as explaining his need to see the wonders of the universe through her eyes and showing her images of his past companions, (HOMEVID: Meanwhile in the TARDIS) the Doctor collected her fiancé, Rory Williams, gate-crashing his stag night by jumping out of a fake cake meant for a stripper, (TV: The Vampires of Venice) having acquired the location from twitbook. (PROSE: Rory's Stag) He took them to Venice in 1580 as a wedding present, but found what seemed to be vampires there, led by Rosanna Calvierri.

    Investigating, he discovered they were actually Saturnyns from the planet Saturnyne who fled through a crack in time to escape "the Silence"; they were converting human girls into Saturnynian hybrids through blood transfusions to make them compatible for breeding with Rosanna's sons, and intended to sink Venice in order to re-create Saturnyne. After the girls were killed in an explosion by Guido, and he sabotaged Rosanna's weather control devices, the Doctor was unable to prevent Rosanna from committing suicide by feeding herself to her sons. Soon after, Rory decided to join the Doctor and Amy on their travels instead of immediately returning to Leadworth. While leaving Venice, the Doctor became concerned when the busy market he parked the TARDIS at suddenly became empty, with Rory noting that nothing was to be heard except silence. (TV: The Vampires of Venice)

    The Doctor paid a visit to William Shakespeare and told him of his visit to Venice. (PROSE: A Sonnet by Will Shakespeare) He next visited Kenya in 2013 and saved a farm and its owners from giant hornets. (COMIC: Buzz!)

    Inside the TARDIS, the Doctor, Amy and Rory came under the influence of psychic pollen and appeared between two dreams; one in 2015 Leadworth, after Amy and Rory had returned to home life, and another with Amy and Rory travelling in the TARDIS hurtling towards a cold star. Both dreams appeared real, and a being called the Dream Lord ordered Amy to choose which world was real, either to freeze towards the cold star, or be killed by the Eknodine in Leadworth.

    As the Dream Lord taunted him, the Doctor realised he was a manifestation of his own self-hatred and had no power over the real world, meaning both worlds were dreams. He killed himself, Amy and Rory in both dreams to wake them. He revealed to them that psychic pollen created the Dream Lord from the abundant darkness in his mind, and blew the pollen into space. While preparing to set a new course, the Doctor saw the Dream Lord in place of his reflection for a moment. (TV: Amy's Choice)

    The Doctor next came across a fake town with undercover robot assassins for residents, with a bomb set to destroy them. As this would've killed them along with the robots, the Doctor used the TARDIS to take the bomb backwards in time to disperse its force. He eventually entered the military base the robots came from and warned them of an incident the robots would cause, preventing the scientist that created them from being killed. With this done, the Doctor rescued his companions from the robots and allowed the bomb, now with a great amount of its force gone, to explode. (PROSE: Nuclear Time)

    Haunted by what happened to Rory, the Doctor treated Amy by taking her to visit Arcadia, and the Trojan Gardens. (TV: Vincent and the Doctor) The two also travelled to the Trans-Vegas Casino, where the Doctor challenged criminal businessman Hubert Crimp to a card game and Amy rescued a group of slaves. (COMIC: Winning Hand)

    The Doctor returned to the biggest library in the universe and defeated an army of book monsters, (COMIC: Booked Up) and saved a group of peaceful bird creatures. (COMIC: Bad Vibrations) On board a spaceship, the Doctor and Amy helped Cormac, the last surviving crewmember, to stop the shapeshifting Charonid, who took control of both Amy and Cormac until the Doctor trapped it in a force-field. (COMIC: About Face)

    On a trip to 1963 to watch a Beatles concert, the Doctor found the Earth in ruins after the Daleks had exterminated humanity, creating a paradox that began erasing Amy. The Doctor went to Skaro to discover the Daleks accomplished this by salvaging the Eye of Time, which had been lost in the Last Great Time War, and were using it to rewrite time. Using the Eye to jump back in time before the Daleks attacked Earth, the Doctor constructed a vision disruptor to blind them and overloaded the magnetic field generator, causing the Daleks to lose the Eye and to have never used it to alter history. He and Amy resumed their trip to see a Beatles concert. (GAME: City of the Daleks)

    After the Doctor prevented the Earth from being ripped apart in 1885, (COMIC: Track Attack) the Doctor and Amy met Brox, a hundred-year-old space traveller, who had been travelling on the outer rim of the universe, failing in his mission to find alien life. The Doctor steered Brox' ship into the universe and fulfilled his wish to visit other planets. (COMIC: Nowhere Man)

    During a trip to a Vincent van Gogh exhibit in the 21st century, the Doctor was led to travel back in time to the artist himself to protect him from a Krafayis, a beast only Vincent could see. Their battle with the beast ended in the creature's death, something neither Vincent nor the Doctor had wished to happen. The Doctor took Vincent to his own exhibit in the future, where the painter was able to see just how much people would care about his work; he even had the exhibit's curator, Dr Henry Black, give his opinion on van Gogh's work, something that moved the painter to tears of joy. After returning Vincent home, Amy was convinced that they had averted his suicide. However, the Doctor took her back to the museum to show her that the timeline was still intact, except for Vincent dedicated a sunflower painting to Amy. (TV: Vincent and the Doctor)

    The Doctor prevented the Caskelliac from draining the energy from all life on 2025 Earth. (AUDIO: The Ring of Steel)

    Attempting to take Amy to Basingstoke, the Doctor ended up arriving on the planet when it held the Van Diemens prison facility, where the inmates were used as test subjects for colonising other planets. The Doctor discovered people were being mutated into hybrids of insects, plants and other animals by a gene splicer left behind by aliens that made the planet habitable, including himself. He undid the mistakes of the machine by using the Time Lord DNA now within it to trigger regeneration, returning everyone to normal. He then suggested the staff lie to their superiors and say a lethal virus was on the loose to keep the inmates from being used in further experiments. As he and Amy left, he suggested the new colonists called the planet Basingstoke. (COMIC: Supernature)

    He and Amy next visited a planet under attack from the Shasarak. The population and the invaders were under a musical spell that made them burst into song, which the two soon fell under. The Doctor learnt this was the work of the Muse, an android goddess who had the power to make people break into a musical routine against their will. He repaired her damaged circuits and stopped the Shasarak from using her powers in a galactic war, fighting off their invading plans in the process. (COMIC: Planet Bollywood)

    After receiving a call from Martha Jones, the Doctor went on a mission to Japan and joined forces with UNIT to investigate a mysterious new drink called Goruda, which increased the intelligence of the child who drank it. Discovering Axos was behind the plot to have undetectable particles of itself in Goruda that transformed the children into faux Axos, the Doctor managed to turn the tables by having everyone turn on their electronics, draining Axos' energy and destroying it in the process. (COMIC: The Golden Ones)

    The Doctor and Amy also wrote a book called The Professor, the Queen and the Bookshop, with the characters being based on the Doctor's friends and enemies and the plot on his travels. Visiting the Eagle and Child pub with Amy, he gave the book to C. S. Lewis. (COMIC: The Professor, the Queen and the Bookshop)

    Attending an opera in Paris in 1858, the Doctor and Amy witnessed one of the singers, Cosette, leaving with Monseiur Valdemar to her fiancé’s, Louis, distress. As Louis explained Cosette’s sudden behaviour recently, they heard a scream and found a man dead, despite the scream being from a woman. They broke into Valdemar’s house and discovered he was controlling many opera singers, who he’d given abilities to fly and scream. Valdemar revealed he knew they were there and, ignoring the Doctor’s questions, had Cosette scream to knock them unconscious. Awakening chained to a wall, they learnt that Valdemar was seeking specific genetics, planning to kill ancestors of people who had condemned him in the future. After Valdemar left to test their genetics, Amy freed them and they pursued him. He ordered Cosette to kill the Doctor and Amy, leading to Louis realising he was one of Valdemar’s ancestors and securing their safety by threatening to poison himself. Valdemar fled, however the Doctor used Cosette to pursue him to Notre Dame, where he used the bell to liberate the singers from Valdemar’s control causing them to turn on him. After checking there were no ill effects on Cosette, the Doctor and Amy departed. (COMIC: The Screams of Death)

    The Doctor and Amy investigated disappearances at Hawkshaw Manor Nursing Home in 2011. Working with a resident, Arthur, they discovered a malfunctioning Vorlax Regeneration Drone was implanting residents in younger clone bodies upon their deaths. Establishing a dialogue with the Drone after it revived Arthur, the Doctor offered all the residents a choice between rejuvenation and leaving Earth or staying at home. He then took the rejuvenated residents and the Vorlax Drone to another planet. (COMIC: Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night)

    When Amy was mistaken for a criminal shapeshifter called "Egron the Flesh-Eater", the Doctor tried to clear her name by tracking down Egron. However, he discovered Egron had disguised himself as the TARDIS. He stopped Egron from taking Amy hostage and had him imprisoned. (COMIC: Mistaken Identity) The Doctor next took Amy to the Wembly Space Stadium in 2050 and foiled the schemes of the Chronos Corporation, a company which had kidnapped aliens and footballers throughout history. (COMIC: Foul Play) Afterwards, the Doctor became a celebrity after saving the planet Ekthelios and used this to save Amy from execution at the hands of the GateBots, robot ticket inspectors. (COMIC: Attack of the GateBots!)

    The Doctor next visited 13th century Japan, and saved a village from a dragon and turned the local outcast, Shoju, into a great hero. (COMIC: Samurai's Secret)

    Following a distress beacon, the Doctor and Amy arrived at the GSO Arctic Drilling Station in 2010. They discovered the crew had accidentally excavated Cybermats belonging to the Cybermen, whose ship was buried beneath millennia of ice. The Cybermats had infected the crew with a nano-virus that turned them into Cyberslaves needed to excavate the Cyber-ship. The Doctor was forced to awaken the Cybermen in stasis by Elizabeth Meadows after she threatened to convert Amy. Once awoken, the Cybermen destroyed Meadows. However, the Doctor quickly rescued Amy and used the Cybermen's nano-virus to put them back to sleep. Their ship promptly exploded, destroying the virus and returning the remaining infected GSO crew members to normal. (GAME: Blood of the Cybermen)

    Soon afterwards, the Doctor was launched through the TARDIS doors and out into the Time Vortex. While trying to rescue the Doctor from being trapped in a space-time riptide, Amy accidentally released an Entity from its container in the TARDIS. After the Doctor managed to get back inside the TARDIS, the Entity created a lesion in time to send Amy a thousand years into the future and began feeding on her timeline. The Doctor built a tachyon feedback loop which he sent to Amy to bring her and the Entity back to him. He captured the Entity and sent it into the riptide, where it could freely gorge on the four-dimensional Chronomites without harming them, though the Doctor forgot to mention the Chronomites were itchy to punish it.

    The Doctor continued to their intended vacation spot, Poseidon 8, where he found it under attack by a Zaralok, (GAME: TARDIS) occupied by the Vashta Nerada and its people under a "sickness". He returned power to the undersea farming facility, treated the vortron radiation poisoning of its crew and used a triangulation device to trace the appearance of the Zaralok and the Vashta Nerada to a World War II era warship, the USS Eldridge. The vessel had been brought through a dimensional vortex caused by a malfunctioning cloaking device. The Doctor and Amy deactivated the device, returning the Zaralok and Vashta Nerada to their proper time period, and ended the radiation. Though invited to a Christmas feast of "sea pumpkins" as a show of gratitude, the Doctor and Amy promptly left. (GAME: Shadows of the Vashta Nerada)

    The Doctor intended to take Amy to the paradise world of Pomarius, but the TARDIS was caught in a spider's web. After being saved by Pomarius farmer Heldan, the Doctor stopped cyborg spiders from seizing control of Pomarius, (COMIC: The Steel Web)

    While visiting Planet One, the Doctor found a message from River Song, that led Amy and him to 102 AD England, where River showed him The Pandorica Opens, a painting by Vincent van Gogh that showed a premonition of the TARDIS exploding. Reminded of Prisoner Zero's warnings of silence falling, the Doctor was led to Stonehenge, where an alliance of alien species that he had defeated in the past imprisoned him in the Pandorica, the ultimate prison built to contain the most feared being in creation; him. This was to prevent the cracks in time from occurring as the Doctor was the only one they knew able to pilot the TARDIS. When the Doctor was sealed away, the TARDIS exploded anyway with River inside; everything but the Earth vanished. (TV: The Pandorica Opens)

    The Doctor was immediately released by an Auton copy of Rory, who had been created from psychic residue from the home of the Doctor's companion Amy Pond, including a children's book on Roman centurions and a photograph of Amy and her fiancé Rory Williams taken at a costume party where Rory had worn a Roman centurion costume, on orders from the Doctor's future self. After placing a dead Amy inside the Pandorica, he used River's vortex manipulator to travel to 1996. In a museum where the Pandorica was now stored, he resurrected Amy using the DNA of her seven-year-old self and they reunited with Rory, who had lived two-thousand years since their last encounter. Taking a fez from an exhibit for headwear, the Doctor managed to save River from his exploding TARDIS, but was unable to stop the explosion itself. River promptly destroyed his fez after the Doctor stated his newfound attachment to it.

    After a confrontation with an echo of a Dalek, the Doctor was non-fatally shot by the Dalek. Using the vortex manipulator to separate himself from his three friends, he wired himself into the Pandorica to reboot the universe with its restoration field powered by the exploding TARDIS, which would also erase him from existence. He piloted the Pandorica into the explosion and found his time stream was unravelling as a side-effect. Before skipping the rest of his "rewind" to oblivion, he left a psychic imprint in Amy's mind to allow her to remember him back into existence.

    On Amy and Rory's wedding day, the Doctor was returned to the restored universe by Amy and attended her wedding reception, where he met her parents. After the party, he once again attempted to discover who River Song was, but was left with more vague answers. (TV: The Big Bang [+]Steven Moffat, Doctor Who series 5 (BBC One, 2010).) Returning to his restored TARDIS, the Doctor received a call for help from Gus concerning an "ancient Egyptian goddess" loose on the space Orient Express, but decided to dismiss the summons, (TV: The Big Bang [+]Steven Moffat, Doctor Who series 5 (BBC One, 2010)., Mummy on the Orient Express) and, with his mind concerned on other matters, left Amy and Rory to themselves on their wedding night, (TV: A Good Man Goes to War [+]Steven Moffat, Doctor Who series 6 (BBC One, 2011).) while he ordered a new fez from the Kerb!am warehouse. (TV: Kerblam!)

  4. 7. The Eleventh Doctor with Alice. The Eleventh Doctor and Alice’s appearance in ‘Four Doctors’ (Comic) – Titan*** takes place here. The Eleventh Doctor and Alice’s appearance in ‘The Long Con’ (Comic) – Titan*** takes place here. The Then and the Now (Comic) – Titan***. Pull to Open/Outrun (Comic) – Titan***.

  5. The Doctor attempts to take Amy and Rory to 2011 Leadworth, suggesting a setting before their move to London in The God Complex. GAME: The Silent Streets of Barry Island; The Doctor is trying to take Amy and Rory to the Bahamas, but they arrive at 1966 Barry Island instead when the Doctor slips up on the TARDIS controls. War with the Atomon []

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  7. The Eleventh Doctor. The Doctor, in his eleventh incarnation, is an excited explorer of the universe, with a keen intelligence that means he often notices what everyone else has missed. Fact title ...

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