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  1. In geometry, a line is a straight one-dimensional figure that does not have a thickness, and it extends endlessly in both directions. Diagram A represents a line. It does not have any endpoint. The two arrows at each end signify that the line extends endlessly and is unending in both directions. The length of a line cannot be measured.

  2. The word line may also refer, in everyday life, to a line segment, which is a part of a line delimited by two points (its endpoints). Euclid's Elements defines a straight line as a "breadthless length" that "lies evenly with respect to the points on itself", and introduced several postulates as basic unprovable properties on which the rest of geometry was established.

  3. In common language it is a long thin mark made by a pen, pencil, etc. In Geometry a line: • is straight (no bends), • has no thickness, • and extends in both directions without end (infinitely). One end makes it a "Ray", and two ends makes it a "Line Segment". Try moving points A and B: See: Line Segment. Line in Geometry.

  4. Ray. When it has just one end it is called a "Ray". This is Cool. Now play with this one ... point "C" is made to always be an equal distance from point "A" and "B".The result is a line (all the possible position of point "C" make a line):

  5. Solution: The types of lines for the figures are as follows: Parallel lines. Intersecting lines. Curved line. Vertical line. Example 2: State whether the following is true or false. A line is a set of points in a straight path that extends in opposite directions without ending. A line has a fixed length.

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  7. A ray is part of a line extending indefinitely from a point on the line in only one direction. In a coordinate system on a plane, a line can be represented by the linear equation ax + by + c = 0. This is often written in the slope-intercept form as y = mx + b, in which m is the slope and b is the value where the line crosses the y -axis.

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