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Dec 31, 2023 · The recurring phrase 'one fine day' serves as a beacon of optimism, suggesting a moment of clarity, revelation, or transformation. It signifies the potential for positive change, even in the darkest moments.
These two are divorced, each with a child, afraid to commit to someone else, and living very hectic lives. One fine day, they accidentally meet at the school where their kids go to school and during the day they keep meeting, however they hate each other and don’t want to see the other ever again.
Aug 10, 2023 · The song "One Fine Day" by David Byrne & Brian Eno seems to convey a message of hope and resilience in the face of adversity. The lyrics suggest a sense of longing and introspection, as well as a recognition of the challenges and battles experienced in life.
The chorus, “One fine day, One fine day,” serves as a mantra, a reminder that better days are ahead. It is a powerful statement of optimism and resilience. Even when faced with darkness and uncertainty, there is always the possibility of a brighter future.
- About Genesis
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 6
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 8
- Chapter 9
Many people think that Moses wrote Genesis. If he did, otherpeople probably helped him. And if he did, he may have used some of the wordsof previous writers. The people who wrote Genesis wrote it in the ancient*Hebrew language. This language is like the modern *Hebrew language, whichpeople speak in the country Israel today. The word ‘Genesis’ means...
God creates the earth
Verse 1 ‘The sky and the earth’ means everything. God made the sky andthe earth out of nothing. Before he did that, only God existed. ‘To create’ means to make something that is completely new. Thischapter uses the word ‘create’ in only 3 verses. In verse 1, God created thesky and the earth. In verse 21, he created the first animals. In verse 27, hecreated people. Verses 3-4 God made light because it would be necessary later. Later, hemade plants. Plants cannot grow if there is no light. Late...
God creates animals
Verses 20-21 God created animals. Animals were a new kind of living thing.They were quite different from plants. Animals have minds. Minds were a newkind of thing. Some of the animals lived in the sea. Some large animals livedin the sea. Some of the animals that God made were birds.
God creates people
Verse 26 People are images of God. This does not mean that man’s body islike God. Man’s body is like an animal. But man’s spirit is like God. And so mancan know God. God said, ‘Let us make people.’ He did not say, ‘I will makepeople.’ Perhaps he said ‘us’ because he is 3 persons. He is the Father and theSon and the Holy Spirit. And he is also one God. But it is more likely thatthis is not the reason. The *Hebrew word that means ‘God’ is like a pluralword. Perhaps that is why God called himsel...
God rests
Verse 2 When God had created everything, he rested. That means that hedid not create anything else. It does not mean that he did no more work.Genesis tells us that God did many more things. Verse 3 Many people nowadays keep one day in each week special. Some keepthe first day special, because Jesus Christ rose from death on the first day.Other people keep the seventh day in each week as a special day.
The garden in Eden
Verse 4 Chapter 1 told us the story about how God made everything.Chapter 2 tells us more details about how God made people. And it tells usabout the garden that God made for his people. Verse 5 The plants that man needed for his food were not growing. Therewere two reasons for this. · Therewas not enough water for them. But God could send that. · Therewas nobody to look after them. And man could do that. So God sent water (in verse 6) and he put man in the garden (inverses 7-8). God’s work a...
God makes woman
Verse 18 A ‘helper’ means a person who will work together with anotherperson. It does not mean a servant or a slave. We know that because the word‘helper’ can mean God. Exodus 18:4 says, ‘My father’s God was my helper.’ Andthe *Hebrew word for ‘helper’ is the same word. Verse 19 God had told man to rule over all the animals. (See Genesis1:28.) So God did not give names to the animals. God let man do that. Verse 20 ‘Adam’ is a *Hebrew word that means ‘a man’. It is also the nameof the first ma...
Adam and Eve do an evil thing
Verse 1 An ordinary snake could not do what this snake did. The devil,who is called Satan, used the snake to speak to Eve. Genesis does not mentionthe devil, but other parts of the Bible mention him. (See Revelation 20:1-3.) Verse 2 The woman started by saying what God did allow. God allowed Adamand Eve to eat almost all the fruit that was in the garden. (See Genesis 2:16.)The snake said only what God did not allow (in verse 1). There was only onetree that they must not touch. But the snake m...
God accuses Adam and Eve
Verse 8 Adam and Eve knew that they had done a wrong thing. Their wrongdeed separated them from God. They did not want to meet God. That is why theyhid themselves. But they could not hide from God. If we do a wrong thing, our wrong deed separates us from God.Then we need God to forgive us. We need to ask him to forgive us. He willforgive us because Jesus has taken the blame for our wrong deeds. Verse 9 ‘Where are you?’ God knew where they were. But God said thisbecause he wanted them to speak...
Adam and Eve leave the garden
Verses 20-21 Adam and Eve had turned themselves away from God. What they haddone spoiled God’s plans. But it did not change God’s *command. God had said,‘Have large families. Increase so that you fill the earth.’ (See Genesis 1:28.)So Eve was still the mother of everyone who would be born after this time. And Godprovided clothes for them so that they could continue their lives. The name ‘Eve’ is like the word that means ‘alive’. Verse 22 When Adam and Eve had eaten the fruit, they knew someth...
Cain kills Abel
Verse 1 Eve said, ‘By the *Lord’s help’. So Adam and Eve still knew God.And God still helped them. But they did not meet God as they had done in thegarden. Verse 5 We do not know why Cain’s *offering did not please God. These aretwo possible reasons. · Perhapsthe reason was that Cain did not offer an animal. Later, people killed sheep orcows as *offerings to God. These *offerings were important because they weresigns of Christ’s death. Christ died as an *offering to God. · But,if that was a r...
Cain’s family
Verse 17 Cain certainly had many other sons and daughters before he builtthe city. He built the city after he had lived in Nod for many years. Verses 17-18 This Enoch is not the same person as the Enoch that Genesis5:18-24 mentions. And this Lamech is not the same person as the Lamech thatGenesis 5:25-31 mentions. Verses 18-22 We do not know whether this list of names is complete. Perhaps itleaves out some names. The word ‘son’ in the Bible sometimes means ‘grandson’and it sometimes means ‘*d...
Lamech speaks proudly
Verse 24 Lamech repeated what God had said about Cain. (See verse 15.) ButLamech said that he punished more severely than God does. He meant that he wasstronger than God is. Lamech was proud of this. But God did not punish himimmediately.
Adam’s family
Verse 1 When Genesis describes two families, it first describes the lessimportant one. And after that, it describes the more important one. So itdescribes the family of Adam’s son, Cain, in Genesis 4:17-22. And in thischapter, it describes the family of Adam’s other son, Seth. Cain was older thanSeth. But Cain was less important because he was not sorry for his evil deeds. This chapter describes God’s work and man’s work. God’s work wasto create man. (See verses 1-2.) Man’s work was to increa...
People are very wicked
Verse 2 We do not know who ‘the sons of God’ were. Some people suggestthat they were *angels. Those people think that 2 Peter 2:4 tells us this. Butperhaps the ‘sons of God’ were *descendants of Seth who married *descendants ofCain. Verse 3 Two different meanings of this verse are possible. · Somepeople think that God made people’s lives shorter. People’s lives had been muchlonger than this. (See for example Genesis 5:27.) Instead of that, people’slives after this time would be 120 years or l...
God decides to save Noah
Verse 9 ‘There was no blame on him.’ This does not mean that Noah was perfect.He had certainly done things that were wrong. But he was a good man. And Godhad forgiven any wrong things that Noah had done. Verses 11-12 When God made everything, it was very good. (See Genesis 1:31.)But when Noah lived, everything was evil. This change started when Adam and Evedid not obey God. (See Genesis 3:17-19.) The effect of their deed spread toeverything. Verse 14 The *ark was a very big box that floated o...
God tells Noah what he should do
Verse 1 God chose Noah from among the people who were alive at that time.God chose Noah so that Noah could live a good life with God. Verse 2 ‘Clean’ animals were ones that people ate. For example, peopleate the meat of sheep and cows. So sheep and cows were ‘clean’ animals. Therewere some animals that people did not eat. So they were not ‘clean’ animals. Many years later, God gave to Moses a list of ‘clean’ animals and‘unclean’ (not clean) animals. (See Leviticus 11:1-47.) In Noah’s time, pe...
The flood begins
Verse 7 ‘Noah went into the *ark in order to escape.’ Noah and his familywere safe because they were in the *ark. They had done what God told them todo. We shall be safe if we are ‘in Christ’. We must trust Christ, asGod tells us to do. So the *ark helps us to know about Christ. Verses 8, 14 For ‘clean’ animals, see the comment on verse 2. Verse 21 Many years later, Jesus Christ used this event to teach people.It tells us about the end of the world. (See Matthew 24:37-39.) Before theflood, pe...
The flood ends
Verse 1 ‘God remembered Noah.’ This does not mean that God forgot Noahuntil this time. It means that at this time God acted to help Noah. Verse 4 ‘Mount Ararat’ means the mountains that are in the east part ofthe modern country Turkey. Verse 7 A raven is a black bird that can live on mountains. It can eatdead animals. There were dead animals on the mountains. So the raven foundenough food and it did not return to the *ark. Verses 8-9 A dove is a bird that likes to live in valleys. The dove re...
God makes an agreement with Noah
Verses 4-5 God began to teach men that blood is especially important. Later,he taught this to men in other ways. (See Exodus 12:7, 13.) Blood is especiallyimportant because it is a sign of Jesus’ death. Jesus died so that he couldremove our blame. When he died, he gave his blood for us. Jesus has saved thosewho trust him. Jesus’ blood is a sign that he has saved them. Verse 6 People are very important to God. He said clearly that no-one maykill a person. And God explained an extra reason for...
Noah and his sons
Verse 18 ‘Canaan’ in this chapter is a person’s name. After this, *Canaanis also the name of a country. Verse 20 A vine is a kind of plant. People make wine out of the fruits ofvines. Verse 24 ‘Then he knew what his youngest son had done to him.’ But Noah’syoungest son was Japheth. And what Japheth did was not wrong. And verse 25shows us that Canaan had done something wrong. So ‘his youngest son’ may meanNoah’s grandson, Canaan. The *Hebrew word for ‘son’ also means ‘grandson’. Andso the word...
English Standard Version. 1 My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory. 2 For if a man wearing a gold ring and fine clothing comes into your assembly, and a poor man in shabby clothing also comes in, 3 and if you pay attention to the one who wears the fine clothing and say, "You sit here in ...
People also ask
What does one fine day mean?
Where did the phrase 'One Fine Day' come from?
What does the phrase 'One Fine Day' mean in pop culture?
Why do some people keep the first day a special day?
Jun 25, 2023 · "One fine day" suggests a day in the future when something positive is anticipated to occur. What Does "One Fine Day" Mean? The phrase “one fine day” means suddenly on some unspecified or unremarkable day. It is often used to introduce a story or an event that happened unexpectedly or surprisingly.