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  1. Jan 1, 2003 · The Bible, the Qur'an, and Science is an objective study of the Old Testament, the Gospels and the Qur'an. This book seeks to spiritually unite by highlighting...

  2. Nov 23, 2020 · This book is the first of two volumes that aim to produce something not previously attempted: a synthetic history of Muslim responses to the Bible, stretching from the rise of Islam to the present day. It combines scholarship with a genuine narrative, so as to tell the story of Muslim engagement with the Bible. Covering Sunnī, Imāmī Shī'ī and Ismā'īlī perspectives, this study will ...

    • Martin Whittingham
    • November 23, 2020
  3. Of the many passages in the Bible, I shall single out the silence: – in reverence before the God in the Temple: The Lord is in His holy temple; let all the earth keep silent before Him (Hab. 2:20). – of thoughtfulness, as when: the man held his peace to know whether the Lord made his journey prosperous or not (Gen. 24:21). – of the sagacious and wise person who is a master of language ...

  4. Jul 22, 2019 · 4.3 Ishmael in the Qur’ ā n. Ishmael has a more prominent role within Islam and the Qur’ ān. than he does in the Bible, and there is quite a difference between his. characterisation in Islam ...

  5. The Islamic Bible. Sotirios Despotis. Islam, as the chief Biblical and revealed religion, accepts the historical position of "Heavenly Books," namely, the books of the Holy Bible inspired by God: The Torah, the Psalms, and the gospel. Initially, Muslims saw the Bible as a text inspired by God, and that is why many of them turned to it, so that ...

    • Sotirios Despotis
  6. The easiest way to learn about Islam is to learn about Mohammed. His biography is called the Sira, and this book is a condensation of it. THE ISLAMIC BIBLE—THE TRILOGY Islam is defined by the words of Allah in the Koran, and the words and actions of Mohammed, called the Sunna. The Sunna is found in two collections of texts—the Sira ...

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  8. Bernard McGinn IV. Islam In Islam, Adam and Eve are involved together in God’s provision in the garden, in the temptation to eat of a forbidden tree, and in the consequences of their action. Eve’s name does not appear in the Qur!ān, where she is referred to four times only as the mate (zawj) of Adam.

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