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SUPERPOWERS. This is a vocabulary worksheet that is easy to use when working on superpowers, superheroes and usually it is associated with "can" and "can't".
What is your superpower: a reading comprehension. This ws is to empower your students! We all have a superpower - or we can work at it! - Ask them to consider what theirs is, or what it might be if they work at it.
Superheroes and Super Powers. This is a worksheet I use when teaching 'can' and Super Powers. The students love creating their own Superhero and are keen to tell the class about their creat….
Print super hero and super powers flashcards for the ability to fly, shoot lasers, see through walls, shrink and more. There are also small game cards, bingo cards, handouts and worksheets to match. These are great for talking about abilities and using the conditional and subjunctive tense.
Oct 16, 2012 · Here's a free (print-it-yourself) Super Grammar poster and three activity worksheets, compliments of our good friends at Scholastic. All you need to do is download the high-resolution PDF file and print!
Read about superheroes then do the exercises to help you practise your reading in English.
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POWERS. Scan to review worksheet. Expemo code: 1AFG-A18G-SM4. Warm up. Part A: What superpowers would you like to have out of the following and what would you do if you had them? The ability to control fire. The ability to become invisible. Incredible superhuman strength. The ability to stretch your body into any shape you want.