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  1. Mar 27, 2021 · All One Piece episodes and their corresponding chapters. The next list presents all the episodes of the One Piece anime, and the respective chapters of the manga that were used as a reference for each of the episodes. Essentially this is an episode to chapter converter. Episodes that did not use any reference chapter are referred to as Filler.

    • Senior Author
    • East Blue Saga. Romance Dawn Arc (Episodes 1-3) The ever-growing story of One Piece begins with the Romance Dawn Arc, which kickstarts the original East Blue Saga.
    • Arabasta Saga. Reverse Mountain Arc (Episodes 62-63) The arc that star of the Arabasta Saga is even shorter than the Romance Dawn Arc, being only two episodes long.
    • Sky Island Saga. Goat Island Arc (Episodes 136-138) *Filler* The Sky Island Saga begins with... another filler arc. This one sees Luffy and his crew meet a goat guy.
    • Water 7 Saga. Long Ring Long Land Arc (Episodes 207-219) The next saga begins with some of the Straw Hats most troublesome foes yet, the aptly named Foxy Pirates.
  2. Jan 6, 2020 · This list presents all One Piece story arcs in order. Each arc shows the number of manga chapters and pages, and anime episodes and minutes. This list also shows the 1st chapter and episode of each arc. Arcs are numbered according to the manga. Arcs with decimal values refer to filler arcs that only appear in the anime.

    • Overview
    • Appearance
    • Personality
    • Abilities and Powers
    • History
    • Major Battles
    • Anime and Manga Differences

    King the Conflagration is one of the three All-Stars of the Beasts Pirates and Kaidou's right-hand man. Born as Alber, he is a member of the near-extinct lunarian race from the Red Line, noted for their ability to create fire.

    Due to his actions and role, he is a major antagonist in the Wano Country Arc.

    King is a towering man at 613 cm tall, with a well-muscled, broad-shouldered frame and long limbs. Being a lunarian, he has his race's telltale features: large, black-feathered wings on his back that reach down to knee length, a brown complexion, and silver-white hair. Said hair is shaved on the sides but kept long on top, where it is mostly drawn back and bound at King's occiput before flowing freely down past his nape; some sidelocks hang down on the right of King's face, to his collarbone, and include a thin braid. King's face is characterized by his narrow red eyes, prominent dark eyebrows, a straight nose, prominent lips, and a square, stubbly chin. Circling halfway around his left eye, on its outer side, is a black tattoo resembling a laurel wreath or olive branch. In addition, a plume of fire constantly rises from King's upper back, also owing to his heritage (though it may extinguish), and when King transforms into a pteranodon, these flames further engulf his back and wings while his natural lunarian wings are replaced by his pterosaur ones. When being dealt the finishing blow by Roronoa Zoro amid the conclusion to their fight, King had half his right wing sliced off.

    In order to hide his lunarian identity, King keeps himself clad in a dark, form-fitting leather uniform that bares no skin. Covering his head and neck area is a full-faced leather mask, which leaves only two holes for his eyes and has a zipper going up the front of the neck, flanked by two blue, gray-studded leather bands. The mask around the eyes is black, with a trio of blue strips below (also beset with studs) forming a triangle to mark off the nose, mouth, and chin section, and to the sides of which is blue leather of flame-like shape. Topping the eyes are blue-lensed, gray-rimmed goggle pieces, and on either side of the mask, connecting with a studded base, is a large and black, horn-like spike. Five more such spikes, only smaller, are located further on top upon a blue band that runs coronally into another one positioned like a headband, and crossing yet another that goes sagittal, with airholes in-between. Otherwise, King's upper-body wear includes a dark-blue, double-breasted leather jacket that has ten gold buttons and notch lapels with square, red, gold-edged skull patches sewn on. Running straight down each side of the jacket's waist are two columns of yet more studs, and flat, two-part shoulder pads (black and double-trimmed with studs) are present on each side, down the upper arms with three curved spikes atop (the outer spikes the biggest). The tight sleeves of the jacket are cuffless, end in black gloves, and each bears an additional, stud-covered pair of leather bands above thinner strips, plus three very small, white spikes above the wrists. Below the jacket, King wears a white shirt whose ruffled neckline emerges from under the jacket's lapels. For lower wear, King dons dark-blue pants matching the jacket, with three studded leather bands wrapping around each upper leg and a ring of the same material located on either knee. The pants go inside black, high-heeled boots (once again tied with studded straps), the high shafts of which end folded over, in studded jags.

    As a young boy, King had already begun keeping his hair longer and swept to the right. At one point he wore a light-colored shirt patterned with alternating dark squares along the borders, plus dark shorts and light boots, and wielded a plain, qiāng-like spear that featured a leaf-shaped blade with a short tassel lashed below. Years later while held in World Government captivity, a teenaged King had already grown very tall by human standards, reaching up to an adult Kaidou's waist. His hair was at roughly neck length, his wings were proportionally smaller (their lower end reaching only to waist level), and King's fire was already present at his back, as was the tattoo around his eye. King's clothes at the time consisted of a light-colored shirt and dark pants, and he already seemed to be equipped with a flaming sword.

    Years following his recruitment by Kaidou, King had already begun attiring himself in a version of his current leather uniform, being seen with his mask off while in the company of Kaidou. Twenty years ago, King wore a version of his uniform that, in the anime, is shown to have had a dark-red coloration as opposed to blue. King's spikes atop his mask were shorter, blunter, and he wore his jacket's collar upturned without white ruffles visible. The jacket's front had just one row of buttons, with two golden cross shapes right there that either served as oversized buttons or were simply patches. Also in the anime, King was seen carrying a blue-flamed torch.

    King is a stern, reticent man who keeps a level head in most situations, rarely showing strong emotions (though this is partly attributable to his face being perpetually masked). Like Queen, King tends to be very denigrative towards crewmates, such as frequently insulting and deriding his fellow All-Stars for perceived failures.

    In keeping with his status as Kaidou's right-hand man, King has shown himself to be not only calm and stoic but proactive and good at making major decisions under pressure. He personally engaged Big Mom and her crew to keep them from entering Wano, despite not being ordered to do so by Kaidou, and later in Big Mom's presence showed himself not to be intimidated by her in the slightest, despite his surprise at her survival, bluntly refusing her offer to join her. King also took the initiative to summon the Tobiroppo after hearing Kaidou was looking to address a problem with Yamato, acting conniving by framing the summons as one from Kaidou due to knowing that the Tobiroppo would not answer to him. When Kaidou became occupied with fighting during the rebel invasion of Onigashima, King was mainly the one to handle their crew's troops, calmly issuing orders.

    Strongly averse to the idea of showing his face and revealing his lunarian identity, King wears a head-enwrapping mask that leaves only his eyes visible; it was stated by a grunt of the Beasts Pirates that no one had ever caught a glimpse of King's face. When his mask took some damage in his fight with Roronoa Zoro, King flew into a silent rage, indiscriminately attacking enemy and crewmate alike (even his fellow All-Star) before taking care to relocate his battle with Zoro to someplace that had no one else around but them. Once King's mask was off completely and some close-by underlings of his recognized him as lunarian, the All-Star mercilessly disposed of them with his flames. Ultimately, however, King takes some pride in the biological strength of his race, boasting to Zoro that humans could not compare to lunarians.

    King has a sadistic side to him, having been called a "torture-loving pervert" by Queen (though likely in reference to his leather getup). In general, King appears to share Kaidou's streak of ruthlessness, having shown himself to be not above executing a child when demanding that Sanji hand over the eight-year-old Momonosuke for him to kill, in accordance with Kaidou's New Onigashima Project. He also had no scruples about personally dispatching turncoat subordinates who, in fact, had been brainwashed into betrayal. Likewise, while loyal to his crew, King has no qualms about betraying long-standing allies who stand outside their direct organization, especially if so doing is pertinent to Kaidou's plans, and so lent his sword to Kaidou so he could decapitate their ally Orochi whom they had played friendly with for over two decades.

    King seems to greatly respect strength in others, with Kaidou's immense power being what originally induced King to join his crew and place his trust in him. In combat, King has expressed his belief that one ought not to limit oneself to a single way of fighting, as there should be no need for adherence to any one school or style in a real battle. Generally, while King does admit to enjoying a good duel, the All-Star's stolid and no-nonsense attitude carries over into his fights: he does not bother with posturing, monologuing, or following fighting etiquette. Instead, he wastes no time in going for the kill should an opportunity emerge, personally goes after noteworthy enemies when physically disabled, immediately strikes at foes when distracted, and may relentlessly mount attack after attack on opponents to leave them little time to defend themselves or counterattack. Even more, King may goad enemies into attacking him to render them vulnerable to his own surprise counteroffense.

    King is among the scant few people who are aware of Joy Boy's supposed nature and, according to Kaidou, is waiting for the legendary figure to appear, with King having at one point speculated that Kaidou himself might be Joy Boy.

    As the Beasts Pirates' head All-Star and Kaidou's right-hand man, King holds authority in the crew that is just below Kaidou's own, exemplified when he took on the role of a commanding officer during his Governor-General's absence, informing the Tobiroppo of the enemy's numbers and directing them towards new objectives throughout the Raid on Onigashima.

    In combat, King is shown to be extremely formidable, with his 1,390,000,000 bounty illustrating his fearsome reputation. A veteran pirate, he has been part of Kaidou's crew for over three decades, as his first recruit, and was in his youth acknowledged by Kaidou for having extraordinary strength, being named "King" in recognition of it. Like the other two All-Stars, King is also hailed as a "calamity" for his sheer destructiveness, linked to his pyrokinetic abilities. Alongside Jack, King was confident in his ability to defeat any of the Tobiroppo, the six strongest fighters of their crew behind the All-Stars and mighty combatants in their own right, if challenged.

    During the battle on Onigashima, King effectively engaged Marco, Whitebeard's former right-hand man, in single and later (with Queen) two-on-one combat, keeping Marco occupied until he ran out of stamina, all while King remained none the worse for wear. Later, King proved himself more than a match for Roronoa Zoro—one of the Straw Hat Pirates' top fighters who had proven capable of injuring Kaidou himself. As King went toe-to-toe with and consistently overwhelmed the enemy swordsman in their duel, Zoro came to believe that, unless he figured out King's background, he would not be able to win. However, once Zoro had managed to figure out the secret of King's body and the means by which to hurt him, the swordsman was able to deal a decisive blow to the All-Star and defeat him.

    Having a strong will, King was completely unaffected by Zoro's Haoshoku Haki.


    Alber was born on the Grand Line 47 years ago, into the lunarian tribe that originates from the top of the Red Line before Mary Geoise was built, and which in the present day is widely believed to be extinct. At some point during his childhood, Alber was captured by the World Government and held at Punk Hazard's Third Research Institute to be experimented on and have his lunarian abilities tested, as well as to extract the Lineage Factor of his lunarian blood. Eventually, Kaidou, who was also a research subject at the time, broke out of captivity and found Alber, proposing that the boy come along with him because Kaidou was planning to escape and form his own pirate crew. Alber asked if Kaidou was someone who could change the world, to which Kaidou responded that only he could. After the two had broken out of the research facility, Kaidou asked for Alber's name and suggested he call himself "King" instead, declaring that from that day forth King would be his right hand. Sometime around 33 years ago, the Beasts Pirates were founded. Around 28 years ago, King was present when Kaidou was being visited by Higurashi of the Kozuki Family, who made a certain proposition to Kaidou that would eventually lead to the Beasts Pirates' alliance with Kurozumi Orochi in Wano Country. Another time, King and Kaidou were seen drinking together and conversing about King's belief that Kaidou might be the legendary "Joy Boy". Kaidou asked whether King really thought as much, but King responded that legends were inconsequential so long as Kaidou simply remained as the strongest, subsequently vowing never to lose a fight himself until he saw Kaidou become the Pirate King. Eventually, King followed Kaidou in coming to Wano where their crew's base of operations would be set up. One day, Kaidou told King of how he had heard Yamato mention Joy Boy and how, if the Joy Boy whom Oden was expecting was the same figure that King was waiting for, then he knew who Joy Boy was: the man who would defeat Kaidou in the future. King merely replied that, if it were so, they would never see Joy Boy appear. Twenty-three years ago, King partook in his crew's battle against the Gecko Pirates led by Gecko Moria, which resulted in Moria's crew suffering a crushing defeat in the Ringo province of Wano Country. Twenty years ago, King was involved in the Beasts Pirates' total takeover of Wano through their final battle against Kozuki Oden, then-daimyo of Kuri. When Oden and his retainers, the Nine Red Scabbards, were on their way to Onigashima, a thousand members of the Beasts Pirates, including King and Queen, confronted them in the Udon region. In the ensuing battle that lasted five days, King fought against the Scabbards, including Raizo and Ashura Doji. King managed to stab Ashura in the back while the samurai was distracted by Kaidou's attack on Oden. In the end, Oden and his allies were overwhelmed and crushed. Following Oden's execution, King, Queen, and Jack were present when Kaidou set Oden Castle ablaze in order to kill the rest of the Kozuki Family.

    •Beasts Pirates vs. Gecko Pirates

    •Beasts Pirates vs. Kozuki Oden, the Nine Red Scabbards, and Shinobu

    •King vs. Raizo

    •King vs. Ashura Doji

    •King and Kaidou vs. Red Hair Pirates (unseen)

    •King vs. Sanji

    In the anime during the flashback of Oden's and his retainers' battle against the Beasts Pirates 20 years ago, King was seen briefly battling Denjiro.[100]

    King's fight with Sanji over the Skull Dome's Live Floor is extended in the anime, with the two having a short but fierce melee in the air that sees King block Sanji's Ryusei Osoba Kick with his open palm before transforming into his pteranodon self and pursuing Sanji (in flight with his Raid Suit) through the air across the Skull Dome, until performing the same divebomb attack on his foe as in the manga.[101] Later, King's engagement with Marco is similarly extended.[102]

    • Entertainment Writer
    • July 26, 2000
    • East Blue Saga. The first One Piece saga is called the East Blue Saga. Given that it takes place in this East Blue Sea, it is called East Blue Saga. Following are the arcs that make up the East Blue Saga
    • Arabasta Saga. The Arabasta Saga derives its name from the nation that the Straw Hat visits and where most of the drama occurs. This is the second saga in the show.
    • Sky Island Saga. The Skypiea (floating island), which is the setting for most of the action, gives rise to the name of the Sky Island Saga. It is the third saga in the show.
    • Water 7 Saga. The Venice-like paradise Water 7 island that the Straw Hat reaches after Skypiea is the inspiration for the name of the Water 7 Saga. This is the anime show’s fourth saga, and it is divided into the following arcs
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