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  1. What is the Broad General Education? The Broad General Education (BGE) is the first phase of two closely connected phases of education. The BGE phase stretches from age 3 until the end of S3 after which learners move into the Senior Phase which starts in S4, where they work towards national qualifications What are the Curriculum for Excellence ...

  2. Learning in the broad general education phase. There are eight curriculum areas: expressive arts, health and wellbeing, languages (including English, Gàidhlig and Gaelic learners and modern languages), mathematics, religious and moral studies, sciences, social studies and technologies.

    • ISBN: 978-0-7559-5711-8
    • setting the context
    • building the curriculum – the case for change
    • Values
    • Experiences and outcomes set out expectations for learning and development in:
    • The curriculum: ‘the totality of all that is planned for children and young people throughout their education’
    • Personal Support
    • Principles for curriculum design:
    • Learning and teaching
    • Arrangements for
    • 1. Every child and young person is entitled to experience a curriculum which is coherent from 3 to 18
    • 2. Every child and young person is entitled to experience a broad general education
    • 4. Every child and young person is entitled to develop skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work, with a continuous focus on literacy and numeracy and health and wellbeing
    • 5. Every child and young person is entitled to personal support to enable them to gain as much as possible from the opportunities which Curriculum for Excellence can provide
    • Reflective Questions
    • The Curriculum
    • Ethos and life of school as a community
    • Curriculum areas and subjects
    • Interdisciplinary learning
    • Opportunities for personal achievement
    • The purpose of the curriculum: the four capacities
    • To enable all young people to become
    • Reflective Question
    • Experiences and outcomes
    • Progression
    • Principles of curriculum design
    • Establishments have freedom and responsibility to meet the needs of children and young people in their local communities
    • Reflective Questions
    • learning, teaching and assessment
    • the framework at the different stages of learning
    • Reflective Questions
    • The early level
    • Purpose of the curriculum in the pre-school stages
    • Application of the principles
    • Designing a framework for the pre-school stages and P1
    • Reflective Questions
    • Purpose of the curriculum in the primary stages
    • Application of the principles
    • Designing a framework for the primary stages
    • Reflective Questions
    • The secondary stages
    • Purposes of the curriculum in S1 to S3
    • Application of the principles
    • Purposes of the curriculum in the senior phase
    • Application of the principles
    • Designing a framework for the senior phase
    • 3. Developing strategies for high attaining young people
    • 4. Developing strategies to meet the needs of those planning to leave in S4
    • 5. Developing planned opportunities for achievement in the senior phase
    • Baccalaureates
    • Reflective Questions
    • recognising personal achievement
    • conclusion
    • Getting it right for every child
    • Reasonable Adjustment Duty
    • The Schools (Health Promotion and Nutrition) (Scotland) Act 2007
    • Equalities
    • The Early Years Framework
    • Determined to Succeed

    The Scottish Government St Andrew’s House Edinburgh

    Curriculum for Excellence aims to achieve a transformation in education in Scotland by providing a coherent, more flexible and enriched curriculum from 3 to 18, firmly focused on the needs of the child and young person and designed to enable them to develop the four capacities. The changes brought about by Curriculum for Excellence should lead to i...

    young people in Scotland to gain the knowledge and skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work that they need. Curriculum for Excellence will offer better educational outcomes for all young people and will provide more choices and more chances for those young people who need them, helping us to meet the concerns raised in the recent Or...

    personal support to enable them to gain as much as possible from the opportunities which Curriculum for Excellence can provide support in moving into positive and sustained destinations beyond school. It is the responsibility of schools and their partners to bring the experiences and outcomes together and apply these entitlements to produce program...

    successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens. To do so, they must continue to have opportunities that reinforce their broader learning and achievements through a range of experiences including enhancing skills for life and skills for work, an active and healthy lifestyle and an appreciation of Scotland...

    Recent developments in education and the economy, both locally and globally, provide powerful drivers for change in the way we organise young people’s learning. Curriculum for Excellence is one of the most ambitious programmes of educational change ever undertaken in Scotland. For the first time, we are focusing on what the Scottish education syste...

    being much more rigorous and explicit about the development and certification of essential skills, particularly literacy and numeracy; this requirement goes beyond pupils with specific difficulties to all pupils, including those entering higher education providing space for imaginative teaching that can capitalise on approaches which make learning ...

    document; the term should be interpreted widely to include all those who can contribute to delivery of the experiences and outcomes and development of the four capacities. It will include, for example, further education colleges, Careers Scotland within Skills Development Scotland, youth work staff, health professionals, voluntary sector providers,...

    experiences and outcomes in ways that meet the needs of all learners, but also provides reassurance about consistency where necessary. Such flexibility will result in a more varied pattern of curriculum structures to reflect local needs and circumstances. The proposals in this guidance are part of a coherent whole which will include, as parts of Cu...

    Wisdom, justice, compassion, integrity The curriculum must be inclusive, be a stimulus for personal achievement and, through the broadening of experience of the world, be an encouragement towards informed and responsible citizenship.

    Expressive arts Languages and literacy Health and wellbeing Mathematics and numeracy Religious and moral education Sciences Social studies Technologies Curriculum levels describe progression and development.

    Ethos and life of the school as a community Curriculum areas and subjects Interdisciplinary learning Opportunities for personal achievement

    review of learning and planning of next steps gaining access to learning activities which will meet their needs planning for opportunities for personal achievement preparing for changes and choices and support through changes and choices pre-school centres and schools working with partners

    Challenge and enjoyment Breadth Progression Depth Personalisation and choice Coherence Relevance

    Engaging and active Setting challenging goals Shared expectations and standards Timely, accurate feedback Learning intentions, success criteria, personal learning planning Collaborative Reflecting the ways different learners progress

    Assessment Qualifications Self-evaluation and accountability Professional development to support the purposes of learning CONFIDENT INDIVIDUALS >

    All children and young people have an entitlement to a curriculum which they experience as a coherent whole, with smooth and well-paced progression through the experiences and outcomes, particularly across transitions, for example from pre-school to primary or from secondary school to college. Those planning the curriculum have a responsibility to ...

    All children and young people in Scotland have an entitlement to a curriculum which will support them in developing their values and beliefs and enable them to: achieve the highest possible levels of literacy and numeracy and cognitive skills develop skills for life and skills for work develop knowledge and understanding of society, the world and S...

    Curriculum for Excellence will support all children and young people in developing skills which they will use throughout their life and in their work, including the development of pre-vocational, enterprise and employability skills, personal skills, high levels of cognitive skills and the opportunity to put learning into a practical context. These ...

    embedded across all curriculum areas and include learning which falls within a broad definition of ‘vocational’: that is learning which is generally about the development of pre-vocational and employability skills which will be made use of in future working life. A strong focus on literacy and numeracy is essential: all children and young people re...

    Supporting children and young people in their learning involves a range of people – parents and carers, nursery teachers and nurses, primary teachers, secondary teachers, support staff, college staff, psychological services, Skills Development Scotland, volunteers and workers from voluntary organisations and local authority youth work provision. It...

    All establishments will work with a range of partners to address the needs of all children and young people and provide motivating and challenging opportunities, particularly for those who may require more choices and more chances. Action to address the needs of learners requires an integrated approach across children’s and young people’s services ...

    What challenges do you face in adapting your current curriculum structures to meeting the entitlements detailed in this section? How can you best work with other sectors and other partner agencies to develop a coherent and inclusive curriculum? What initiatives have you undertaken to develop skills in the curriculum and what barriers need to be ove...

    The curriculum is the totality of experiences which are planned for children and young people through their education, wherever they are being educated. It includes the ethos and life of the school as a community; curriculum areas and subjects; interdisciplinary learning; and opportunities for personal achievement.

    The starting point for learning is a positive ethos and climate of respect and trust based upon shared values across the school community, including parents, whether for young people in school or those not in school. All members of staff should contribute through open, positive, supportive relationships where children and young people will feel tha...

    The curriculum areas are the organisers for setting out the experiences and outcomes. In drawing up the experiences and outcomes, learning in each curriculum area has been reviewed and updated to emphasise the contributions it can make to developing the four capacities. Building the Curriculum 1 – the Contribution of Curriculum Areas outlines these...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    Determined to Succeed is the Scottish Government’s strategy for enterprise in education, through which young people will become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It is improving the attitudes and skills of our young people, better preparing them for their contribution to a wealthier and sma...

    • 382KB
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  3. Sep 23, 2009 · The Framework describes how we will achieve the standards and expectations set out in the experiences and outcomes of Curriculum for Excellence. Those standards take account of international benchmarks to ensure that Scotland sets challenging standards and expectations for broad general education within Curriculum for Excellence.

    • 3MB
    • 63
  4. Mar 24, 2021 · The Broad General Education (BGE) is designed to provider learners from early years to the end of S3 (ages 3-15) with a breadth and depth of skills and knowledge across 8 curriculum areas (expressive arts, health and wellbeing, languages, mathematics, religious and moral education, sciences, social studies and technologies): This includes ...

  5. 1. Across the UK there are five stages of education: early years; primary; secondary; Further Education (FE) and Higher Education (HE). Education is compulsory for all children between the ages...

  6. People also ask

  7. The learning areas of the general education curriculum are guided by and extracted from the aims and objectives, principles and values indicated in this curriculum framework. Learning areas and subjects are intended to contribute to the development of essential competencies and core life skills by learners.

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