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    • Waiting patiently

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      • In summary, the concept of tarrying in the Bible highlights the importance of waiting patiently, seeking God’s guidance, and trusting in His perfect timing. Tarrying is a spiritual practice that leads to deeper faith, growth, and alignment with God’s plan for our lives.
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  2. Jan 4, 2022 · Answer. To tarry is to intentionally wait for an expected event. Synonyms of tarry are wait, linger, and delay. The word is first used in the KJV Bible in Genesis 19:2 when Lot invited the two visitors to Sodom to “turn in, I pray you, into your servant’s house, and tarry all night, and wash your feet, and ye shall rise up early, and go on ...

  3. The biblical meaning of “tarry” signifies perseverance, patience, and obedience in waiting for the Lords timing. It conveys the importance of remaining steadfast and faithful in our journey of faith, trusting in God’s perfect plan.

  4. Short Definition: comely. comely, dwelling place, fold, habitation, pleasant. place, sheepcote, stable, tarried Or (feminine) navah ... /hebrew/5116.htm - 6k. Library. Why is it that Our Lord Has Tarried Till Now? Why Has not the ... ... Chapter Five The Imminency of the Redeemer's Return 4. Why is it that our Lord has. tarried till now? ...

  5. Oct 28, 2023 · Tarry appears 52 times in the Bible and in the context of the Bible, tarry is often used to refer to times when people must patiently wait for God to act on their behalf. This is helpful to remember, especially in difficult times.

  6. Feb 7, 2024 · The notion of tarry in prayer emerges as a fundamental aspect of a fervent prayer life, advocating for a believer’s devoted time and presence in God’s service. Scripture highlights the practice of tarrying, painting it as an active, dynamic state of expecting God’s intervention and favor.

  7. What does “tarry” mean in the Bible? In the context of the Bible, “tarry” refers to waiting patiently or lingering in expectation. It emphasizes the idea of remaining steadfast and persevering in faith while awaiting God’s guidance, timing, or fulfillment of His promises.

  8. ... to spend or take time, delay. Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: chronizo Phonetic. Spelling: (khron-id'-zo) Short Definition: I delay, tarry Definition: I ...

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