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  1. Sep 24, 2019 · Christian apologist Andy Bannister says there are three questions he commonly receives from Muslims when preaching to the growing Islamic community in the U.K.

  2. What this approach does is merely perpetuate the trope of the unthinking, radical, fundamentalist Muslim – one who has no history and politics, but only zealotry that cannot be...

    • All Muslims Are Arab
    • All Muslim Women Are Oppressed
    • All Muslim Women Wear Or Must Wear The Hijab to Be Practicing
    • The Quran Encourages Muslims to Commit Acts of Violence Against Non-Muslims
    • Muslims Want to Wage Holy War by Way of Jihad
    • Muslims Worship Allah, Their Own Special God
    • Muslims Don’T Believe in Jesus Or Respect His Teachings
    • Muslims Want to Bring Sharia to The West
    • All Muslims Must Take Accountability For The Actions of Muslim Terrorists

    Islam started in the Middle East, but has since spread all over the world. From the Rohingya in Myanmar, to the Uyghurs in China, and Bosniaks in the Balkans, Muslims are an extremely diverse community and do not come from a single region. Although many people use the terms “Muslim” and “Arab” interchangeably, it is not accurate to do so. “Arabs ar...

    Patriarchy and the oppression of women are issues that exist in all communities, not just Muslim ones. “This is a common one we get, and it speaks to the ignorance and lack of context about Islam,” said Zainab Chaudry, spokeswoman for the national headquarters of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). “Islam granted women rights to an ed...

    The hijab is a veil covering the hair that some Muslim women wear in order to practice modesty. “The reality is that according to survey research, about half of Muslim women in the US wear it and half do not, it’s an even split,” said Mogahed of the ISPU’s findings. While some governments, like those of Saudi Arabia and Iran, have made the hijab ma...

    Claims that Islam encourages violence against non-Muslims are usually the result of people isolating verses from the religious texts that grant Muslims the right to defend themselves. “Cherry-picking verses from any religious text, including the Quran, and isolating them from their broader context and misapplying them to justify or condone any kind...

    In the West, the term “jihad” is often used interchangeably with “holy war.” But that’s not what it means. Jihad is an Arabic term meaning “to strive” or “to struggle.” In the context of Islam, it means to work toward becoming a better Muslim. There are two types of jihad, inner and outer, with the former being known as the “greater jihad,” and can...

    Allah is the Arabic word for “God,” not a special and specific god that Muslims worship. “Muslims worship the god of Abraham, the same god Christians and Jews worship,” Mogahed said. “Christian Arabic speakers call God ‘Allah’ as well.”

    Jesus is a prophet in Islam, just as Muhammad is. The notion that Muslims do not believe in Jesus is one rooted in the “othering” of the religious group. “Muslims believe in all of the prophets mentioned in the old and new testaments [of the bible],” Mogahed said. “Muslims see Muhammad as the final prophet, rather than the first and only, like many...

    Sharia has become a bit of a dirty word in the West, and is sometimes interpreted as incompatible with democracy. That couldn’t be further from the truth, Chaudry said. “Sharia is a set of guidelines that are taken from the Quran and teachings of Prophet Muhammad that are designed to help Muslims live a moral and ethical way of life,” said Chaudry....

    The collective blame of the Muslim community following the actions of terrorists is “immoral,” Mogahed says. “It’s unethical and bigoted to blame an entire group for the actions of individuals,” she said. “It says that unless and until we condemn acts of terrorism, then by default, we are guilty.” “The idea that Muslims have to do that or it’s fair...

  3. Twenty years after 9/11, ignorance about Islam and an “othering” of its adherents continue to be driven by tropes. Here are the most common: 1. All Muslims are Arab. Islam started in the ...

  4. Zainab bint Jahsh reported that Allah's Apostle (ﷺ) got up from sleep saying: There is no being worthy of worship except Allah; there is a destruction in store for Arabia because of turmoil which is at hand, the barrier of Gog and Magog has opened so much. And Sufyan made a sign of ten with the

  5. The trope alleging that Islam and Muslims are culturally incompatible with Western society has been circulating for one thousand years. It is rooted in religious conflict and the divisive language use to encourage Christians to fight against Muslim during the Crusades (1096–1291).

  6. How could the Qur'an be confirming the Bible if the Bible has no intrinsic validity? The historically fixed enmity between Muslim and the people of the Book, the expansion of Islam into Christian territories, Christian denial of Mohammed, the Crusades and colonialism increased the distrust and suspicion of each other.