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    • Catherine Winter
    • Realization That You’re Interested In This Person As More Than A Friend. This often strikes out of nowhere and leaves you with your jaw hanging somewhere around Antarctica.
    • Preoccupation. The person you’re falling for is constantly in your thoughts. You overfill your coffee cup because you’re thinking about them, your eyes glaze over in class or during a meeting at work because you’re trying to determine your next step.
    • Idolization. Everything they do is just so cute, isn’t it? Yeaaaah. It is. It REALLY is. Also known as “the smittening,” this stage turns you into a quibbling mess of heartsick jelly that’s just oozing with delight about everything your partner does.
    • Awkwardness And Insecurity. This is where you’re getting seriously involved with the person, but you’re still uncertain about exactly how they feel about you because you’re too nervous to discuss it, so you’re awkward and flustered and you worry about what you say (BREATHE) and think that they probably believe you’re a complete idiot and did they notice that you forgot your deodorant today omg you better not hug them too closely (BREATHE) but if you don’t hug them then they might think you don’t really like them as much as you do but you don’t want them to think you smell and and and (PANICKED BREATHING)…
    • Overview
    • They don’t try to talk to yo
    • They don’t remember the little things about yo
    • They don’t try to touch yo
    • They don’t listen when you tal
    • They’re dating other peopl
    • They don’t get jealous when you date someone els
    • They refer to you as a frien
    • They’re not curious about your social lif
    • They don’t flirt with yo

    When you’re hardcore crushing on someone, the last thing you want to hear is that they’re not into you in the same way. (Trust us, been there, done that.) But knowing for sure that the apple of your eye doesn't return your feelings can help you let go and move on sooner. (Who knows, maybe you'll even meet someone better!) If you’ve been crushing on someone and you’re starting to suspect they might not feel the same way about you, this article is for you. We’ve compiled a list of expert-backed signs that the person you’re into doesn’t feel the same way. Check them out below.

    This article is based on an interview with our licensed relationship therapist, Alysha Jeney, owner of Modern Love Counseling, and the co-founder of The Modern Love Box.

    Check out the full interview here.

    Observe how they act around you: do they treat you like they treat everyone else? If they don’t act like you're special, they’re probably not interested.

    If they like you… they’ll talk to you.

    They’ll go out of their way to chat, to learn more about you, to talk about themselves, to develop a real connection. They’ll probably try to make you laugh and they’ll laugh at all your dumb jokes in return. They might even come up with excuses to talk to you, like asking, “Hey, did you get the homework done?” If they don’t go out of their way to talk to you…it might be a sign to

    Someone who likes you will

    know this. When they drop their pencil in class, you see where it rolls. When they said their favorite color was toothpaste-green, you made a mental note. You notice everything about them—and if they like you, they’ll do the same.

    How many times do you have to repeat yourself for them to remember what you’ve said? How many times do you have to remind them that no, you still haven’t finished watching

    yet so please don’t give away any more spoilers? Love is attention, and if they can’t spare it for you, they’re not worth your time.

    Craving intimacy is a sign of affection.

    Flirtatious shoulder brushes, delicate elbow grazing, high-fives masking the desire for intimate physical contact—what’s more delicious than stolen touches from your crush? If your crush likes you in return, they’ll likely go out of their way to subtly touch you.

    Then again, if you notice your crush seize up and spring away from you when you come close, that could be an indicator they like you

    and are extremely anxious about it.

    If they like you, they’ll hang on your every word.

    To be fair, not listening when you talk doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t want to date you, but why would you want to date someone who doesn’t pay attention when you speak? You deserve someone who hears you, really hears you.

    Having a crush is the best thing in the world—except when it’s the worst! All those lovey-dovey butterflies can quickly turn into nervousness. Suddenly, you're stuck analyzing their every move, wondering whether or not they like you back. Luckily, we’ve got the perfect quiz for you! Answer these questions, and you'll learn to identify the secret signs that your crush is into you, so you can stop worrying and start loving. Take this quiz to finally get your answer!

    Totally—they tag me in posts and always comment on mine with inside jokes.

    Yep. We don’t interact publicly, but I get sooo many DMs of memes from them.

    Yeah, we like each others’ posts but that’s it.

    If they’re not single, they’re probably not interested in seeing anyone else.

    Arguably the biggest sign that they’re not into you, though nothing is for-sure. If you

    know your crush likes someone else

    or is actively dating another person, it’s a sign they probably don’t have eyes for you.

    Healthy jealousy is an indicator they want you for themselves.

    Sure, you don’t want your crush to be angry and possessive, but seeing you with another romantic interest will likely spark some insecurity in them. If they don’t display any unease when you make eyes at someone else or go out on hot dates with other people…it’s probably because they aren’t interested themselves. It sucks.

    An admirer will let you know you’re more than just a bud.

    solid relationship began as a friendship. But if your crush consistently refers to you as their pal, their friend, their study buddy…it might be a

    sign they want to keep you in the friendzone

    It can be super tough

    getting over a crush on a friend

    , but try to appreciate the relationship you have with them. If they're a close friend, you might even be able to talk to them about your situation.

    If they dig you, they’ll want to know who you spend your free time with.

    They’ll ask you about your weekend plans—who you’re seeing, what you’re doing. They’ll probably try to subtly ask if that close buddy of yours is

    Smiling, teasing, and having fun with you are signs they’re into you.

    If they don’t do these things, it’s possible they’re just nervous, but it’s also very likely they just aren’t interested in doing them. You deserve big-time flirting, dear. Grinning, tickling, laughing, teasing, light touches—all of that, and more.

  1. Jun 24, 2022 · Here are ten signs that it’s the real deal and you are, in fact, falling in love with someone—so you can declare your feelings with confidence. 1. You know them well (or at least pretty well).

    • Katie Arnold-Ratliff
    • Their Pupils Are Dilated. One way to spot a budding connection is by looking the other person in the eye and casually noticing if their pupils seem small or large.
    • They Aren't Blinking As Often. Another eye-related giveaway is how often they do (or don’t) blink. If it seems like the person has been staring for quite a while, that’s a good sign.
    • They Can’t Stop Fidgeting. When someone is feeling attracted, they might pull some nervous behaviors, like playing with an earring, rubbing their fingers together, or stroking the side of their neck, Karinch says.
    • They Angle Their Bellybutton Towards You. It may sound strange, but you’ve seen it before: “Two people sitting at the bar and instead of facing forward, one person’s chair is angled toward their partner,” Margaret Stone, a licensed therapist and dating coach, tells Bustle of another example of body language when someone is attracted to you.
  2. Sep 7, 2023 · Key points. Infatuation often leads to sacrificing your values and needs for a relationship. Genuine love involves mutual respect and support. Deep commitment and...

  3. Feb 20, 2024 · Although most people can probably think of a situation where they felt they didn't deserve the love, praise, or compliments others were giving them, if you frequently find yourself feeling inferior...

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  5. Love can be defined as a deep affection or attachment towards someone or something. It goes beyond mere attraction or infatuation and involves genuine care and concern for the well-being of the object of our affection.

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