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  1. Feb 28, 2011 · Uncover the fascinating ethnic and cultural history of the peoples of Briton. Assess the impact of the many invaders of Britain's shores.

  2. This map shows the approximate location of the major tribes who lived in Britain at the time of the Roman Conquest of Britain in the First Century AD. The sole source for the existence and ...

    • William Shakespeare
    • Sir Winston Churchill
    • Charles Darwin
    • Sir Isaac Newton
    • Edward Jenner
    • Sir Alexander Fleming
    • James Clerk Maxwell
    • William Wilberforce
    • Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington
    • Thomas Paine

    William Shakespeare has not just conquered the English land, but all around the world. As a matter of fact, his influence remains up to today and for the decades to come. He is considered as the greatest writer of all time. He is widely known for his works like the ever-popular tragic romance story of Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and sonnets.

    Winston Churchill spent his life serving the British people. He was a British statesman who became the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom twice. He was also remarkable for his efforts of uniting European nations. In fact, he was one of the founding fathers of the European Union. His literary works and ideologies in life have continued to influenc...

    Apparently, every elementary grader knows who Charles Darwin is. He was the man behind the ever-famous theory of the evolution of man. He published On the Origin of Species which discussed the basic mechanism of evolution and the concept of natural selection. His contribution in the field of science is truly huge.

    Another relevant name in the field of science is Isaac Newton. He was an English mathematician, astronomer, and physicist. He published the Mathematics Principles of Natural Philosophy which discussed the laws of motion and universal gravitation which is used widely in the fields of science and academics. Apart from mathematics and physics, he also...

    Edward Jenner was an English scientist who was greatly known for his discovery of a smallpox vaccine. He was regarded by his contemporaries as the “Father of Immunology”. He studied the feasibility of cowpox to counter smallpox virus. His discovery spread over Europe and around the world. Now, vaccination is naturally practiced especially for newbo...

    Speaking of cure, the most prominent contribution of all time was definitely that of Sir Alexander Fleming’s. He accidentally discovered the cure for certain diseases and disorders – the antibiotic. Fleming found out a mold he identified as “penicillin” which killed a number of disease-causing bacteria. Today, there are 34 million antibiotics certi...

    Scottish scientist James Clerk Maxwell greatly contributed to the understanding of physics. He was widely known for his theory of electromagnetic radiation. According to him, electric and magnetic fields travel through space with the speed of light. This theory led to the discovery of radio waves which inspired telephone, radio, and more.

    William Wilberforce was an English politician and philanthropist who led the movement to abolish the slave trade. He served as an independent Member of Parliament. On the other hand, he also became an Evangelical Christian which inspired him to act on reform. He started the parliamentary campaign against British slave trade. Through a collaborative...

    Arthur Wellesley was an Anglo-Irish soldier who rose to popularity for bringing peace and stability all throughout Europe. The highlight of his military career was when he served as a general during the Napoleonic wars. In 1813, he led the allied forces against the French Empire. He defeated Napoleon at the battle of Waterloo in 1815. After this, h...

    Thomas Paine was an English philosopher and political theorist who became an active American political activist and propagandist. His legacy still lives today in the United States of America. He was actually one of the founding father of the United States. He authored publications to start the American Revolution which liberated America from Britai...

    • Alfred the Great (king of Wessex – who united Anglo-Saxons and defeated Vikings)
    • Julie Andrews (actress)
    • King Arthur (legendary king of Camelot)
    • David Attenborough (TV presenter and environmentalist)
  3. When used in a historical context, "British" or "Britons" can refer to the Ancient Britons, the Celtic-speaking inhabitants of Great Britain during the Iron Age, whose descendants formed the major part of the modern Welsh people, Cornish people, Bretons and considerable proportions of English people.

  4. Exploring The History of the Great Public Schools of England, Harrow, Eton, Winchester, and More!

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