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Jokei's moveset revolves around close-ranged attacks, multi-hits, high damage, and draining Chi. It has four variations, Arahaki-Jokei, Light-Jokei, Dark-Jokei, and Gold-Jokei. By holding C, the user can activate Jokei's mode, initially starting...
This is a list of all the items that spawn in Shindo Life, organized in order of time. All of these spawn one scroll, with the exception of a few, which spawn a boss, which when defeated drops 3 scrolls. You will have to fight and kill the boss in order to obtain that scroll.
ItemTimeLocationRarity12:10Obelisk1/1012:15Great Narumaki Bridge1/1012:20Ember1/1012:20Blaze1/10The Light Jokei Boss is a boss that a player can battle in Shindo Life. It spawns after accepting its respective Boss Mission, which is located in the Obelisk Village.
Jan 14, 2024 · In the following table, you’ll find a comprehensive list of all items that can spawn or be obtained from bosses in Shindo Life, their spawn location (world), spawn probability (rarity), spawn time, and a live-timer counting down to the next spawn time of each item.
ItemLocationProbabilityCategoryForged Umpire FanDawn Hideout10.00%HeavyHeroes WaterJejunes10.00%ConsumableBomb BladeHaze10.00%HeavyKu Tailed SpiritObelisk10.00%Gen-2 Tailed SpiritDec 21, 2023 · All items in Roblox Shindo Life spawn twice a day at regular intervals 12 hours apart (once in the PM and once in the AM) and will despawn 25 minutes after they first appear. We’ve listed the...
Mar 14, 2023 · A full list of every Roblox Shindo Life spawn time for each location, featuring items, tools, weapons, sub-abilities, and companions.
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Aug 22, 2022 · Like any other RPG, in Shindo Life, you need to explore different locations to progress. There are many different locations in the game, and in each of them, many Items will spawn at a certain time. Each Item spawns twice a day at the same time. So, we compiled a list of all Item locations, by EST.