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  1. Feb 10, 2024 · Jesus Christ, as the incarnate Son of God, willingly embraced the burden of humanity's sins, offering Himself as the perfect and unblemished sacrifice to atone for the transgressions of all. His sacrificial death on the cross stands as the central event in the narrative of atonement, serving as the means through which reconciliation between humanity and God is made possible.

  2. Let us, then, consider the disagreeable details of the bitter after-taste. 1. It is pain within. The morsel is sweet in the mouth, and it is hidden under the tongue to keep it safe and to prolong the delicious enjoyment of it; yet when it is swallowed it becomes like the gall of asps. The recollection of past sin is a pain of conscience.

  3. JOHN 17:1-26. JESUS’ HIGH PRIESTLY PRAYER. This prayer concludes the farewell dinner. It is often called The High Priestly Prayer for two reasons: First, Jesus is preparing to offer himself as a sacrifice for the sins of the world. Second, he intercedes for his disciples (vv. 6-26) in the same way that the high priest intercedes for the ...

  4. Aug 3, 2021 · And the bitter aftertaste is there again. The implication is that John is being instructed to give a message warning of judgement, directed this time to the world at large. Presumably the "testimony" of the Two Witnesses is carrying out this instruction in the next chapter, and more generally that is part of the function of the book of Revelation as a whole.

  5. Atonement. The term atonement refers to the belief that Jesus dying on the cross resolved the problems between humans and God. These problems began with Adam and Eve, who went against God's wishes ...

  6. Led by the Spirit into Temptation (Luke 4:1-2) The work, however, begins with a time of intensive preparation. Notice the role of the Holy Spirit in this preparation. Jesus is described as "full of the Holy Spirit." The event at the Jordan was profoundly significant. Now Jesus is "led" by the Spirit in the desert.

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  8. 4 days ago · Jesus, being without sin, was the spotless Lamb of God who took away the sin of the world (John 1:29). His sinlessness made His sacrifice on the cross acceptable to God, satisfying God’s wrath against sin and providing a way for us to be reconciled to God. Jesus’ sinlessness also reveals His divine nature.

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