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  1. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on school districts and schools, the United States administered PIRLS to 5th-graders in the fall of 2021. PIRLS administration occurred in three waves: Wave 1: Forty-one education systems administered the assessment to 4th-graders at the end of the 2020–21 school year, during the originally ...

  2. Mar 3, 2024 · As an exchange student in the USA, I experience differences in the school system compared to Germany on a daily basis. The structure of the schools here is fundamentally different - while Germany has Hauptschule, Realschule and Gymnasium, in the USA I encounter the uniform high school.

  3. Jun 28, 2021 · The Eurydice report on the organisation of school time replies to this specific question. It contains national data on the length of the school year, the start and the end dates of each school year, the timing and length of school holidays and the number of school days.

  4. Feb 2, 2019 · At my high school in the US we only take seven classes, with the schedule rotating each day and each week being different that the last. In Berlin subjects are taught on the same day each day of the week. For example, every Monday my class starts with math, then has music, then French, physics, etc.

  5. Dec 21, 2023 · German education includes the elementary, primary, and secondary school levels, followed by higher education in universities and universities of applied sciences. Typically, primary school is...

  6. As work hours modernized and the family gathering at home midday became less common, children stayed at school past the typical 13-14:00 end of school. They ate lunch on campus and would be watched over by Erzieher (child care worker) until 16:00.

  7. People also ask

  8. German secondary schools have a class schedule that resembles a US college schedule, with different classes offered each day. Some subjects are taught three days per week, with others taught only twice a week.