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  1. Sep 21, 2023 · The smell of wood – decades-old, cut, stacked, and bolted, bathed in and baked by summer sun; the aroma of grease, clinging to the lift chain as humming motors drag bug-splattered wooden trains upward, anti-rollback wedges clacking into place in their wake; the roaring, rumbling wave of sound as riders snake along a superstructure of swaying wood beams, shuddering and shaking as up-stop ...

  2. Sep 30, 2023 · The story of El Toro really begins with understanding wooden roller coasters – or, as they were known for most of their life, just… roller coasters. Nearly 150 years before the first roller coaster with tubular steel tracks, a first gravity-powered, wood-track-guided amusement ride was thrilling the crème de la crème of French high society.

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    • what era did el toro have a great fight3
    • what era did el toro have a great fight4
    • what era did el toro have a great fight5
  3. Sep 22, 2023 · This one-of-a-kind-in-the-nation prototype by a bold and brash roller coaster manufacturer set out to rewrite the rules of the wooden roller coaster. Did it succeed? Well… Together, let’s tackle the ups and downs of this fierce and furious thrill ride landmark…

    • Overview
    • Origins and early forms
    • Development in the modern era

    Bullfighting’s exact origins are lost to history, though the spectacle seems to have many antecedents. Historians have long debated the relative weight to give to these various influences, and, for every historian who sees the seeds of the spectacle sown in Moorish Spain, there is a counter voice discoursing on the bull cults of ancient Mesopotamia or highlighting the prenuptial bull-taunting ritual common in medieval Spain. What is likely the case is that modern bullfighting hails from a confluence of influences, rituals, and cultures, many of which are thousands of years old. The excavations at Knossos on the island of Crete, for example, have revealed ancient Minoan frescoes (c. 1500 bce) depicting games with bulls in which young people of both sexes are shown grabbing the animals’ horns and vaulting over them.

    Combats and spectacles with bulls were also common in ancient Rome, but the action depended on the inherent trait of domesticated cattle to flee their attackers. The distinguishing trait of the Iberian stock used in bullfighting as it is known today is its spirited and continuous attack without provocation. Prior to the Punic Wars, the Celtiberians knew the peculiarities of the wild cattle that inhabited their forests. They developed the hunt into a game and herded the animals for use as an auxiliary in war, where advantage was taken of the animals’ ferocity. For example, the Celtiberian defenders of a city besieged by Hamilcar Barca, Hannibal’s father, in 228 bce gathered a great herd of wild horned beasts, harnessed them to wagons loaded with resinous wood lit with torches, and drove the herd at the enemy. (The Moors later adopted a similar strategy, except they tied firebrands to the animals’ tails to initiate the stampede.) In the ensuing melee Barca was killed and his army annihilated. Carthaginians and Romans were astounded by accounts of Barca’s demise. They were equally amazed at subsequent tales of games held in Baetica (the Spanish region of Andalusia) in which men exhibited dexterity and valour before dealing the death blow with ax or lance to a wild horned beast. The Iberians were reported to have used skins or cloaks (precursors to the cape) to avoid the repeated attacks of the bulls before killing them.

    Conquest of the Iberian Peninsula by Vandals, Suebi, and Visigoths modified the customs of the people. Three centuries of Visigoth rule (415–711 ce) evolved a spectacle featuring brute strength of men over bulls that was later adopted by Portuguese bullfighters (discussed below) and is still retained as one of their specialties. The Muslims from Africa who overran Andalusia in 711 ce also modified these bull-related games: as great horsemen, they relegated to assistants the inferior position of simply maneuvering the animals on foot so that their mounted masters might perform to better advantage with their lances. Bull-lancing tournaments developed as a result of the rivalry between Moorish chieftains and Christian Iberian knights, and, except in large cities that boasted amphitheatres—Sevilla (Seville), Córdoba, Toledo, Tarragona, Mérida, and Cádiz—most festive combats were held in the city square, or plaza, from which all contemporary bullrings derive their names, or in the open fields outside of town. These organized bullfighting festivals had become commonplace by the end of the 11th century and continue to be popular today, the most famous perhaps being the Fiesta de San Fermín, during which bulls are run through the streets of Pamplona. (A similar “running of the bulls,” called jallikattu, occurs among the Tamil of southern India as part of the annual Hindu festival of Pongal.)

    The early Christian church opposed these spectacles and never perceived the bull in a very positive light. In fact, the Council of Toledo in 447 ce compared the Devil to a bull:

    a large, black, monstrous apparition with horns on his head, cloven hoofs, hair, ass’s ears, claws, fiery eyes, gnashing teeth, and huge phallus, and sulphurous smell.

    This description is less surprising when one remembers that the early church’s foremost rival was the cult of Mithra, the pagan god of Persian mythology that was widely worshipped in ancient Rome. The most important Mithraic ceremony was the sacrifice of a bull, an act emulating Mithra’s legendary slaying of a bull, which was depicted in art throughout the Roman Empire.

    Bullfighting’s exact origins are lost to history, though the spectacle seems to have many antecedents. Historians have long debated the relative weight to give to these various influences, and, for every historian who sees the seeds of the spectacle sown in Moorish Spain, there is a counter voice discoursing on the bull cults of ancient Mesopotamia or highlighting the prenuptial bull-taunting ritual common in medieval Spain. What is likely the case is that modern bullfighting hails from a confluence of influences, rituals, and cultures, many of which are thousands of years old. The excavations at Knossos on the island of Crete, for example, have revealed ancient Minoan frescoes (c. 1500 bce) depicting games with bulls in which young people of both sexes are shown grabbing the animals’ horns and vaulting over them.

    Combats and spectacles with bulls were also common in ancient Rome, but the action depended on the inherent trait of domesticated cattle to flee their attackers. The distinguishing trait of the Iberian stock used in bullfighting as it is known today is its spirited and continuous attack without provocation. Prior to the Punic Wars, the Celtiberians knew the peculiarities of the wild cattle that inhabited their forests. They developed the hunt into a game and herded the animals for use as an auxiliary in war, where advantage was taken of the animals’ ferocity. For example, the Celtiberian defenders of a city besieged by Hamilcar Barca, Hannibal’s father, in 228 bce gathered a great herd of wild horned beasts, harnessed them to wagons loaded with resinous wood lit with torches, and drove the herd at the enemy. (The Moors later adopted a similar strategy, except they tied firebrands to the animals’ tails to initiate the stampede.) In the ensuing melee Barca was killed and his army annihilated. Carthaginians and Romans were astounded by accounts of Barca’s demise. They were equally amazed at subsequent tales of games held in Baetica (the Spanish region of Andalusia) in which men exhibited dexterity and valour before dealing the death blow with ax or lance to a wild horned beast. The Iberians were reported to have used skins or cloaks (precursors to the cape) to avoid the repeated attacks of the bulls before killing them.

    Conquest of the Iberian Peninsula by Vandals, Suebi, and Visigoths modified the customs of the people. Three centuries of Visigoth rule (415–711 ce) evolved a spectacle featuring brute strength of men over bulls that was later adopted by Portuguese bullfighters (discussed below) and is still retained as one of their specialties. The Muslims from Africa who overran Andalusia in 711 ce also modified these bull-related games: as great horsemen, they relegated to assistants the inferior position of simply maneuvering the animals on foot so that their mounted masters might perform to better advantage with their lances. Bull-lancing tournaments developed as a result of the rivalry between Moorish chieftains and Christian Iberian knights, and, except in large cities that boasted amphitheatres—Sevilla (Seville), Córdoba, Toledo, Tarragona, Mérida, and Cádiz—most festive combats were held in the city square, or plaza, from which all contemporary bullrings derive their names, or in the open fields outside of town. These organized bullfighting festivals had become commonplace by the end of the 11th century and continue to be popular today, the most famous perhaps being the Fiesta de San Fermín, during which bulls are run through the streets of Pamplona. (A similar “running of the bulls,” called jallikattu, occurs among the Tamil of southern India as part of the annual Hindu festival of Pongal.)

    The early Christian church opposed these spectacles and never perceived the bull in a very positive light. In fact, the Council of Toledo in 447 ce compared the Devil to a bull:

    a large, black, monstrous apparition with horns on his head, cloven hoofs, hair, ass’s ears, claws, fiery eyes, gnashing teeth, and huge phallus, and sulphurous smell.

    This description is less surprising when one remembers that the early church’s foremost rival was the cult of Mithra, the pagan god of Persian mythology that was widely worshipped in ancient Rome. The most important Mithraic ceremony was the sacrifice of a bull, an act emulating Mithra’s legendary slaying of a bull, which was depicted in art throughout the Roman Empire.

    The first Castilian to lance a bull from horseback in an enclosed arena is thought to have been Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, known as El Cid (c. 1043–99). After the Muslims were driven from Spain in the 15th century, bull-lancing tournaments became the favourite sport of the aristocracy. By the time of the Austrian accession in 1516, they had become an indispensable accessory of every court function, and Charles V endeared himself to his subjects by lancing a bull on the birthday of his son Philip II. Queen Isabella, however, opposed bullfighting, and in 1567 Pope Pius V banned it outright, excommunicating Christian nobles who sanctioned bullfights and refusing Christian burial to anyone killed in the ring. Corridas nevertheless continued to grow in popularity, and in time the church lifted the ban and accommodated that which it clearly could not stop, though it did insist on certain modifications to reduce the number of slain bullfighters, such as stopping the common practice of mass bullfights (the release for battle of dozens of bulls at the same time). In fact, corridas became such a routine part of Spanish life that they were eventually held during fiestas in commemoration of holy days and the canonization of saints, and even now the opening day of the bullfighting season in some areas is Easter Sunday. These bullfighting-related fiestas are important community events, often reflecting local and regional identities and traditions.

    For 600 years the bullfighting spectacle consisted of a mounted aristocrat armed with a lance. During the reign of Philip IV (1621–65), the lance was discarded in favour of the rejoncillo (short spear), and leg armour was introduced to protect the mounted bullfighters. As knowledge of the nobles’ prowess spread beyond their domains, they were invited to competitive jousts in provincial tournaments. However, the nobles’ performance was hampered by their unfamiliarity with the spirit of bulls from other areas, causing their lackeys (assistants on foot)—who daringly maneuvered the bulls by dragging capes before the animals—to gain greater experience and fame. Further changing the character of bullfighting was the secession of the house of Bourbon, which rose to power in Spain with Philip V (1700–46) and which disapproved of bullfighting. But while the aristocracy gradually abandoned bullfighting, the public enthusiastically continued the spectacle. Any nobles still bullfighting now performed on foot and relegated to their former foot assistants the subordinate role on horseback, that of picador (whose exact role is discussed later).

    The opposite development occurred in Portugal. While mounted bullfighting waned in Spain and was transformed by the masses into the foot-based corrida common today, equestrian bullfighting was finely honed into an art and a national specialty in Portugal. The main performers in a Portuguese bullfight are the rejoneadores (lancers mounted on magnificently trained horses) and forcados (daring young “bullgrabbers” who, after the bull has been lanced, provoke the animal into charging and then, one by one from a single-file line, jump on the charging bull and wrestle it to a standstill). The objective of this type of bullfighting is not to kill the bull but to demonstrate the extraordinary ability of the horses—which dramatically charge and dodge the bull at breakneck speeds and are almost never injured—and the skill and bravery of the bullfighters and bullgrabbers. In these spectacles the bull’s horns are padded, blunted, or tipped with brass balls, and, though the bull is indeed lanced (which takes great skill, because the bullfighter must command a horse with knee pressure and not the reins while leaning over and plunging the lance or darts into the bull), the bull is not killed in the ring but is dispatched after being returned to the corral. The rejoneadores have traditionally had “Don” (or “Doña,” for women) attached to their names, which denotes an aristocratic rank and recalls the early days of bullfighting when nobles deemed dismounted kills as beneath their dignity. This form of mounted bullfighting is called rejoneo.

    By the 18th century, bullfighting’s popularity had grown sufficiently to make bull breeding financially profitable, and herds were bred for specific characteristics. In fact, many of the royal houses of Europe competed to present the fiercest specimens in the ring. The lack of a spirited native stock of bulls is one reason why corridas never fully took root in Italy and France.

  4. One of the most famous female bullfighters is Conchita Cintrón. The Chilean fighter killed over 750 bulls during her illustrious career that spanned from 1936 to 1950. Cristina Sánchez fought in Madrid for the first time in 1993, and became a symbol of female bullfighters during the 1990s.

  5. Naturally, several Spanish cities have streets named after him or statues in his honor. Hemingway discovered a passion for bullfighting in Spain in his early 20s that stayed with him his entire life. When he took his own life in 1961, after battling physical and mental health issues for many years, tickets for an upcoming bullfight were found ...

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  7. Apr 2, 2019 · Concha y Sierra, note the mixed colouration of the hide, so common to the breed. The most famous story about the bulls of this hierro is about the 21st of June 1917 when the great Juan Belmonte faced the bull Barbero. Watching from behind the barrier was his friend and rival, the ill-fated genius of toreo Joselito.

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