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  2. 1. Chickens are highly social. The first thing that you must know about chickens is that they’re social birds. Unlike larger birds like eagles and albatrosses that prefer to live on their own most of the time, the chickens enjoy company at all times. 2. Humans domesticated chickens 8000 years ago.

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    • Female chickens are called hens, males are called roosters, and babies are called chicks.
    • A group of chickens is called a flock.
    • Roosters have the important job of looking out for predators, and of course, waking everyone up at the crack of dawn. Cock-a-doodle-do!
    • Chickens are able to communicate in their own “language” which contains more than 30 different sounds. - Bwak!
    • Chickens Have Good Memories, So Good That Theirs Could Rival Those of Elephants.
    • Chickens Understand Who’s Boss, Sometimes More Than Humans do.
    • Chickens Can Survive Up to 25 Years in The Wild!
    • Chickens Can See Better in Color Than Humans!
    • Chickens Are Smarter Than Human Toddlers!
    • Chickens Lay Different Colors of Eggs, Not Just White.
    • Chickens Are Related to The Fearsome Tyrannosaurus Rex!
    • Chickens Make Adorable Pets, Even More Adorable Than Cats Or Dogs

    If you keep chickens at home, you have probably observed how good these animals are at remembering things. Just like dogs, cats, and primates, they can complete complex tasks, demonstrate self-control, and even learn by observing other chickens. They even worry about the future. What’s most interesting about them is that they can pass on their cult...

    If you’ve seen a chicken picking on other chickens and pecking them incessantly, it’s not doing it just because it’s a bully. Chickens have social structures called “pecking orders.” This is a natural process they have to work out among themselves and determines each of the bird’s individual roles within the brood. These animals know who’s boss. Ho...

    In their natural environment, chickens can live up to 25 years. Unfortunately, chickens bred in captivity today do not live to see more than 60 days, as they are routinely killed as soon as they are ready to be eaten. You will seldom see a chicken aged ten years and above nowadays, but this bloggerclaims to have a New Hampshire bantam cochin mix th...

    Aside from having three eyelids, chickens have excellent eyesight, too! They can see color shades better than humans and can even move each of their eyes independently. What’s more, they have a 300-degree field of vision! They use this incredible ability mostly for keeping track of time, watching out for predators, and of course, finding food.

    Despite their poor reputation, chickens are not at all stupid. In fact, they are more intelligent than human babies and toddlers and can exhibit that intelligence within just a few hours of getting out of their egg! According to study, it takes children until the age of four or five to accomplish the same feats that chickens can do. Such feats incl...

    Depending on breed, chickens can lay blue, green, and even pink eggs, and not just white or brown. Leghorn chickens, for instance, lay white eggs. Orpington’s, on the other hand, produce brown eggs, while Ameraucana lay blue eggs. If you want to see pink eggs, you should go and breed Croad Langshan instead. Other colored egg layers include Cream Le...

    How cool is that? A chicken, which is a seemingly weak and dumb bird is related to the all-time favorite tyrant lizard, the T-rex! It may be too far fetched, but analysis of protein found in the remains of a 68-million-year-old T-rexconfirms that it indeed shares common ancestry with chickens. In light of this “terrifying” discovery, perhaps people...

    We’ve talked about how chickens are smarter than human babies, and they may also be smarter than dogs in some ways, and more adorable, too! If you’re allergic to fur, then a chicken would make the perfect pet for you. They’re intelligent and can be trained, too. Most breeds are generally docile and are ideal even for children. They are also very so...

    • Chickens can run at 9MPH. A chicken can run a mile in about six minutes and forty seconds with a top speed of nine miles per hour. This will vary depending on the breed, fitness level and disposition of the individual chicken.
    • Chickens do not sweat. In general chickens are better equipped to handle cold weather rather than hot weather. This is mainly due to their feathers. In order to cool down they will drink water or flap their wings to get rid of some body heat.
    • There are more chickens than humans in the world. How many chickens are there in the world? There are currently more than twenty billion chickens in the world.
    • Brown eggs cost more than white eggs. Some people believe that brown eggs cost more than white eggs because brown eggs are more nutritious or are organic.
  3. Ethology, the exploration of animal behavior, has uncovered remarkable information about chickens that could captivate children. Contrary to common misconceptions, chickens are not just simple-minded creatures; they exhibit intricate social structures, known as the ‘pecking order,’ in which every chicken understands its hierarchical position.

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  4. Oct 10, 2022 · Chicks Are Smarter Than Babies: Facts About Chickens. Object permanence is the ability to understand that objects still exist even if they are not visible. Human babies can typically grasp object permanence at around seven months- however, baby chicks develop this ability sometimes in as little as 2 days old.

  5. Dec 13, 2023 · Chicken Facts for Kids Chickens Come in Many Colors. Chickens aren’t just your regular old white or brown. They actually come in a rainbow of colors! Some chickens are red, some are black, and others can even be a mix of colors. And guess what? Some chickens even have feathers on their feet! Imagine having feathered slippers…how cool is that?

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