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      • In Islam, Jesus (Arabic: عِيسَى ٱبْنُ مَرْيَمَ, romanized:ʿĪsā ibn Maryam, lit. 'Jesus, son of Mary ') is believed to be the penultimate prophet and messenger of God and the Messiah sent to guide the Children of Israel (Banī Isra'īl) with a book called the Injīl (Evangel or Gospel).
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  2. Apr 9, 2019 · Prior to the appearance of Jesus, belief in the coming of the Messiah has been a basic and fundamental part of traditional Judaism. It is part of Maimonides’ Thirteen Articles of Faith which are considered the minimum requirements of Jewish belief.

  3. May 20, 2019 · “YHWH is a Tetragrammaton or God’s given name in the Old Testament but Bible scholars cannot agree on exactly how this name of God was or is to be pronounced. Islam: Based on The Original Arabic Quran. Most English Bibles are translated from Greek. That is the reason behind using “Theos” and “Kurios” in some versions.

    • He was born under a date palm tree by a freshwater stream. Regarding his miraculous birth, Allah says: ‘So she (Maryam (as)) conceived him and withdrew with him to a remote place.
    • He was born in spring or summer time. Undoubtedly, much of the western Christian world believes that the Prophet ‘Isa (as) was born on 25th December. Muslim scholars have said that he was most likely born in spring or summer, based upon the previously mentioned ayah
    • He was sent to guide the Children of Israel. In the Noble Qur’an, ‘Isa (as) addresses the Israelites as ‘Ya Bani Israeel’ - ‘O Children of Israel’. Israel was a title of the Prophet Ya’qub (as), who had 12 sons from which the 12 tribes of Israel originate from.
    • The Prophet Muhammad (saw) visited his birthplace. On Al-Isra’ wal-Mi’raj, the miraculous Night Journey and Ascension, the Angel Jibril (as) instructed the Prophet (saw) to dismount Buraq and pray in certain locations between Makkah and Al-Quds (Jerusalem).
  4. Question: In Christianity, Jesus is considered the Messiah, which means the anointed one and savior. In Islam, he is also the Messiah. The Christian asks what is the Savior trying to save us from if not from the original sin?

  5. YHWH or Yehova or Yahuwa all mean the very same thing. "Ya" is a vocative and an exclamatory particle in both Hebrew and Arabic, meaning Oh! And "Huwa" or "Hu" means He , again in both Hebrew and Arabic.

  6. The combination YHWH (يحوح or يهوه) does not form a valid word or phrase in Arabic (AFAIK) and does not appear in the Quran and Hadith. Similarly the pronunciation Yahweh [apparently disputed?] is again not found in the Quran and Hadith and there are no reports of the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) using it.

  7. Jan 1, 2008 · This article investigates whether these terms refer to the same sovereign God, emphasizing that “Jehovah” and “Jah” are Hebrew terms that mean “Allah.” It highlights the Islamic belief in Allahs perfect attributes versus the imperfect traits attributed to God by Jews and Christians, such as the notion of rest after creation and ...

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