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  1. Prepare a Script for Your Court of Honor. Having a script will ensure your Court of Honor runs smoothly. At nearly every Court of Honor, the MC will say pretty much the same thing. In my troop, we typically used the same framework each time we held a Court of Honor: Presentation of the Colors; Scout Oath and Law; Welcoming the Scouts and their ...

  2. (Sean) - “Hello everyone, thank you for coming to this Court of Honor. Tonight we get to celebrate and acknowledge all of our troop’s achievements! Just to keep the ceremony moving along, please hold your applause until all the awards in each group have been presented. Let’s get started with prayer and the presentation of the colors.”

  3. Court of Honor Script Page 1 of 6 Presentation of the Colors MC: Please present the colors. Color Guard: (Present colors) (Lead Pledge of Allegiance) (still standing…) MC: Please join me in reciting in the Scout Oath & Law. On my honor, I will do my best . To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at ...

  4. Recognition Ceremonies at Troop Courts of Honor. Some troops reserve the actual presentation of the badge for their court of honor, held every three months. Court of Honor recognition. ceremonies can be a bigger production where the badges are presented in a more impressive fashion.

  5. Script: (Call scouts forward with parents to line up behind ceremony table facing troop) Leader: You have reached a very important point in the path of Scouting. Whether or not you realize it, by meeting your Star Scout requirements, you have left the group of those who merely receive in Scouting.

  6. Court of Honor Ceremony (complete script-all ranks) 1) Call to Order SPL: Good afternoon. Please be seated. Thank you. My name is _____, and I am the Senior Patrol Leader of Troop 93. Will Troop 93 please file forward to your assigned seats. The troop approaches from the rear in two files between the two halves of the audience seating.

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  8. Honor guard, please escort (Eagle candidate) before this court of honor where they will be prepared to receive the highest rank conferred by the Boy Scouts of America, that of Eagle Scout. – (The honor guard, composed of Eagle Scouts escorts the Eagle candidate to the front of the room, near the American flag and leave them facing the audience.)

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