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  1. Kairos is God's dimensionone not marked by the past, the present, or the future. When Jesus came, it was a fulfillment of promises past, a cosmic collision of the sacred and secular. It was an intersection of the holy will of God and the stubborn ways of man. It was a perfect moment.

    • What Does Kairos Mean in Greek and Where Is It Used in The Bible?
    • Examples of Kairos in The Bible
    • How Does The Meaning of Kairos Influence Christian Living?

    According to Strong’s Greek Concordance, kairos means time or season, and it is a noun used to represent a fitting season or opportunity, an occasion. Thayer’s Greek Lexicon notes it comes from the root word kára, meaning head or summit, and that kairos is universally understood to mean a “certain” or “fixed” time, or even the “right” or “appointed...

    One example of kairos in the Bible is when Jesus teaches on the parable of the weeds in Matthew 13. Jesus uses the example of wheat and weeds to illustrate the kingdom of heaven, noting that a farmer doesn’t pull up the weeds when they first begin to grow, as this might also pull up the wheat along with it. Instead, the weeds and wheat are to grow ...

    It is that concept—the not knowing about kairos, when it will happen, or precisely what it will be like—that can be difficult for some Christians. After all, early Christians acted as if they expected Christ to return any day. Today we too urgently cry out “repent and be saved” knowing that, as Jesus said, only God knows when that time will be. How...

  2. Jun 7, 2011 · There were two words for time in koine Greek, Chairos and Chronos. Chronos was clock time, sequential time. Chairos was special: “the right time,” God’s Time. Jesus points out the difference when he tells his disciples. “The right time for me has not yet come; for you any time is right,” John 7.6.

  3. May 18, 2022 · In referring to time today, the context may mean something completely different from how we talk about time. Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology observes that the Bible mainly uses three words to talk about time: the Hebrew word et and the Greek words kairos and chronos.

  4. Dec 1, 2021 · John seems to indicate that God created by speaking, and that Jesus was the Word through whom God made the world. When John writes that “without him was not any thing made that was made” (John 1:3b), he asserts that God the Father through the Son is responsible for all that is.

  5. The time is fulfilled -- repent and believe in the gospel. This refers to the time as prophesied in the scriptures (Malachi 3:1, Isaiah 40:3) for Jesus' earthly ministry to begin. Giving people the opportunity to repent and exercise faith in the good news (gospel).

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