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Give students a list of the language features they will need to explore in the exam. Students study the list in pairs, then ask the teachers questions to clarify understanding.
UNIT 2 (2 hours) 40% Section A (20%) – Reading (40 marks) Understanding of at least one description, one narration and one exposition text, including continuous and non-continuous texts, assessed through a range of structured questions. (35 marks) This section will also include an editing task focusing on understanding
1. In your answer you need to include what the writer says and what this tells you about what/who you are being asked to discuss (evidence and explanation); 2. Each point should be backed up with a quote; 3. Think about HOW the writer says something as well as what is said.
Jun 27, 2015 · I have to consider state standards, our curriculum, kids’ strengths and needs, and the list goes on. Fortunately, over time, I’ve come up with a process to make my planning more efficient. So in today’s post, I’ll walk you through the step-by-step method that I use to plan a writing workshop unit.
GCSE ENGLISH LANGUAGE UNIT 2 Reading and Writing: Narration, Description and Exposition SPECIMEN PAPER 2 hours ADDITIONAL MATERIALS Resource Material. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Use black ink or black ball-point pen. Answer all questions in Section A. Select one title to use in your writing in Section B. Write your answers in this booklet.
the last sentence, connects to the introduction, leaves the reader with something to think about, acts as a summary of the paragraph
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writing skills. 20 marks are awarded for communication and organisation; 15 marks are awarded for writing accurately. You should aim to write about 350-500 words. Choose one of the following for your writing: [35] Either, a) Write an account of a time when you had to look after an animal.
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