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  1. Tango 101 - Beginner Level Tango. Part 1 - An Introduction to Argentine Tango; Part 2 - Musical Demonstration; Part 3 - Weight Changes and Starting to Walk; Part 4 - The Embrace; Part 5 - Walking to Argentine Tango Music; Part 6 - La Cruzada (The Cross) Part 7 - Back Ochos (Ocho Atras) Part 8 - Forward Ochos (Ocho Adelante) Part 9 - A Basic ...

  2. Mar 23, 2013 · What are people talking about when they refer to your axis? The axis is an imaginary line that goes from the top of your head, down through the center of your body, to a point between your feet. If you are standing erect, your axis is almost perfectly vertical or perpendicular to the floor.

  3. Throws & Catching → Around and through follower’s axis. Boleo, Gancho, Kick, Rebounds. Combining Categories of Movement → Combining Translational, Rotational, & Orbit.

  4. Part 1: The Basic Structure. In this article we will learn about the basic structure of Argentine Tango. In very simple terms, most tangos consist of the following elements: A typical tango consists of 5 sections. Each section consists of 4 phrases. Each phrase consists of 4 measures.

  5. Position-related concepts of Argentine tango are axis and off-axis positions. Body position in which legs are approximately perpendicular to the floor is called 'axis' and there are two axis positions associated with one of two legs. [7] Off-axis positions are called apile (apilado, carpa, volcada) or colgada. [8]

  6. The first part of this article deals with the basic structure and a discussion of tempo. The second deals with measures and phrasing and the relationship between melody and rhythm. The third part deals with more complex variations on the basic structure.

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  8. An Intro to Technique - Honoring Axis. If you take your time, and you hold on to a counter (or a ballet bar), then it is usually not too difficult to get over the ball of your foot. If you're in a milonga (tango dance) and you take a step in the middle of a combination and suddenly need to stop, it's usually pretty hard.

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