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Jun 7, 2001 · Illinois Department of Human Services JB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary Designate IDHS Office Locator. IDHS Help Line 1-800-843-6154 1-866-324-5553 TTY
Jun 7, 2001 · The Social Security Administration provides widow/widower benefits to a widow or widower whose spouse, or former spouse, is deceased and who is: at least 50 and totally disabled. This person is considered an Early Widow/Widower.
- Reporting A Death
- Benefits Payable
- Benefits Available For Parties to A Civil Union
- Refunds
The loss of a loved one is a very difficult time for a surviving spouse, immediate family member and loved one. Please report the death as soon as possible to (312) 236-2065.
A survivor of an employee should contact LABF to determine if there are any benefits payable to a spouse (including a civil union partner), child or heirs. The plan does not have a general “death” benefit or burial benefit. The types of benefits payable to survivors are: 1. A lifetime annuity payable to an eligible surviving spouse. 2. A limited be...
Effective June 1, 2011, the Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act confers the rights of marriage available under Illinois law to parties to a civil union. Therefore, all pension benefits previously made available to a married member and his or her spouse, are now also available to a member and his or her civil union partner. The...
Refunds To Heirs
1. A refund may be available to a designated beneficiary(ies), heirs or an estate. 2. The refund may be a portion or all of a member's contributions not already received as annuity payments. 3. If there is no designated beneficiary(ies) or the beneficiary does not survive the employee, the amount can be refunded to the employee's children in equal parts with the children of a deceased child taking the share of the parent. 4. Please contact LABF for a detailed explanation of this benefit.
Refund of Small Estates
A family member can receive payment of an uncashed check that was due to the deceased employee.
Refund In the Event of a Death
1. In the event of an active member's death or that of a recent retiree, any accumulated contributions for annuity purposes that have not been paid out to a member, their spouse, minor child(ren) or a designated reversionary would be refunded according to the current beneficiary designation form on file with LABF. 2. In general, an employee will collect back all of their contributions in the form of their retirement annuity within the first two years of their retirement.
A trust can receive monthly survivor benefits on behalf of a minor child or a disabled dependent beneficiary. A trust cannot receive monthly survivor benefits on behalf of an adult dependent who is not disabled. To pay a monthly survivor benefit to a trust, the following language is required in the trust.
The only employment restriction for individuals receiving a survivor, widow, or occupational death benefit from SERS is for those who qualify as a result of their disability and dependency on the member at the time of the member's death.
Jan 1, 2011 · The minimum spouse benefit is 10% of your Tier 1 Final Average Salary (see glossary). Example: Surviving Spouse Pension Amount Calculation. Prior to your death, your pension is $3,000 per month. At the time of your death, your spouse is age 55.
WAG 06-07-00. Some widows and widowers who lose their Supplemental Security Income (SSI) eligibility because of receiving Widow/Widower benefits under Title II of the Social Security Act are eligible for medical benefits regardless of their income.