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  1. The Austin Metro Hockey Association (AMHA) is the governing body over the youth hockey program in Austin, TX. Vision Statement: To actively support and promote youth ice hockey in the Austin Metro area.

  2. Austin Mallards 18U A: Indep USA 18U; 3-1-1: 82.39: Austin Mallards 16U A: Indep USA 16U; 5-3-2: 76.85: Bantam: Austin Mallards 14U A: Indep USA 14U All; 2-3-1: 77.95: Peewee: Austin Mallards 12U A: Indep USA 12U All; 5-3-1: 78.62: Austin Mallards 12U B: Indep USA 12U All; 0-4-0: 64.10: Squirt: Austin Mallards 10U A: Indep USA 10U All; 6-4-0: 77.3

  3. Supporting Youth Hockey in Austin, Texas. PLAY TOGETHER. PLAY SMART. CONTRIBUTE TO THE TEAM.

    • 1100
    • 102
  4. Open board meetings are held four times per year and any members in good standing are welcome to attend. Time will be alloted at each of these meetings for all members to discuss any related topics in an open forum. Please check the calendar for dates and times.

  5. Aug 15, 2024 · Austin Metro Hockey Association- Ice and Field 1717 Scottsdale Drive Cedar Park, TX 78641

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  6. Austin Youth Hockey Association: Employer Identification Number (EIN) 742330013: Name of Organization: Austin Youth Hockey Association: In Care of Name: Cindy Davies: Address: 12204 Las Flores Dr, Austin, TX 78732: Activities: Boys Club, Little League, etc. Subsection: Educational Organization: Ruling Date: 05/1984: Deductibility: Contributions ...

  7. Team Tags in Calendar View. Don't see your team? You can choose which teams you view in the calendar. You do this by scrolling to the bottom and click on Show Tag Menu. You can select the teams and information you would like to view. This can be updated at any time. Calendar View. Month List View. Day View.

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