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  1. Dec 5, 2013 · From booking arenas, recruiting fighters, booking fights and cards, setting ads, production, setting the number of free tickets and dealing with sometimes annoying and idiotic managers, such is the life of a organization owner in MMA Tycoon.

  2. Apr 27, 2016 · In MMA Tycoon, there are a number of different cities, with each one hosting Fight Orgs, Clothing and Nutrition Companies and Gyms. This does not mean you are limited to only the companies in your city, apart from your gym, as we will explain.

  3. Feb 27, 2010 · This is my attempt at the Beginner's "Beginner's" Guide to MMA Tycoon which aim is to try and get across some of the concepts that are commonly asked by new players when the game appears to be a little ambiguous.

    • Overview
    • Introduction
    • Stuff you need to know
    • Taking a look around
    • Creating a fighter
    • More about your fighter
    • Training
    • Getting a fight
    • Preparing for your first fight
    • Post fight changes

    This guide introduces you to the game in a step by step manner. Rather than look in detail at each page, we’ll whizz through it all like any eager beginner should, teaching you enough about how things work to get you going. If you want to find out something specific about a certain aspect of the game, you can check out our page by page guide.

    Welcome to MMA Tycoon – the most comprehensive and enjoyable MMA sim on the net!

    Within the free section of the game, you can create and manage fighters in the virtual MMA universe. Sign them to organizations and compete against fighters managed by real life users from around the world. Have you got what it takes to train the next great champion?

    If that’s not enough to satisfy your lust for glory, you can also try your hand at running a multi-million-dollar company. All the companies within MMA Tycoon are run by real life users and you can be one of them! This part of the game costs just $10 for 3 months or $30 per year (which helps us fund and develop the game). You can run a fight organization, a nutrition company, a bookmakers (coming soon), a clothing company, a gym or create a new fighting alliance.

    The possibilities are seemingly endless so take a look around and make your bid to be the ultimate MMA Tycoon!

    Times and dates within the game run on real world times. So Saturday 12th of Jan 2008 in the real world is Saturday 12th of Jan 2008. Each city within the game operates on the current timezone for that city and events and training within that city will happen at the appropriate time for that timezone, e.g. events will start at 6pm local time.

    To make things more interesting and exciting, the game does run at an accelerated speed (3 times as fast as real life). Fighters will age one year every 18 weeks, so training and fight frequency are also sped up accordingly. Whereas a fighter might feel comfortable fighting every 2 months in the real world, they’ll be able to fight much more frequently in MMA Tycoon.

    The first thing to do is take a look around and get used to the interface. If you have eyes, you can probably figure out most of this section by clicking on stuff and looking at what it does. If however you don’t have eyes, you’d probably better read on.

    Main Menu You can access most of the game’s features directly from the main menu, so let’s work down it.

    •News & Events: As with most of the options, it does exactly what it says on the tin, displaying general news and upcoming / recent events. Check here regularly for game updates, plus all the important in game news.

    •Highstreet: Here you can find all the shops and businesses based at your current location. You can also view other locations around the world.

    •Map: View all the world cities and either visit them or move your base permanently.

    •Rankings: View a massive selection of rankings for fighters, companies and managers. Who’s the richest, who’s ranked #1, who has the longest win streak? It’s all in here.

    When you start out you won’t have any fighters – It’ll just be you and an empty office. Go to your profile page and in the bottom right hand corner is an option for “create new fighter”.

    Once you’ve clicked that, you’ll be presented with a form to create your new superstar. If you are a basic user you can create 4 fighters, if you are a VIP user you can have up to 10.

    Give your fighter a name; please do NOT use the name of a real fighter!

    When creating your fighter’s height and weight, note that they will be able to cut weight but just like in real life, it may affect their performance. Also, feel free to try making a 7 foot tall 135lb fighter but he won’t get very far, sorry. Just like in real life, height and weight will affect things like speed, strength, how effectively they can strike and how easy they are to take down. In short, keep it within the realms of reality and your fighter will do just fine.

    Now, with all your new hero’s personal details in place, it’s time to move onto his stats.

    The older the fighter, the more points you’ll get to allocate at this stage but obviously, they’ll be x years closer to retirement, so you won’t be able to train them for as long. The choice is yours.

    Let’s take a quick look at your fighter’s profile page. Aside from all the stats and tactics, you’ll notice that there are 4 new values here – Energy, Morale, Hype and popularity.

    •Energy: Your fighter already has a value for conditioning but this is an added dimension. Think of conditioning as the size of the gas tank and energy as how full that tank is. Training will reduce your energy levels, which in turn will mean your fighter goes into his fights with less gas.

    •Morale: Affected by both the condition of the gym in which he trains and also fight results. Low morale means your fighter won’t fight or train so effectively.

    •Hype: Hype is the most important value within the game, be it for fighters, organisations or indeed your own manager status. Hype represents how highly other people view your skills and when compared against other fighters and managers, it forms the basis of all rankings within MMA Tycoon.

    •Popularity: Is kind of like a more complex hype rating. It takes into account who you beat, how you beat them and also if you do it in exciting fashion. Also, more exciting fighters will take less of a hit if they lose.

    You’ll also notice that although you allocated fighter skills numerically (1-150), they are displayed within the game using descriptive words. This helps keep you on your toes! Each value will cover a range of 10 digits, e.g. 10-19 is abysmal, 90-99 is superb and so on. To see a full list, click here.

    When they first come into the world your fighter will be training part time at their local Cozad MMA Academy. Run by the legendary Cozad family, these gyms are open door, offering mediocre coaching in an adequately maintained gym.

    Your fighter will appear on the gym page with a grid of 12 training slots; Monday to Saturday, am and pm. Fighters training part time are limited to 6 slots per week instead of the maximum of 12.

    Here you can either select to train with the gym’s trainer, spar with other fighters or train cardio / strength on your own. If you join a trainer, you’ll train whatever he’s teaching during that training slot. Check out the trainer’s schedule in the middle of the page.

    Training tipsWhen training individual skills, the more training partners you have the less time the trainer will be able to spend with you. As a result, the quality of training can often depend as much on the quality of your training partners as the quality of the coach. If you get one on one training time with an average coach, that's probably just as benefitial as being trained in a big group by an elite coach, so make sure the gym you train at isn't too busy.

    When sparring, your fighter’s improvement will depend entirely on the quality of your sparring partners. If nobody else turns up to spar, your training session will be wasted.

    When training strength, cardio or yoga you’ll just be hopping on the treadmill or pumping the weights, so it doesn’t matter how good the coaching is – all that matters is the quality of the equipment.

    Quick Fights

    Quick Fights are the easiest and quickest way to get your fighter up and running in MMA Tycoon. They are non-contract based fights, which are available to any fighter with less than 75 hype, that is not currently signed to a fight organization. To sign up your fighter for a quick fight; •go to the my fighters page and then click the link to quick fights. •click "book". •your fighter will then either have an opponent booked immediately, or you may have to wait until an appropriate opponent is avaiable (the next time a fighter of that weight, in that location, attempts to book a quickfight).

    Signing a contract

    If you want your fighter to get signed up by one of the fight organizations within the game, the first thing to do is click on the “my fighters” option in the main menu. Click the “need contract” box and with any luck, one of the organizations will offer him a contact. If your fighter currently has a record of 0-0-0, you may want to think about getting them a couple of Quick Fights to build up their record. If that doesn’t work, DON’T go spamming promoters, asking them if they want to sign your fighter. DO get yourself onto the forum, make some contacts and see if anyone will take your fighter on. Visit the appropriate section on the forum and look for promoters who are actively seeking out new fighters for their cards. If your fighter STILL can’t get a contract, just keep training and improving your fighter and if the worst comes to the worst, you can always offer to fight for free in your first fight, to get your foot on the first rung of the ladder. If someone does decide to offer your fighter a contract, it will appear in the “contracts” page. When reading over the contract, everything is self explanatory apart from the inactivity clause. As a fighter you want the inactivity clause to be as short as possible but the opposite applies for the promoter, so beware. Basically, if the period of inactivity mentioned in the clause is reached, you are allowed to leave your contract. This figure is reset when you are offered a fight, whether you agree to the fight or not. Conversely, the fight organizations are allowed to terminate the contract from their end whenever they like, with no justification (it's a harsh world). When you are starting out, only sign your fighters to organizations who hold events in his base city. Your fighter cannot afford travel and hotel expenses when first created, so would not be able to make it to any other location for a fight.

    Fight offers

    Once your fighter is signed up to an organization, you will need to agree to a fight. It's basically just the same as signing an organizational contract - you will get through a fight proposal and you accept or reject it. It doesn't hurt to tick the "need a fight" box on your "my fighters" page, to remind the promoter that you're looking for a fight. If you do that, you will appear on a shortlist on his organization's homepage. Once you've signed a fight contract, make sure your fighter is in the right city come fight time and make sure your fighter can make that weight. If either of those things don't happen, you won't be able to fight.

    Once you’ve signed a contract and know the name of your first victim, it’s time to prepare for the fight!

    First of all, you’ll need to make sure your fighter is not worn out come fight time. The important value here is their “energy”. If it is low, take them off training for a while and it should recover – aim to peak come fight time, whilst maximising your training.

    The next thing to think about is your fight tactics. Make your way to your fighter’s profile page and at the bottom you’ll find a number of “either / or” tactic bars. Do you want your fighter to fight on the feet, on the ground, or a bit of both? There are plenty of options to choose from and all will affect your chances of winning greatly.

    When deciding upon the tactics you should take into account both your own fighter’s skill set and his opponent’s. Although you can’t see all your opponent’s skills, you can get a rough idea from the fighter description on their profile page, which will read something like this…

    The striking figure is a combination of their boxing and muay thai, whilst the wrestling and BJJ figures are a direct representation of the appropriate skill. The belt grading for BJJ works as follows –

    although you’ll have to figure out what level someone is promoted! Suffice to say, it is not linear like the other skills.

    Post fight, a number of changes to your fighter’s stats will occur.

    •Hype: If your fighter won this will go up, if they lost it will go down. The amount it changes will depend on how good your opponent was, compared to your fighter. If you beat someone who was more hyped than you, it will increase much more than if you were the favorite. Likewise, if you’re an underdog and you lose, you won’t drop as much hype as if you were favored.

    •Morale: As above.

    •Popularity: Works like hype but also depends a lot on how aggressive and exciting your fighter was.

    •Energy: Fighting is a tiring business so as you’d expect, your fighter’s energy level will always drop after a fight. Time for some rest and relaxation!

    •Cuts: Your fighter may get cut during a fight. Their profile page will display how long the cut will take to heal. If you fight again too soon, it’s likely that the cut will open up very easily.

  4. This section provides a startup guide for each of the company types within MMA Tycoon. As a VIP member you are allowed to open one of the different types of company. When you open a company, you will be eligible for a $50k bank loan.

  5. Overall skills. Boxing - Affects the punching aspects of striking, including in the clinch. Muay Thai - Affects both standup and all aspects of clinch striking and control. Wrestling - Has an effect on all aspects of grappling, whilst standing, in the clinch and on the ground. BJJ - Brazilian Jiu Jitsu relates almost entirely to the ground game.

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  7. MMA Tycoon is a FREE TO PLAY online multiplayer Mixed Martial Arts game, populated by 1000s of UFC fans from around the world. All you need to join is an email address - no downloads - you play through your browser.

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