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  1. Nov 21, 2023 · God's word is very clear in telling us that all men and women are created equal. Read these Bible verses about equality to learn how to love everyone no matter what their age, color, race, ethnicity, or gender.

    • Created in God’s Image (Genesis 1:27) According to Genesis 1:27, God created all humanity in His image. So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
    • Marred by Sin (Romans 5:12) Though created in God’s image and blessed to live in Paradise, Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate the forbidden fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 3:1–24).
    • Judged Impartially (Romans 2:11) All humanity stands guilty before God deserving judgment. Scripture teaches that God is an impartial judge. As the apostle Paul put it in Romans 2:11, “God does not show favoritism.”
    • Chosen to Bless the Nations (Genesis 12:1–3,7) In Genesis 12, the biblical narrative turns from the nations to one nation — Israel, the descendants of Abraham.
    • Out of The Ark
    • From Babel to The World
    • Race Or ethnicity?
    • Not A Scale of Humanity
    • Genetic Variation Is A Gift from God
    • Racial Equality Is Not from Man But from God

    The people of God spread across the Middle East, every single person sharing one feature in common: Sin so ugly that God decided to wipe them off the face of the earth. He would start again with Noahand his sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth. After the floodwaters receded, these men fathered the ancestors of the new nations as described in Genesis 10. “Ha...

    Scripture’s account of the Tower of Babel follows swiftly on the heels of the post-flood dispersion account. In Genesis 11:2, we read that “people migrated from the east” and “found a plain in the land of Shinar,” which is north of the Persian Gulf in what would become “Babylon.” Nimrod and his people decided to settle and build a tower. God saw th...

    The words “race” and “ethnicity” were conflated in the 18thcentury. The meaning of race morphed from “‘tribe, nation, or people regarded as of common stock’ to ‘an ethnical stock, one of the great divisions of mankind having in common certain physical peculiarities’ by 1774.” Today, “race is understood by most people as a mixture of physical, behav...

    God’s plan for unity was always vibrant and exciting: We see in Revelation the “fourfold formula of tribe, language, people, and nation, [which] stresses the ethnic diversity of the people of Godwho will worship around the throne.” “All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, Lord” (Psalm 86:9). The curse upon Ham in Genesis 9:2...

    “From a biological standpoint,” we were madewith “the potential for ethnic expansion” thanks to the marvelous “mechanism for variation [...] packaged within the human genetic reservoir” by our Creator. Certain traits persist in groups where there is less intermarrying, creating “a more static set of traits” than in “an incredibly rich genetic pool....

    “Equality isn’t a man-made, modern, social justice theory.” It is built into our DNA by the Father of all nations, God Almighty. “God has given each of us dominion over the works of His hands, equally.” Whenever the topic of race comes up, the theme of racism follows close behind. Atheists and adherents to other religions sometimes say the Christia...

    • Created in God’s Image (Genesis 1:27) According to Genesis 1:27, God created all humanity in His image. So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
    • Marred by Sin (Romans 5:12) Though created in God’s image and blessed to live in Paradise, Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate the forbidden fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 3:1–24).
    • Judged Impartially (Romans 2:11) All humanity stands guilty before God deserving judgment. Scripture teaches that God is an impartial judge. As the apostle Paul put it in Romans 2:11, “God does not show favoritism.”
    • Chosen to Bless the Nations (Genesis 12:1–3,7) In Genesis 12, the biblical narrative turns from the nations to one nation — Israel, the descendants of Abraham.
  2. Sep 8, 2016 · The Bible teaches that there is one race: the human race. All people are descended from the same historic parents and are created in the image of God. Each person, regardless of race or culture, has inherent dignity and worth as God’s creation and image bearer.

  3. Jan 4, 2021 · When the Bible describes the many different people groups of the ancient world, frequently it is speaking in terms of what we refer to as ethnicity rather than race. As J. Daniel Hays points out in his book From Every People and Nation: A Biblical Theology of Race , the term ethnicity is flexible enough to encompass language, nation of origin ...

  4. The Christian message is clear: ethnic prejudice is morally reprehensible. It is wrong. The Roman world was filled with racism. The interior of Anatolia (modern Turkey) was filled with tension between the Romans, the locals and the immigrants (Jews in the south and Celts in the north).

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