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  1. Symbols representing physical quantities, units, mathematical operations and relationships, astronomical bodies, constellations, and the Greek alphabet.

  2. Standard Grade Physics course together with: the symbol used by SQA. the SI unit of the quantity (and alternative units included in the course) the abbreviation for the unit used in Credit level examinations. In General level examinations full words are used for the units of all physical quantities. Table 2.

    • 143KB
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  3. List of symbols and abbreviations Lecture Physics of materials, H. S. Leipner 2001-09, last revision 2008-09 a Slip a Fundamental lattice translation vector A Area A Constant A Prefactor a0 Primitive lattice vector a Reciprocal lattice vector a 0 (First) Bohr radius A 0 Cross section a 1;a 2;a 3 Basal lattice translation in the hexagonal lattice a

  4. Symbols for physical quantities and symbols for numerical variables should be printed in italic (sloping) type, while descriptive subscripts and numerical subscripts are to be printed in roman (upright) type.

    • 437KB
    • 75
  5. Prefixes should be used where appropriate. include pico (p), nano (n), micro (μ), milli (m), kilo (k), mega (M), giga (G) and tera (T). Use of the appropriate number of significant figures in final means that the final answer can have no more significant value with least number of significant figures used in the.

  6. symbols (such as j, exp, Cu) are used to indicate mathematical operations, chemical elements etc. Frequently occurring technical phrases are commonly rendered as abbreviations (such as e.m.f., p.d.). In circuit diagrams, graphical symbols identify network components and devices.

  7. Fundamental Physical Constants — Extensive Listing. Relative std. Quantity Symbol Value Unit uncert. u. r. UNIVERSAL speed of light in vacuum c;c. 0299792458 m s1(exact) magnetic constant . 04π 107N A2. = 12:566370614::: 107N A2(exact) electric constant 1/ . 0c2 .

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