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  1. Mar 17, 2014 · March 17, 2014 by BookLady Deb. Jane Austen in Song, Or, How the 1970s Was Really All About Jane Austen. “Rear Admiral” of Austen in Boston posted this on a Jane Austen discussion group, his facebook page, and his blog.

  2. Jun 30, 2023 · Let’s Talk Balls: Music and Dance in Pride & Prejudice. Music and dance are pertinent motifs throughout Jane Austen’s novels. Beyond reflecting the social conventions and reality of the Regency era, Austen's uses presentation of music and dance reveals more personal aspects to her characters, their relationships, and relates to the process ...

  3. Apr 4, 2018 · So the collection, it's not one particular genre of music. There's music from the theater, which Jane was very fond of.

  4. Jan 8, 2001 · Jane Austen wrote about what she knew. In her books, she employs music to tell about the personalities of her characters. If Caroline Bingley’s was the accepted standard of accomplishment, however, it would seem that Jane Austen’s heroines fall short.

  5. Oct 14, 2007 · Jane Austen practiced on the pianoforte every day, preferring popular music by composers we barely know, like Shield, Pleyel, Dibdin, Sterkel, Kotzwara, and comic songs. From 1750 to 1810, Jane meticulously copied works or musical items into manuscripts that were 85 to 95 pages long.

  6. Mar 26, 2021 · But unlike certain other writers, Austen doesn’t cite many specific pieces or composers in her works; so CPR has compiled a playlist of pieces found in Austen’s often-used music books, as well as few songs off of Austen film soundtracks.

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  8. “The Pride and Prej­u­dice author, who also played piano and sang, copied music by hand into per­son­al albums and col­lect­ed sheet music,” says the BBC about Austen’s per­son­al music col­lec­tion, part of the Austen fam­i­ly music library now dig­i­tized by the Uni­ver­si­ty of Southamp­ton’s Hart­ley Library and ...

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