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  1. parts used in forming medical terms. 2. Use your knowledge of word parts to analyze unfamiliar medical terms. 3. Describe the steps in locating a term in a medical dictionary. 4. Define the commonly used word roots, combining forms, suffixes, and prefixes introduced in this chapter. 5. Use the “sounds-like” pronunciation system

  2. Mar 18, 2022 · Contribute to this Page. Medical Terminology for Healthcare Professions is an Open Educational Resource (OER) that focuses on breaking down, pronouncing, and learning the meaning of medical terms within the context of anatomy and physiology. This resource is targeted for Healthcare Administration, Health Sciences, and Pre-Professional students.

  3. This allows the physician to actually see on a TV monitor the inside of the tract and to identify ulcers, irritations, tumors, etc. Upper Endoscopy: The scope is used to examine the esophagus, the stomach and the duodenum (the first part of the intestine). Colonoscopy: A scope is used to examine the entire colon.

  4. CBC = complete blood count. Chem 7 (or Chem 8, 14, 20) = chemistry panels of 7,8,14,or 20 chemistry tests. BMP = basic Metabolic Panel. CMP = complete Metabolic Panel. LFTs = liver function tests. ABG = arterial blood gas. UA = urine analysis. HbA1C= diabetes blood test. Medical Terms by Body System.

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  5. a strategy for decoding medical terminology and unfamiliar words in the English language. Word Parts . If all three word parts are present in medical terminology, they will be in the order of prefix root word suffix. Look at the following example to understand the function of each word part: anti-bacteri-al

  6. medicine that blocks out sensation used to prevent pain in a part of the body <during surgery or other medical procedure>. doctor specialised in anaesthesia. analgesic. painkiller. analgesic, intraspinal. painkilling medicine injected into the spine. anaphylactic reaction (shock)

  7. Slide 6. Here’s an example of how each is used. The first word is cardiology. The word root is cardi (pronounced CARD-ee) which means heart. So our term cardiology means study of the heart. The second word example is tachycardia (pronounced tacky-CARD-ee-uh). The prefix is tachy (pronounced tacky), which means fast.

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