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  1. What does Mark 15:38 mean? "Torn" is from the Greek root word schizo. The only other time it is used in the book of Mark is right after Jesus' baptism when the heavens tear open and the Spirit descends on Him like a dove (Mark 1:10). "And a voice came from heaven, 'You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased'" (Mark 1:11).

    • 6 Mean

      What does Mark 15:6 mean? The "feast" encompasses the...

  2. When Paul was to be offered as a sacrifice for the service saints, he could joy and rejoice, Php 2:17; but it is another thing to be offered as a sacrifice for the sin of sinners. At the same instant that Jesus died, the veil of the temple was rent from the top to the bottom.

  3. Joseph of Arimathea requests Jesus' body from Pilate and lays it in a tomb, witnessed by Mary Magdalene and Mary mother of Joses. Mark 15 recounts the harrowing final hours of Jesus Christ - His trial before Pilate, His crucifixion, death, and burial.

  4. The curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. And when the centurion, who stood there in front of Jesus, saw how he died, he said, “Surely this man was the Son of God!”

    • The Temple Curtain’s Purpose
    • Why Was The Curtain Torn?
    • Why It Was Torn from Top to Bottom
    • Conclusion

    The veil was a long, woven curtain that was purple, scarlet and blue. This curtain or veil was for the purpose of separating the Most Holy Place which held the Ark of the Covenant and the Mercy Seat. Sitting on top of the Ark was a gold lid. This was the place for the propitiation of sins by the sprinkling of the innocent sacrifice’s blood. Only th...

    Jesus died at the exact moment that the sacrifice for Passover was held. At that same time that Jesus breathed His last breath, the temple veil was rent. The veil’s being torn, by God Himself, symbolized the fact that mankind’s separation from God had been removed by Jesus’ supreme sacrifice at Calvary. Since Jesus was without blemish, without sin,...

    The veil was not a small curtain like you see in some movies. The veil was 60 feet long, 30 feet wide, and was four inches thick. The veil was so massive and heavy that it took 300 priests to manipulate it. An important point here is that no one could simply tear the veil themselves. It would take more than human strength to tear it. The analogy is...

    The significance of the veil being torn from the top down, and the fact that was torn, is that Jesus’ sacrifice makes it possible for us to come to God the Father. Our sins no longer separate us from Him. Today, for those who put their trust in Jesus, we have access to God. Second Corinthians 5:21 explains that, “God made him who had no sin to be s...

  5. Feb 13, 2024 · The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke all detail the veil being torn, a noteworthy occurrence. In the Gospel of Matthew, the narrative unfolds this way: “And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and yielded up his spirit. And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom.” (Matthew 27:50-51)

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  7. Apr 2, 2021 · Amid a tumult of apocalyptic events, this curtain “was torn” (passive voice) from “top to bottom,” with both details hinting at God’s direct intervention from heaven. He tears the curtain that guards his presence.

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